Title: Youth is the first victim of war; the first fruit of peace
kaitlia777Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: The Avengers
Summary: Prompt: So depending on which of the various different combination of years you use to do the math, Steve is like 22-26 years old, yes? I would like to see the rest of the Avengers suddenly realize just how freaking young Steve is. He's such a sound leader and amazing tactician and he's experience so much war and loss and he has is so mature/patient and has such a sense of responsibility and justice and honor...and he's the baby of the group.
Maybe set after a battle where Steve nearly dies after doing something to save the team and is unconscious and severely injured and in critical condition.
Type / Pairings: Team fic
Main characters: Ensemble
Rating: R for Tony and Clint’s potty mouths
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes: Okay, so I’m not sure if the movie verse goes by this, but according to the Captain America Wiki page “Steven Grant Rogers was born July 4, 1922, in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, New York City, to poor Irish immigrants, Sarah and Joseph Rogers” (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_America). So, if he was frozen in 1944, he’d only be 22! Practically a baby!
Youth is the first victim of war; the first fruit of peace