Title: So Much for Counting Sheep
kaitism Genre: fluffy drabble
Paring: jongkey, mentioned!jongkyung
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own Jjong. Or Key. Or Jongkey. Or Keyhyun. Or Sekyung. Or Jongkyung.
Summary: Jonghyun is Key’s sheep :D
A/N: used the writer’s block prompt, even though I don’t have writer’s block -.- It was just kinda cute, and…..yeah. Icon from
12:33AM. Almighty Kim Keybum of SHINee just couldn’t fall asleep. No matter how much he tossed and turned or lied still, closed his eyes or waited for his eyes to close for him, he couldn’t sleep. There were too many thoughts running through his head, for one, like the fact that his hyung and Sekyung noona were going out. What was this?! If you asked him, he’d tell you in a very clear and concise manner that he was very close to both Kim Jonghyun hyung and Shin Sekyung noona and that of course he knew about their relationship. But you, here, would claim that this is a lie. And, by the way, you’d totally be right.
But it wasn’t a big deal, right? Sure, Key and Jjong were close, close enough to make the popular KEYHYUN pairing (no, not Jongkey, it’s KEYHYUN). But that was it, right? They were just friends, not lovers or anything like the many fanfics claim. (Now, Key oppa, how do you know about these fanfics?) But still, noona had taken a very dear friend away from him…Kibum had every right to be a little angry…right? Because Jjong wasn’t Key’s Jonghyun anymore; he was Sekyung’s Jonghyun now.
It was this thought that kept Kibum awake tonight, and every night now, actually, ever since he heard the news a few weeks ago. Questions like How did I not know about this? and Why them? circled in wafts and waves inside his mind, but then he realized, wait, no, the question wasn’t why them but why him?! Why Jonghyun? Why not Minho or Taemin or somebody? Key knew noona had a thing for younger guys…Taemin or Minho would be a MUCH better candidate than Jonghyun! Hell, even KEY would be a better candidate for boyfriend than that occasional douchbag.
Wait, why did he even care? That’s right, he DOESN’T. So there. But he did, and the question was always, always, ALWAYS, Why him? Why my Jonghyun? It was a question Kibum didn’t have an answer for.
2:18AM. Key was still tossing and turning, wide awake. He had tried everything he could think of; he played lullabies to himself, listened to screamo rock and every other type of music, he drank some warm milk with honey, he took a few sleeping pills…nothing. worked. Oh, wait, well, what about counting sheep? Amber had told him about this American remedy for sleeplessness six months ago (before she pulled her disappearing act, to which even ALMIGHTY KEY had no explanation), and this was the perfect time to try it out.
One little sheepster jumping over the gate… Key thought to himself. Two little sheepsters jumping over the gate…three little sheepsters jumping over the gate…four little sheepsters over the gate, five little Jonghyuns jumping over the gate…six little Jonghyuns and six little Sekyungs fu-crap. Of course. Key’s eyes snapped open as soon as he realized that he was counting Jonghyuns now, and noonas now, and they weren’t even jumping over a gate, and no, no, counting sheep just wasn’t for him.
…Now what? Well, Kibum did have ONE more solution to his sleepnessness. He hadn’t used this remedy in a few weeks, no matter how tired he knew he’d be in the morning. In fact, if it weren’t for the whole dating revelation, this method would have been attempted long ago tonight, and Key might even be sound asleep now.
As quiet as he could manage, Kibum shifted out of his bed and stepped over some clothes, a book or two, and a giant SHINee bag (made and donated by a fan) and finally reached the bed that was directly across from his own: Jonghyun’s. Key slid under the covers, ignoring his hyung’s movements until, suddenly, he felt an arm around his waist.
“Hi, Kibum,” Jonghyun whispered, a thinly concealed smile in his voice. Key shuddered, but not in a bad way, like getting the willies or something. It was a good way, like getting chills when a soft autumn breeze passes by your neck. Like that. But for Key, Jonghyun wasn’t autumn; he was summer, always warm and loving and free. So different from winter, so cold and lonely and trapped in the depths of his own desires.
“Hi, hyung,” Kibum whispered back. He could feel Jonghyun’s breath down his neck and the strength of his arm around his waist. After a pause-neither awkward nor comfortable, but a pause that was just there-Key said, “I can’t sleep.”
And that was all it took. Jonghyun began singing nonsensical words and mystical melodies into his ear. Now the two were roommates and had an entire-albeit small-room to themselves, they could do this without disturbing anyone else. Not that they did this often, just when Kibum couldn’t sleep-which was very often, but still, it wasn’t like they were gay or anything for winding up in the same bed night after night. Or so Jonghyun told himself. After all, he sang for Sekyung, and singing for Key almost every night (except for the nights of the past few weeks, which Jjong thought was weird but didn’t mention it) wasn’t anything….special…was it?
Deep in thought and deep in song, Jonghyun didn’t realize that his Kibum had already fallen asleep. Also, not a mind reader, Jonghyun didn’t realize the last thought Key had before wandering into La-La Land was…he’s…still…mine.
As usual, comments are loved (: