Title: The Inter-Agency Convention From Hell Chapter 9 -- Eureka

Apr 04, 2011 16:42

Title: The Inter-Agency Convention From Hell Chapter 9 -- Eureka
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: Eureka
Summary: A convention. It had to happen sooner or later.
Type / Pairings: Nothing obvious
Main characters: Jack Carter
Rating: PG
Warnings: Epic randomness
Spoilers: Could be anything
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes: Okay, the idea of this fic has been stewing in my brain for a while, so I’ve got a plan. Each chapter is going to be from the POV of someone from one of a long list of tv shows involving police or agents or military people, and they’ll be observing the goings on around them. Expect lots of humor and insanity. Have fun trying to ID the multitude of Fandoms :) Also, there’s no sense of timeline continuity or even real reason for some of the teams to be there! Don’t try to make sense of it, lol!

Chapter 1 -- Hawaii Five-0
Chapter 2 -- Criminal Minds
Chapter 3 -- Bones
Chapter 4 -- Hawaii Five-0
Chapter 5 -- Eureka
Chapter 6 -- Hawaii Five-0
Chapter 7 -- Hawaii Five-0
Chapter 8 -- Hawaii Five-0

On a good day, Life in Eureka left you feeling only mildly insane. Over the years, Sheriff Jack Carter came to embrace that…interesting and sometimes ulcer inducing lifestyle. But sometimes he had a craving for the normalcy he had known pre-Eureka.

So, upon setting off to the convention, he thought it might be nice to spend some time surrounded by normal folks that shared some of his professional interests. Maybe he’d even find some baseball fans.

That delusion was quickly shattered. Some of the folk he’d seen made Eureka’s citizens look like paragons of peace and sanity.

A few of the people sitting at his table seemed to agree with him. Devlin, the fair haired London detective, seemed as boggled by the melee as Jack was. His wide blue eyes were observing Reid, the young FBI agent, who seemed torn between psychoanalyzing Crews, a lanky red headed detective whom had done 12 years in maximum security prison, and Jane (despite the name, a guy), a CBI consultant whose family had been slaughtered by a serial killer.

The other British man, Owen, seemed to have tuned everyone out and was playing with his cell phone. The sound of Plants vs. Zombies was identifiable from across the table.

There were only two women in their group, one of whom, Vala (in an undisguised, combined effort with Jane), had reduced their team leader Binky (not the only Binky in the room apparently. Where the hell did they find these people?), to a cringing lump on her chair. The other woman, Dr. Brennan, was trying to watch them all, occasionally commenting. Sometimes, the things she said were a little…off.

He’d had a brief conversation with Marshal Raylen Givens about common career paths (Sometime it seemed to jack that his Marshal career had been a lifetime ago), but after a while Givens had nodded and tipped his hat down over his eyes to take a nap. Yes, he was wearing an actual cowboy hat.

That left Jed Garrity, one of the dark haired NTAC twins. He was pleasant and had a dry sense of humor, but to Jack he was the most unnerving of the group. He and his mirror image were dead ringers for Deputy Andy, minus the ever present, manic grin. Jack was determined to find out if it was some freaky coincidence, if Andy had been based off of their looks or if they were robots too….

Damn, he missed the Eureka headaches. At least he’d gotten used to those.

Out of left field, Dr. Brennan turned her head to Devlin and commented, “You have extremely symmetrical bone structure. Very pleasing.”

He blinked, then after a brief pause replied, “Thank you?”

Jack could hear the question in the younger man’s tone, but Brennan didn’t seem aware of it.

Fortunately for all involved, a loud tapping echoed through the room. The woman whose clothes looked like the fabric incarnation of Pepto Bismol had retaken the stage and was poking the microphone. “Today’s group activities have come to a close,” she announced, looking far less cheerful than she had earlier in the day. “Please feel free to have a drink and mingle before leaving for dinner.

Thank God.

They were only one table away from the bar, so they beat the rush. As Jack snagged a couple of beers, he heard a short, blond guy mutter, “No, no, no…he is not making friends with Mr. Ginsu….” before hustling off, another guy on his tail.

Following his line of sight, Jack saw two tall men talking, one of whom was holding a large, viscous looking knife. Strangely enough, as the blonde guy elbowed his way through the crowd to stop by the man with close cropped hair, the other man, with a slightly receding hairline stopped by the man with the dreadlocks.

Both of the shorter men exclaimed, “Oh my God, what are you doing? I can’t take you anywhere….”

Then they did a comical double take at each other.

Jo appeared at his elbow and gratefully took the beer he offered her. They pushed their way through the throng of people trying to dull the days inanity with a shot or two of something and, once they reached a safe distance, she turned to face him and ask, “Do you get the feeling that a lot of the people here are a little…weird?”

“Yes,” he breathed, glad she saw it too. “Have you seen the Andy clones?”

She nodded. “There’s a third wandering around too. Are they…like Andy?”

“I don’t know,” Jack admitted, then said, “If they are, we should get their programmers to talk to ours, because the one in my group was much mellower than Andy?”

“Mellower than when he has robo-sex with your house?”

Jack grimaced and looked down at her smirking face. “I try never to think about that.”

Chuckling, she said, “Oh, hey, there are these two guys in my group who look like they could be your brothers. Any chance papa was a rolling stone?”

With a snort Jack shook his head, then paused and sighed. “Anything’s possible, I guess. So…have fun with your team today.”

She rolled her eyes in response. “Please. The only entertainment was waiting to see if Gibbs and Larabee would ditch the tare off and throw down. They didn’t.”

“Miss home yet?”

“Yeah. You?”


Nearby, Vala, the loud woman from Jack’s group had snagged another of the Andy look alikes, this one in jeans and a white button down shirt, no tie. “See!” she declared, pointing across the room, at his mirror images. “Like I told Daniel, a limited but interesting gene pool….”

She trailed off as the disconcerted man hushed her and towed her towards the knot of their colleagues. He said something, causing them all to turn and look across the room…after which they retreated to a corner to have an even more hushed and furtive confab.

That…was unsettling.

“Are the hairs on the back of your neck prickling?” Jo asked with a weary sigh.

Jack nodded. “Like when something gets loose from Section 5.”

Clearly she agreed, frowning down into her nearly empty drink. Then she visibly brightened. “It’s not our job to deal with it, whatever it is!”

“That’s right!” They’d be able to stand back and watch the carnage as observers. Surely it would be more interesting than whatever the event managers had planned for them. “Want another beer?”

“Yeah. I’ll get us some good seats.”

Maybe they’d find out the story behind the Andy clones without having to do the legwork themselves. That would be a nice change.


People in Jack’s group:

Vala Mal Doran
Spencer Reid
Raylen Givens
Charlie Crews
Patrick Jane
Temperance Brennan
Jack Carter
Jed Garrity JR
Matt Devlin
Owen Harper

List of Fandoms that have or may pop up before this fic is done.

Comments, pretty please?

eureka, fic, crossover

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