Writing Plan to Finish Fics

May 22, 2011 21:00

So, I have an insane number of fics and have decided to make up a plan of attack. I’m sure there will be lots of little fics that pop up here and there, but these are the fics I’m working on now. Some, I’ve started typing up, others are just in notebooks, so I’ll put up blurbs of the typed stuff. Other than the first fic, they’ll probably not be done in this order, either, I was just trying to get a handle on what want to do.

#1. Castle/Sanctuary fic, as it has eaten my brain ~ DONE!
~ There were also chunks of person everywhere, too. Lanie, Ryan and Esposito were inspecting different piles of meat, bone and viscera. Professionals that they were, they weren’t getting sick, though Ryan was looking even paler than normal and Esposito hopped to the side to avoid being spattered by…yeah, that was an ear. It had been stuck to the ceiling, but had chosen to fall just as the detective was passing under it.

#2. Next chapter of The Inter-Agency Convention From Hell
~ “No! No just!” Danny turned to face Ronon, with whom Steve had barely gotten to introduce himself before being faced with an agitated New Jersy-ite. “No offense to you, but I saw you pull a knife the size of my arm out of your hair this morning and skewer a cantaloupe. Which you then proceeded to eat, skin and all. I know nothing else about you, but Steve…on a good day, I don’t think he’s entirely feral, so I can’t help but feel that him learning new skills, like how to accessorize with all things sharp and deadly, would be very bad.”

#3. Next Chapter of Body of Proof, Thanksgiving with Peter’s family
~ “Mom was thrilled,” Peter assured her the next morning as he drove them towards his parent’s home, easily navigating the busy streets. “And my sister Bonnie couldn’t have been happier. This way her boyfriend won’t be the only fresh meat thrown to the wolves.”

#4. Next Chapter, V, Love is When….
~ During the course of his life Joshua had often had the misfortune to be in the position to have to do may unpleasant things. When he was feeling particularly morose, he mused that it seemed to be his lot in life. As he walked down the street toward Agent Evans home, he knew that, once again, someone was about to be deeply hurt, as Lisa had asked him to inform Tyler’s mother of his death in person.

As the humans said, this was going to suck.

#5. Sanctuary Genderswap fic
~ Will was clearly uncomfortable with the change he’d undergone, holding his hands awkwardly away from his body as though afraid to touch himself and repeatedly having to bight back bursts of near hysterical laughter. Nikola decided he was going to have fun harassing the boy-turned-girl.

#6. Glee/Losers, Lost in Lima -- Sequel to Not You Average Lima Losers
~ Jensen didn’t seem to be in the main room, so Pooch peeked into the bathroom and, sure enough, found the teams technical genius sprawled in the tub, open mouthed beneath the dripping faucet. He was barefoot, wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt that read Adult Supervision Required. A note, scrawled on a stained napkin and stuck to the wall with a wad of gum, read FUCK OFF. I’M REHYDRATING.

#7. Next chapter of Sanctuary, Untamed
~ Something was different. Stretching, Ashley smiled at the various aches and pleasant twinges, noting that her skin felt wonderfully tingly. Henry was pressed up against her, still asleep with his face buried in her hair. One hand rested on her breast, twitching occasionally and she knew her nipple was hard in his palm. With a smirk, she rolled her hips backward and discovered that he was as ready for round two as she was.

#8. Next Chapter of Sanctuary, Snowbound
~She woke, surrounded in warmth and bathed in the glow of morning sunlight streaming in through the large windows. The view was lovely, snow covered mountain glistening like a gem. Clearly, it was going to be a fabulous day for winter sports.

At the moment though, she had no desire to move.

#9. V, Prompt: After S2 finale. Jack helps Erica with her grief (wouldn't say no to some smut in there)

#10. The Mentalist, Prompt: Jane/Lisbon. How does he make those weeks of suspension pass more sweetly for our driven workaholic? You just know she'd be tearing her hair out without some distraction! And Jane is terribly good at producing fun out of nothing.

#11. The Walking Dead, Prompt: How about Rick and Andrea from The Walking Dead doing anything out of sight of Lori

#12. Body of Proof, Badly placed crime scene doesn’t mesh with stilettos

#13. Castle, Ryan as Conrad’s muse, Esposito jealous

#14. Next Castle Girl!Ryan fic
~Most people were shocked at how easily Kevin had adapted to spontaneously becoming a woman. Most people were idiots. It hadn’t been easy at all. It still wasn’t easy, but he simply tried to deal, ‘cause otherwise he’d have crawled under his bed that first day and never come out.

So, yeah, he was adapting, but if one more person said the word easy, he was going to choke them out with his braid.

#15. Next Chapter of Criminal Minds, Alaska
~ Between the seven FBI agents, three Fort Yukon police officers and the still teary Mady Sinclair, the small Sheriff’s station seemed quite crowded. Garcia, dropped off earlier by Jim Chigliak, had already set up her equipment on Finn’s desk. The young deputy was the departments resident computer guru, which meant his computer had internet access.

#16. Law and Order UK, Wedding Date

law and order: uk, v, castle, hawaii five-0, sanctuary, the mentalist, writing, losers, the walking dead, criminal minds, body of proof

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