May 19, 2007 18:06
So, I figured that i should write something more informative here, other than what i'm currently reading. So throughout the week I kept having ideas.. and then for various reasons got distracted and so couldn't be arsed to post.. so lets see what I remember?
I actually worked most of this week (shock horror!), I'm working for ProspectUs who are a temping agency, and all my paper work was sorted last thursday and then that friday they were already calling me to see if I could work, yay. Unfortunately I was going away for the weekend so I couldn't actually work on the friday when they asked. But they had something for me on Tuesday, so Tuesday till Friday I've been working for the National Council for Voluntary Organisations, NCVO, it was boring and repetitive work, but the people were very nice there, and it was in King's Cross so nice and easy to get to. So I am now an employed person.. sort of... now to tell the job centre that i no longer need them. (Thank goodness!)
Although its odd, this is the first time i've ever done proper office work, and I actually found it a hell of a lot more tiring than being on my feet in a shop all day. Around 8 hours of being on your feet all day is physically tiring, however around 8 hours of staring at a pc screen, it really kills your brain. And note on the friday I spent the entire day on the phone and not staring at the pc as much, and my brain was not nearly half as dead. So clearly Computers = bad for brains.
So see thats one reason why I didn't post this week.. I couldn't be bothered. So whats the other reason? I got my hands on the new Zelda game on.. Wednesday (I think it was wed.. it all blurs together now) and now I'm obsessing over that. I do love Link. Best facial expressions ever. Even when he's a wolf. :)
Lets see.. what else? I haven't done anything new for Librivox.. why? I got a cold two weeks ago, took a week to get over the worst of it and well this week.. throat has still been iffy and i've been working and gaming... however I shall hopefully get myself back into the swing of things soon :)