Title: Broken

Apr 19, 2011 22:10

Title: Broken
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: The Mentalist
Summary: for ruuger who wanted The Mentalist, Jane(/any), It's a very small thing that finally breaks him.
Type / Pairings: Gen, slight Jane/Lisbon
Main characters: Patrick Jane, Teresa Lisbon, Grace Van Pelt
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentioned deaths
Spoilers: NA
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

It's a very small thing that finally breaks him.

Though he made a good show of it, anyone who knew Patrick Jane was aware that his devil may care attitude was a mask disguising a tormented man. The deaths of his wife and child left him a mass of raw nerves, simmering beneath the thinnest veneer of charm and flash. His false smile fooled those unaware into thinking he hadn’t had a hole ripped in his heart, wasn’t the human embodiment of aching anger and guilt.

By the time the CBI team got to the crime scene, the bodies had been taken away by the medical examiners and, since there was a lot of ground to cover, they moved around the massive house.

Grace happened to be in the hall when she heard an odd choking noise and looked away from the room she’d been preparing to enter to see Jane standing in another doorway. He seemed frozen in place, all color drained from his face and eyes locked on something.

Curious, she approached, following his line of sight and flinching. It was a little girl’s room, all pink and happy. But that innocence was marred by the bloody bed. Jane however was staring at the dresser, at a small jewelry box with a ballerina spinning atop it.

It was a really common thing. Lots of little girls had them. Hell, Grace was pretty sure there was one still on the dresser of her childhood bedroom back in Iowa.

Hers lacked the smear of blood on the dancer however.

Before she could ask if Jane was okay, he bolted, moving a lot faster than he usually did. She followed him to the front door, but stopped when she saw him duck into one of the SUV’s and slam the door, much to the confusion of other officers on the scene.

Lisbon had caught some of the flight and asked, “What was that?”

“I don’t know, boss,” Grace replied honestly. “He was looking into the girls room and just…”

“Oh,” Lisbon said, face softening with sympathy. Stripping off her gloves, she continued, “Tell Cho I’ll be out at the car.”

Grace nodded and returned to her job. Later, she had to fetch something from the trunk and what she saw made her gladder than ever that she didn’t have Lisbon’s job.

The senior agent was sitting in the backseat beside Jane. He was crumpled over, back shaking and wretched sounding sobs echoed through the car. Lisbon was running a hand up and down his back, but was unable to do anything to sooth him.

Grace mouthed a question to Lisbon, asking if there was anything she could do, but the brunette shook her head.

There was nothing either of them could do. Jane had been broken years ago. He was just usually better at hiding it.

Comments, pretty please?

the mentalist, fic

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