Title: List of Avengers Head Canon

Jul 10, 2012 20:23

Title: List of Avengers Head Canon
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website: kaitlia777@yahoo.com
Fandom: The Avengers
Summary: Just a list of my head canons for members of the Avengers and their friends. Short fics for each number will follow : )
Type / Pairings: Varied
Main characters: Ensemble
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

If the idea has been struck off, then it's been ficced!


1. Clint has some odd dietary quirks.
2. Clint suffers from hyperopia and has a 70db hearing loss.
3. Books. Clint can’t get enough of them.
4. Clint adapts to the stability of life in the Avengers Tower far quicker than he expected to.


5. Sometimes, when he’s not saving the world from Doombots, Loki’s latest attempt to take over the world or giant, rabid space ferrets, Steve likes to go down to the employee daycare of Stark Industries to help out.
6. Despite what everyone thinks, Steve is not afraid of the modern world and he has friends beyond S.H.I.E.L.D., the team and those they introduce him too.
7. Steve adores the variety of foods available, delights in sampling the dishes his friends suggest, but what he really loves is the availability of fruit.
8. Everyone is unsurprised when the press homes in on Captain America, but they are surprised by how well Steve handles all the press and PR stuff.
9. Sometimes, Steve pretends to be confused by 21st century tech that he’s mastered because the others seem to get an odd joy out of explaining things.
10. When Steve moves in to Stark Tower, he doesn’t immediately think to question how there is an entire wardrobe full of clothes tailored specifically for him already there.


11. Natasha is the one who gets the call that leads to the discovery that Sgt. James Barnes is alive and kicking in Siberia.
12. When she told Loki that love was for children, she was not lying, as she believes trust is far more important and intimate.
13. Though no one suspects her, Natasha is the one who bought Steve a puppy.
14. Once a week (supervillian attacks and corporate intrigue permitting), Natasha, Pepper, Jane and Darcy get together for a ‘girls night’ and refuse to tell the guys anything about it.


15. Thor is a lot smarter than most give him credit for.
16. When he needs some aspect of Midgardian culture or technology explained, Thor prefers to go to Clint for information.
17. Sometimes, late at night, Thor watches Jane sleep and envies her mortality.
18. When Sif and the Warriors Three visit Earth, Thor likes nothing better than introducing them to the wonders of New York and seeing all his friends bond.


19. Though he’s begun to make peace with the idea of the other guy, Bruce still really wants to ask Steve for a blood sample.
20. After knowing her for all of five minutes, Bruce respects Pepper Potts more than he could say.
21. It’s purely an accident when the team discovers a surefire way to calm an angry Hulk: Several dozen maple frosted donuts, a vat of chocolate milk and Toddlers & Tiaras on the TV.
22. Bruce has spent years dreading the day General Ross caught up with him and never imagined coming out of said encounter trying not to laugh.


23. Though he’s cut down on his drinking, Tony still drinks and sometimes he wonders if it’s considered alcoholism if he doesn’t actually get drunk.
24. He’s eaten at 5 Star restaurants the world over and places so exclusive they don’t even have names, but the most incredible thing Tony has ever eaten was prepared by the culinary tag team of Bruce, Clint and Steve.
25. When he’s in the suit, Tony’s fine, but out of the suit standing pools of water make him nervous.
26. Somehow, after joining a team of superheroes and inviting them to move in (thus making the tower an even bigger target for the many and varied crazies who hated them), Tony found a measure of peace that had always eluded him.


27. When Phil was a little boy, he tended to get sick quite often and his mother would always read him Captain America comic books to make him feel better.
28. Phil is 28 when he meets Clint and immediately realizes the archer is going to drive him crazy. He’s 32 when he meets Natasha and is certain she’s going to be the death of him. Years later, he can’t recall exactly when he realized he loved them both.
29. Phil has a lifelong aversion to mushrooms and whole tomatoes that Clint and Natasha tease him about.
30. Outside of S.H.I.E.L.D, Pepper Potts is his closest friend, as they share a kinship only they understand.


31. Pepper sees a change in Tony after the Chitauri invasion and is delighted, relieved and a little sad.
32. Because she’s a forward thinker, Pepper sees the writing on the wall with regards to Tony and Steve and has a plan.
33. It’s not saving the world, but Pepper gets a kick out of cowing pompous suits during board meetings.
34. Every Tuesday, Pepper treats herself to a pedicure because 4 inch heels (while awesome) are hell on the feet.


35. Nick has been married and divorced 2x, but it was worth it to have his kids and grandchildren.
36. Nick Fury knows where all the bodies are buried.
37. After the Chitauri invasion, Fury watches the grainy cellphone footage taken of the various Avengers and knows the council will have to allow the team to reform or face the wrath of negative publicity.
38. Depending on who has pissed him off, Fury assigns members of the team to give interviews and make nice with the press.


39. Maria is fairly sure every person she works with is fucked in the head in one way or another.
40. Occasionally, when Fury is feeling ‘funny’ he sends her off to recruit new minions…er, agents.
41. At the time of the Chitauri invasion, Maria had been entertaining the idea of fraternizing with Agent Kole and, though she did not allow herself to be distracted during the crisis, she found herself glad to see that he had survived.
42. Once, a new agent had referred to her as Fury’s secretary. Once.


43. Though she may seem mild mannered and calm, tossing Jane into the company of Tony and Bruce allowed her to really let her inner mad scientist run wild.
44. When she was a little girl, Jane dreamed of a handsome prince sweeping her off of her feet and can’t believe it actually happened.


45. Darcy takes it upon herself to make sure each of the Avengers has some harmless, silly fun every week (supervillian attacks excluded).
46. She was never sure exactly what she was going to do with her poly-sci degree, but Darcy’s damn sure working for the Avenger’s Initiative is a hell of a lot more fun than any of her other options would have been.


47. When he’s not adventuring with his comrades, Hogun enjoys tending his garden.
48. Volstagg’s favorite hobby is the Asgardian equivalent of square dancing.
49. On her visits to Earth, Sif takes a liking to the game of baseball.
50. Fandral met the great love of his life as a boy, but she died tragically young, which is why he has no desire to ever settle down.

Clint Head Canons

head canon, fic, the avengers

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