Kiss Prompt Table fics

Jun 06, 2011 21:48

Kicking my muse into gear with a few fills from a Kiss Prompt table.

Title: Good Morning
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website:
Fandom: NCIS LA
Summary: Kiss Table Prompt: Good Morning
Type / Pairings: Callen/Kensi
Main characters: Kensi Blye, G. Callen
Rating: G
Warnings: N/A
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

After a particularly grueling case, Kensi went against Sam’s advice and prodded Callen into crashing at her place for the night. Her reasoning was that her couch would be easier on his bruised and battered back than the bedroll that waited for him in his empty house.

He’d accepted when she tossed an offer of waffles into the deal.

She’d woken early to find Callen still passed out on the sofa, looking well rested beneath his bruises. That was a good thing, as it was common knowledge around the office that he didn’t sleep well. It also felt kind of nice to know he felt safe enough around her to really relax.

As she was popping the second waffle from the iron, Callen wandered into the kitchen, drawn by the smell of coffee. “G’morning, Kensi,” he murmured through a yawn. “Looks good.”

“Sit down,” she directed him and was surprised when he stepped closer and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Thanks for this,” he told her, giving her a little squeeze before sitting down and pouring coffee into each of their waiting cups.

She smiled, plating the bacon, hoping the red had receded from her cheeks before she turned to the table.

It wasn’t often she got to have a real, un-rushed breakfast and even less often that she shared it with someone.

Taking a bite of syrup covered goodness, she decided it was a very good morning indeed.

Title: Mine
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website:
Fandom: Sanctuary
Summary: Kiss Table Prompt: Licking & Jealousy
Type / Pairings: Ashley/Henry
Main characters: Ashley Magnus, Henry Foss, Will Zimmerman, Kate Freelander
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: N/A
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

Having decided that the team needed some bonding time ( outside of the usual, life-and-death situations), Will had managed to pester Kate, Henry and Ashley into a night out at a local bar. Cheap, greasy food, strong drinks and good friends…what could be better.

They even had some fun teasing each other as Will attempted and failed to flirt with a few girls (his chat-up lines were cringe worthy), while Kate got a few phone numbers herself. Ashley had never been one to date guys outside of the Abnormal world, as most normal dudes were intrigued by the amount of whether she wore, but ran like hell at the first sign that she could kick their asses.

Usually, she could count on Henry to stick with her at the table. The two of them had always enjoyed watching the increasingly soused crowds attempts to look up and laughed quietly at the strange behaviors.

Tonight however, when Henry had gone to the bar to get their pitcher refilled, he’d been accosted by a small pack of young women. One of them, a cute brunette in her glasses, lay a hand on his chest and said, “Where did you get your shirt? I love it!”

Henry looked shocked and Ashley mused that the girl’s appreciation probably had more to do with the way the shirt pulled across his shoulders and biceps than the shirt itself. He T-shirt was plain gray, with black lettering that read There’re only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand Binary and those who don’t.

She didn’t really get the joke, but Henry insisted it was funny.

As it happened, Henry’s little pack of admirers world grad students at OCTI (Old City Technical Institute) and not only appreciated the humor of his shirt, but understood it. From their fawning, it was clear that the girls had been unaware that male computer nerds came in Hottie packaging as well as the Poindexter variety they were used to.

Flattered, Henry still manage to return the beer to their table, but was immediately shoved back towards the OCTI girls by Will.

Ashley wanted to kick him for that and was in a bad mood for the rest of the night. Sensing her vibe, Kate dragged Will off to destroy him at darts, leaving Ashley to brood.

She knew she shouldn’t be upset. It wasn’t like she and Henry were dating. Hell, she didn’t even know he looked at her that way. There were times when she thought he did, but he never made a move….

It would be a lot easier if one of them didn’t totally suck at this sort of thing.

When a pink and flushed Henry finally made his way back to their table, she was unhappily stirring a bowl of pretzels with her finger. “Hey,” he said, taking in her posture. “You okay?”

“Fine,” she said, then glanced over to see Will was now watching Kate hustle some idiot at darts. “I think I’m gonna jet. I’m sure you can catch a ride with….”

“Nah, I’ll come with you,” Henry cut her off and together they elbowed their way through the crowd to reach the door.

Once outside, Ashley took a bracing breath of night air.

“Feels nice. It was hot in there, right?” Henry commented as they slowly walked towards her bike. “Sorry I kinda bailed on you guys tonight, but it’s not often I get to talk with my fellow tech enthusiasts. They told me there’s a bar closer to their campus that does pub quizzes on Tuesdays. We should….”

That was it. Go time. She had to make a move or Henry would be charmed by some chick who could talk dirty in Binary to him.

Not gonna happen.

Spinning on him, Ashley grabbed Henry by the front of his shirt and pushed him into the wall. He landed with a small, “Oomph!”, but whatever else he might have said was lost as she attacked his mouth with her own. She pinned to the wall with her body and was delighted when he grasped her hip with one hand and buried the other in her hair.

When she caught his bottom lip between her teeth and gave a playful tug, he growled softly and she shivered, noting the flecks of gold in his green eyes. Gently, she rocked her hips into his and noted his eyes weren’t the only physical sign of his arousal and that knowledge sent a jolt of pleasure through her.

“Ash?” he said her name and she hummed his husky tone. “Not that I’m complaining, but….”

“You’re mine,” she murmured, looking a broad stripe along his neck, then pausing to bite at that point when you became shoulder. He gasped ( in a good way) and she soothes the spot with her tongue before murmuring, “Not gonna let some coed move in on you.”

“Were you jealous?” His eyes were wide and thought and she glared playfully.

“You gonna tease me about it are we going home to continue this in a private setting?”

Needless to say, there was no more teasing… well, not about the jealousy thing anyhow.

Title: Shut Up
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website:
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Summary: Kiss Table Prompt: To Shut Them Up
Type / Pairings: Steve/Danny
Main characters: Steve, Danny, Kono
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

“Oh, my God! You don’t think, do you? What am I saying, of course you don’t! ‘Cuz no sane person who thinks would ever decide to intentionally drive a car off of a pier and onto a moving boat! It makes no difference that you somehow defied all known laws of nature -- seriously, somewhere a physicist is weeping, somehow knowing all the rules of science you violated by successfully landing on the deck and not sending us plunging to our doom in a watery grave! I don’t….”

As cute as Steve found Danny’s ranting and flailing, he was beginning to fear for his partner’s health, as he was growing increasingly red and the veins in his neck were bulging out. He had to do something to nip this in the bud.

Glancing around the office, he saw that they were alone, save for Kono at the computer, so Steve made the decision to act.

Stepping in close, he looked down at Danny, who changed topics mid rant. “Do not think you’re going to convince me that you had a plan by looming….”

Looming was not Steve’s current intention. He saw the surprise in Danny’s eyes when he gripped the back of his head, fingers threading through the darker blond hair, holding him still as he lowered his mouth to his partners.

For a moment, Danny went completely still, which was worrying, but then Steve felt strong hands pulling at him and Danny was the one to push his tongue past Steve’s lips.

They were both breathing hard, lips slightly red and swollen when they pulled apart, looking at each other with careful, considering eyes.

“That,” Danny said, waving a hand between them, “was unexpected.”

“But good,” Steve countered, as it had been.

“This is true,” Danny agreed, then shook his head. “But not something to be done in the office.”

“Later then,” Steve agreed, and, across the office, he saw Kono giving him a gleeful thumbs up and mouthing ‘About time!’

Huh, and here he was thinking he’d been discreet…well, at least until today.

Title: Cliché
Author: kaitlia777
Author's e-mail/website:
Fandom: Castle
Summary: Kiss Table Prompt: Hospital
Type / Pairings: Ryan/Esposito
Main characters: Kevin Ryan, Javier Esposito
Rating: PG
Warnings: N/A
Spoilers: If it’s aired in the US, then it’s fair game!
Beta: N/A
Disclaimer: Don’t own any of the recognizable character, just taking them out to play!
Author's Notes:

It was totally cliché, but Javier Esposito couldn’t care less.

Hours earlier, his world had tipped on it’s axis when he’d seen his partner, Kevin Ryan, fall, blood spilling down his face. He hadn’t responded when Javi called to him, as the blood pooled around his head.

Javi and Kate Beckett quickly took down the drug dealer who had shot Kevin. Rick Castle dove for Ryan, pressing his jacket to the fallen man’s head. As Beckett slapped the cuffs on the dealer, Javi fell to his knees, trying to rouse his partner.

It hadn’t worked.

The ride to the hospital had been terrifying and Javi nearly collapsed with relief when the doctor told him the bullet had actually ricocheted off of Kevin’s skull and he was unconscious due to the resultant concussion.

A few hours later, Javi was sitting beside Kevin’s hospital bed when he saw those blue eyes flutter open and regard him blearily.

“Hey,” Kevin murmured and raised a sluggish hand towards his head. “What happened?”

“You got shot, Bro,” Javi replied, voice thick with relief.

Blinking, Kevin considered this. “In the head?”

“Doctor said it bounced off your skull,” he replied, squeezing the hand he hadn’t really been aware he was clinging to. That Kevin was alright, awake and talking, filled him with such a rush of… something he couldn’t even put into words.

Smiling that adorable little smile, Kevin managed to chuckle and say, “Mum always told me I had a thick head.”

The smile. The bad jokes. The bruise peeking out from under the bandage on Kevin’s brow… it was all too much.

Leaning forward, Javi placed his free hand on Kevin’s cheek and leaned over him, pressing a soft but firm kiss to Kevin’s lips.

The moment he acted, he mentally slapped himself, as this was clearly crossing the partner line, but then he felt Kevin respond, felt a hand wrap gently around his shoulder.

When they broke apart, they stared at each other for a moment before Kevin tentatively asked, “Uh, what was…I mean, I just got shot in the head, so I’m a little…Did you….?”

“Yeah,” Javi said, knowing it was best to just get things out in the open. “Yeah, I did. You okay with that?”

Kevin blinked those pretty blue eyes at him and said, “Yeah…as long as it’s gonna happen again when I’m not seeing two of you. Not that that’s a bad thing.”

Javi laughed and squeezed Kevin’s hand. “Count on it, Bro. Count on it.”

So yeah, the whole near-death-revelation-of-feelings-bedside-vigil thing was a total cliché…but there was a reason clichés were clichés.

Comments, pretty please!

steve/danny, castle, ncis la, ashley/henry, hawaii five-0, sanctuary, fic, ryan/esposito, callen/kensi, prompts

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