A few collections of drabbles from meme’s and requests!

Aug 06, 2010 12:27

While cleaning up some files, I found several drabbles and, after some digging, realized they were responses to some requests and meme's so I thought I'd randomly post them.

Five Glimpses into the Life of Matthew Patrick Hubert Devlin -- written for
zegeekgirl ‘s birthday

1. As the second youngest of seven siblings (and thank God, Shannon (Nonnie) had come along and saved him from being the eternal baby of the family), five of whom were boys, Matt Devlin had learned young that you had to be scrappy to survive. Not that he thought Pete, Andy, Johnny or Tommy would actually kill him (Mary, the oldest, or his Mam would let them have it if they actually hurt him), but anyone with a passel of siblings knew the value of a sharp little elbow and big, innocent eyes.
Not that Mam was ever fooled by the innocent look, but it worked on people outside the home. And who would think little Mattie (always small for his age) was the brains behind a significant amount of the innocent mischief the Devlin boys got into. But, unlike a few of his brothers, he was bright enough to know where the line between dumb ass kid and juvenile delinquent lay and never crossed it.

2. When he was 12, tired of the pretty boy taunts at school and on the pitch, Matt convinced Johnny to break his nose, in hopes of messing up his face a bit. The resulting pain and only temporary roughening of his looks (as well as the swatting Mam had administered when she got the truth out of Johnny) had not been worth it and Matt then decided it was better to simply earn a reputation as someone not to be messed with.
Hell, he already knew how to take and throw a punch.

3. Aiya Nagara had been his first love. They’d met at orientation on their fist day at University, both taking core courses in general studies, as they’d been unsure what direction they wanted to hear in life. While most of their friends went trough relationships like tissues, they remained together well into their second year. Though both very young, Matt loved her with his whole and, just before the Christmas holiday, bought a small engagement ring.
The ring, in it’s little velvet box sat in his dresser to this day. A man, strung out on a nasty cocktail of drugs had stabbed her in the neck as she walked home from the library and the paramedics hadn’t reached her in time.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to prevent such a thing from happening again, but as a police officer, the idea that he might be able to save even one was enough.
Still, every month, he put a lily on her headstone.

4. At the academy, the ‘pretty boy’ taunts had reared their ironically ugly heads again, as had the questions about his sexuality, as he didn’t date much. Some wounds were still fresh. It was Nonnie who came up with a solution and proceeded to have a seemingly endless stream of her lovely young friends show up to visit him where other cadets could see them. Because of his devious baby sister he earned a reputation a as player, which earned him the respect of his fellow cadets. Sometimes he had to take a step back, look at his own gender and just shake his head, cause the taunts didn’t end, but were now tinged with some respect and a hint of resentment.

5. Hazing the rookie. It seemed to be a tradition that couldn’t be ignored but, on his first day on the job, he’d been a bit to excited to remember this fact of life. When his training officer, Stigers, had sent him running into a bar (having seen one of the miscreants from the shift briefing enter the building), Matt had barreled into the place…smack into the middle of a hen party. A hen party that had apparently ordered a copper themed stripper.
He’d practically had to fight his way out of the bar, and emerged, ruffled, red faced and embarrassed to find
Stigers howling with laughter, having been joined by several other officers. One of whom had a camera.
It had been a few years since he’d seen one of those snap shots, but he had the lingering fear that one could pop up at any time.

Responses to a music meme -- character prompts given by shanachie_quill

A. Shawn Spencer

1. Smile -- Robert Downey Jr.
Shawn smiled. He mugged. He exaggerated expressions. People were used to that and accepted this behavior with tolerant and sometime amused eye rolls. He was the clown and sometimes he felt like his smile was as fake as a jester’s red one. True, Gus and his dad really knew how he pulled off his psychic act, but they didn’t know how much it hurt.
His mind just didn’t shut down anymore, the constant stream of observations and information pouring into his head, being sorted, filed, connections made…Sometimes it felt like he’d had a headache his whole life.
But he smiled, ‘cause he was Shawn. He wasn’t the serious one, no one expected him to be. It made him shudder to think of what the pain would be like if people actually took him seriously.

2. Don’t You (Forget About Me) -- Simple Minds
The Breakfast Club. ‘Nuff said.

3. Kokomo -- The Beach Boys
He’d really enjoyed the island atmosphere when he’d worked in the Caribbean for a while. Hearing this song made him think about a particular little place where he’d tended bar and every time someone cued it up on the jukebox, which happened an average of 5 times an hour on a slow day, everyone in the place would try to sing along. The happy, drunks slurring and screaming their way through the song were some of the most free people Shawn had ever seen.

4. Witchcraft -- Frank Sinatra
There was no way was he ever going to admit to his father (or anyone else) that he could appreciate music that was recorded before 1980. It’d totally ruin his image.

5. Poker Face -- Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga was a hot, crazy mess that Shawn just knew he could learn a thing or two about theatricality from. Though he didn’t think he could pull off the shag carpet look or the thong and machine gun bra…but he was considering trying the nude body suit/clear bubbles look next Halloween. Just to see Lassiter/Gus/His dad/Everyone twitch.


B. John Sheppard

1. Hurt -- Johnny Cash
John had always identified with the man in black. Even more so after the mess in Afghanistan. Then he just tried to get through the day, pretending things didn’t bother him. Maybe if he got good enough at pretending, he’d believe it himself.

2. Boulevard of Broken Dreams -- Green Day
The Air Force had always been a way to facilitate his love of flying. They’d ignored his more minor idiosyncrasies because he was smart and excelled in the sky. But any support he’d had disappeared after the incident and he’d been lucky to be stationed in Antarctica and not cashiered out of the service. He’d actually liked the quiet.

3. Still Unbroken -- Lynyrd Skynyrd
John was a fighter. Always had been, always would be. He continued on…and was surprised to find himself really living again. It took relocating to another galaxy and facing untold dangers and constant death but he’d never been happier.

4. Moon Song -- David Berkeley
He’d fallen a little bit in love with all of them, each in a special way. His new family, brilliant, brave, crazy people who were willing to risk their lives to defend others and follow the call of exploration.
However long he lived, he’d never forget seeing Elizabeth for the first time, his startled green eyes meeting her awed autumn ones, and realizing his world had just been tipped on it’s axis and something big was about to change.

5. Crazy -- Gnarls Barkley
He did the things he’d one so others wouldn’t have to do them. And yeah, sometimes the shit he got away with was completely nuts (Rodney’d muttered about him being completely certifiable…but then again he said that about everyone, including himself), but he was still here and, a lot of the time now, he had fun while being crazy and saving the world.
It was all good.


C. Rodney McKay

1. I am Not American -- The Arrogant Worms
Really, how hard was it to grasp the concept? His on base jacket even had the helpful little Maple Leaf flag on it, but he always had to remind people that he was Canadian. Not that all Americans were awful…just most of them. Of course, there were plenty of morons in Canada too.

2. Moonlight Sonata -- Beethoven
Most of his high school career had been an exercise in tedium as he had been surrounded by students several years older but far dumber than himself. He did a lot of independent study (yes, he was that cool) and stayed after hours to use the labs. He especially liked the small, seldom used room beside the music department. Because no one bothered him…but in truth he liked the fact that he could hear Marhee Landry playing the piano next door. Everyday, she closed with Beethoven.

3. All These Things I’ve Done -- The Killers
Before the Stargate Program, his entire world had existed in the confines of academia and his mind. His incredible mind, which still hadn’t been able to even imagine the experiences he’d have when he accepted a strange job offer from an American colonel.

4. Scottish and Proud -- The Real Mckenzies
Get Single Malt in Carson and he’d belt out any number of strange, heavily accented songs. As much as Rodney had teased him about it, he’d secretly been thrilled to have a close friend with whom to get a little blitzed with on occasion…plus, his name was McKay. He was Canadian through and through but his ancestors had been from Scotland…at least he though they were. His family wasn’t big on genealogy. Whatever.

5. Because I’m Awesome -- The Dollyrots
Because he was awesome. Deal with it.

A) Lindsey McDonald

1. Rain on the Scarecrow -- John Mellencamp
It hit a little close to home, but on the rare occasion when Lindsey felt inclined to reconnect with his roots, he put on the Mellencamp and rocked out.

2. Best Things in Life - Lynyrd Skynyrd
He’d thanked any possible power in existence for giving him a sharp mind that got him into college. True, he’d had to work two jobs to pay for it (scholarships only went so far), but he knew, he just knew, if he buckled down and worked hard he’d have a better life when he was done.

3. Desperado -- The Eagles
Working at Wolfram and Hart pretty much killed any chance he had of having a social life. After a while it came as second nature, then Darla came along and messed his head up even more in that respect and he was frankly ready to give up.

4. Take This Job and Shove It -- Johnny Paycheck
It pretty much summed up his feelings about his triumphant exit from Wolfram and Hart.

5. Standing Outside the Fire -- Garth Brooks
When he’d left LA, he’d had every intention of staying as far away from anything supernatural as possible, but he soon found that impossible. So he decided to say screw it and jump back into the world, fists flying and teeth bared.

+1. Cold As You -- Taylor Swift
Okay, so he occasionally listened to Taylor Swift, not that he’d ever admit it. It was just to humiliating.


B) Spencer Reid

1. A Well Respected Man -- The Kinks
As a boy, routine had kept helped him keep sane. Between the bullying and his mother’s increasingly erratic behavior, his self imposed schedule helped him get through the days. Up, dress, school, study, home, bed. The important things.
Now as an adult, when not on a case, he still found himself following that old routine.

2. Shankill Butchers -- The Decemberists
He still had horrible dreams, made all the worse by his experiences with Tobias Henkel, but none of them compared to the fear that one day his mind would fracture and he’d succumb to the same illness his mother had.

3. The Way I Feel Inside -- The Zombies
He always figured it was better to say nothing about his feelings than to make a fool of himself. No one could laugh if they didn’t know.

4. Imagine -- Eva Cassidy
He knew the song had been made famous by John Lennon, but Spencer preferred the melodic rendition by Eva Cassidy. Her soothing voice was comforting, like he imagined a mother’s singing a lullaby would be.

5. Let It Rain -- Amanda Marshall
Sometimes he felt like something inside was driving him on, keeping him just strong enough to continue working a job that exposed him to horrors he’d become increasingly blasé about. Perhaps it was a self defense mechanism, chasing others whose demons had escaped allowed him some control over his own.

+1. Party in the USA -- Miley Cyrus
What? It had a catchy beat, but he’d never hear the end of it if Morgan ever found out.


C) Kevin Ryan

1. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling -- John McCormack
Some of his earliest memories were of Mam singing to him at bed time or any time he took a tumble and ran to her with scrapped knees and tears. He’d been a bit of a mama’s boy, the youngest in the family and the only son and he’d never once doubted he was loved. Hearing this song gave him a safe, warm feeling, even all these years later.

2. Fair Ireland -- Peter, Paul and Mary
Da took him along to the pub on occasion and he’d play with Declan and Moira O’Keefe while their fathers and some others from the neighborhood talked about things the children were too young to understand. As Kevin and the O’Keefe’s played with trucks or He-Man action figures, words like martyr, tout and Tiocfaidh Ar Lá floated through the air and collections were take up to help their brothers back home.
Kevin had been born and raised in New York city, held no conscious prejudice against anyone, but he never liked the color orange.

3. Last Kiss -- Pearl Jam
He’d just begun his second year at Queen’s college, studying history but not really having any idea what he wanted to do with his life, when he’d begun dating Moira, 2 years older than him and a rookie officer in the NYPD. They’d known each other since they were children and the relationship was comfortable and warm and she was his first real love. He was always scared for her, but she loved it and felt like she was doing something that made a difference.
It had been Black Friday, responding to a 459A, when she’d been shot and bled out before the ambulance arrived.
That January, he’d transferred to John Jay and aced the police exam on his first try.

4. Superman’s Song -- Crash Test Dummies
He knew he wasn’t a superhero but sometime he felt like he was leading a double life with his family, who hated the fact that he was a detective. They’d wanted him to be a teacher, an equally respectable and badly paying profession, but one where he was a lot less likely to get killed. Still, they called constantly for updates.
And if he didn’t answer Mam’s calls, she called Esposito, who would tell her way, way too much.

5. You’re My Best Friend -- Weezer
Javi was his partner and his best friend and they’d made a connection the first day they’d been paired up. Kevin had no problem admitting he loved his partner…at least not to himself. Aloud was another story all together.

+1. Over the Rainbow -- Matthew Morrison (Glee)
Glee was a guilty pleasure, the sort of show he could watch and not have to think about it and he got hooked. The finale might have made him cry a little, but when they busted out with the ukulele, it was instant gold in his mind.

Responses to a meme: Name 3 character and I'll tell you three (or more) facts about them from my own personal pseudo-canon.

1. Sam and Dean--

a. Dean got his GED a few months before the end of his senior year of high school, around the time other kids were getting their college acceptance letters. He never told Sam or his dad bout the fat envelope from Caltech he picked up from one of their long term PO Boxes, two days before he announced he was ready to be done with school.

He told himself he made the right choice, had even believed it for a long time. Now, he’s not so sure.

b. Sam wondered, more than once, if his stint in Hell had imbued Dean’s blood with any hint of demonic tang. During the worst throes of his addiction, he had to fight the impulse to lick his brother on the occasions their hunts had left Dean injured. He was really glad he’d restrained himself, as he could only imagine Dean reacting badly to that.

c. Dean never tells Sam that he had fun with Cas during the brief time the brothers parted ways. Castiel never said a word either. Somehow Sam still knew, but he never asked, not wanting the confirmation.


2. Eliot--

a. Everyone assumes Eliot doesn’t like guns because of some traumatic experience during his career, or even as a kid.

He’d never admit the real reason. As a child, his dad, a kind, if not too bright man, had taken Eliot to see a movie a few weeks after the death of his mother, thinking the little boy would enjoy the distraction. It might have been a good idea, had the movie not been Bambi. He’d hated guns since that day.

b. No way in hell was he ever gonna admit to Hardison that he watched Dr. Who on PBS every Saturday night when he was a kid. No way.

c. When you considered everything, Eliot was the most emotionally stable member of Nathan Ford’s band of merry thieves. Hardison came in second, but, as he put it, he had focus issues. The hitter often found it amusing that he, the guy who’s job it was to hurt people, had to pipe up as the moderating voice of reason more than once.


3. Lindsey--

a. He went to college on academic and athletic scholarships, but quit baseball to concentrate on academics after Wolfram and Hart came calling. Secretly, he’d always wanted to play professional ball, even spent a summer in the Cape Cod league, but the offer of security was too good for him to pass up.

b. He spent the first year after he left Wolfram and Hart just wandering aimlessly, but got sick being harassed by their goons and cops. And this one persistent insurance investigator named Ford that kept hounding him, insisting he was some guy named Eliot Spencer. It got old real fast. Then he found his way to Tibet.

c. He was wearing a bulletproof vest when Lorne shot him. He hadn’t stayed alive as long as he had by being a gullible moron.

1. James T Kirk

a. His stepfather never laid a hand on him. Sure, he was a bit of a jerk, but he didn’t believe in hitting kids. When Frank left, his mom shipped him off to Tarsus IV to live with his aunt and uncle, just in time for Governor Kodos to take over and turn that planet into a living hell. After, back on Earth, a few of Mom’s boyfriends hadn’t been as hands off as Frank, but Jim figured if he could survive Kodos’s reign, he could survive anything.

b. He’s slept with Lily more than once, but they’ve never had sex, though Jim is pretty certain Bones doesn’t believe them. It was probably the time the older man found them naked in bed together that made him doubt their assertions of innocence, but Lily and Jim were both certain no sex had occurred. Like, 90%..okay, 75% sure nothing had happened.

c. He’s terrified when they promote him to captain, putting him in command of an entire ship full of people. Sure, he’d taken charge during the crisis, but then he hadn’t had time to think about anything beyond the immediate problem. Still, he kept up a brave front, because that’s what captains did, even when they wanted to go hide under their bunk.


2. Leonard “Bones” McCoy

a. The only reason he did not regret his marriage was Joanna.

b. He might act grumpy, but Jim amused the hell out of him. When they went out, Bones knew there was going to be entertainment, even if he didn’t always know what was going on. Case in point, the three day leave they’d taken in Mexico to relax. Somehow, they wound up running around the city covered in a mix of chocolate pudding and salsa with a goat, a drunk, Swedish little person and being chased by an inept assassin.

You couldn’t buy that sort of adventure.

c. When he saw the finalized crew roster for Enterprise, he had simply nodded. Internally, he was revising his cargo manifest, cause letting this group of yahoos loose on the universe was gonna require a lot of bandages.

And booze. Lots and lots of booze.


3. Lilah “Lily” McCoy (OC from The Journey Home and Beyond)

a. She’d gotten her first tattoo at fifteen, a cluster of stars on her right shoulder blade. Ten years later, she had a dozen more. The massive spray of flowers and vines on her thigh helped camouflage the worst of the scars she had received on Tal-Santigio, so some were useful as well as decorative.

b. The first time Leo brings his buddy Jim to visit, Lily can see that he’s something special. He makes Leo laugh, something that was quite difficult since the evil bitch monster of death (aka Jocelyn) had shown her true nature. Plus, he’s adorable and has a little twinkle in his eye that promises something fun.

c. Her relationship with Chris Pike isn’t the sort of affair that ends in a life long commitment, so she was surprised how much she missed him when Enterprise shipped out.

1. Morris O’Brien

a. He was a lot happier at the shoe store than he was at the CTU.

b. When he lost his job, he knew, before she even suggested it, that she would go back to the CTU before she went to the civil sector.

c. He knows she loves Jack. He knows Jack loves her. He pretends not to have a clue.


2. President Allison Taylor

a. She tried to visit Olivia in prison at least once a month. Olivia refused to speak to her.

b. When Henry left her, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of relief.

c. She knew they were in deep shit when Hastings said Jack Bauer was involved. She’d read all the classified and redacted reports and knew the man had an uncanny ability to turn up in the middle of events that could only lead to Armageddon. Fortunately, she was smart enough to know he usually had a positive effect on the outcome.


3. Teri Bauer Jr.

a. She didn’t want to hurt Mommy or Daddy’s feelings, but she thought Jack did the best bear voices when he read Goldilocks to her.

b. She was the reigning Hide and Seek champion at her school.

c. Mommy thought she wanted to be Cinderella when she grew up, but Teri wanted to be Kim Possible!

law and order: uk, psych, castle, 24, drabbles, leverage, star trek (2009), angel, supernatural, criminal minds, sga

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