
Mar 03, 2005 21:54

I see no changes all I see is racist faces ( Read more... )

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A little more on that note. jamie_brooke March 5 2005, 06:09:06 UTC
Dont worry beautiful one day people will wake up and notice that they hold no superiority to anyone. They obviously are to blind to realize that we all do the same things we all laugh, smile, love, hate, hope, cry, get mad, feel, need, hurt, try, ect... we all have hands, feet, hearts, brains, eyes, and noses, and every other part that makes up the human body (God willing nothing bad happen)So what makes us different really? Skin, the outer most part of the body? Isn't that no better then judging someone on what clothes they are wearing? When people stop looking at people from the outside they will realize that they have over looked so many wonderful people. I can't say that dating black people is something I have done or do because Im too afraid of loosing my family (seeing as i probably have one of the most racist dads)but don't think there haven't been times when I've though about chancing it all. people need to wake up and open their eyes. Ever person is just a person, stop being shallow and get over the exterior color.

Oh and this boy Robert and I are working on on a utopia project in english where we have to create our perfect place and in my utpoa everyone is mixed so there is no race that thinks they are superior and what not. because for real lets face it though, mix kids are the cutest kids in the world, and you better trust if i dont marry some one of a different race i will adopt mixed or black babies,

And also, Im not sure who kaitin is writing about that pissed her off so i dont wnt you to think that this is directed toward anyone, its just some thoughts that i have about it = and her subject gave me an opportunity to express them.

In defense of that person, sometimes racial things come out of peoples mouth with out them even realizing it was racial. since that is the way a lot of us were brought up sometimes it just happens and it just needs to be pointed out to be corrected. im not saying that its an excuse but im sure peoples intentions a lot of the time are based solely on racisim. just tell them if they choose to change they change if not one day it will come around karma will get ya.


Re: A little more on that note. kaitlinkane March 5 2005, 10:06:30 UTC
Jamie definitely uses words a lot better than I do! And I am sooo happy you commented (I was hoping you would!). This was not directed to anyone in particular, just events that have been accumulating and I needed to express my thoughts on them.

The hard part is though, when I did confront someone about it, they said it wasn't a racist remark. It's just tough.. and I KNOW I'm not going to change anyone, I just want people to realize what they say when it comes out of their mouth, and take responsibility for it.

<3 ya Jamie!


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