Feb 16, 2005 18:12
Last night was rough. Full of emotions that I now realize were crazy. I now know why I acted the way I did last night (the red tide sucks ass! lol...) But I want to thank a few people for being there.
Trey- I don't know what I would have done if you were'nt online when I first got on. I Love You for always being there for me and listening when noone else will. Words can't explain how much you mean to me. <3.
Jesse- One favor down, 2983475982752 million to go! Thanks for listening.. and caring. It means a lot to still have you to talk to. Thank you Jesse Cole Cornwell. <3.
Bryant- You give the best realistic advice ever, and I thank you tremendously for that. Thank you for being there to give me a hug when I need it the most. (your hugs are my FAVORITE!) I Love You Babe!
Dana & Elyse- Thank you girls from the bottom of my heart. You two are probably the strongest people I know, and I respect you guys so much for that. I thank you for always being there for me, and both of you know I am always here to talk to. Even though we don't talk ALL the time, I will be here no matter what. <3.
Thank you to everyone who helped me last night. I appreciate it tons. Thank you for caring =].
<3 always, Kaitlin