Class component is finished! Now all that's left is the 3 week practicum and I'll be FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE... go back to full-time employment. At least I ought to be able to make a bit more money?
So I got this random idea to crossover Sailormoon and Final Fantasy. It resulted in a sprite comic.
Sailor Fantasy 01 by ~
kaitekat on
deviantART There's three pages thus far (that I've worked on like a madwoman over the past week...I think. Time kind of runs together for me right now) and I'm debating on whether or not I want to continue it. On the one hand -- I keep coming up with ideas that make me giggle somewhat diabolically. On the other hand -- I'm fully aware of my attention span (or lack thereof). Well, maybe with this done, I'll be able to finish up the next bit of the fic with sparkly robots that I've had kicking around my hard drive.
IN WORK RELATED NEWS: We have an author signing with Cassandra Clare and Holly Black coming up in a few weeks. I'm debating on whether or not I ought to read any of their books. I think my manager kind of wants me to so at least someone in the Kids section knows what they're about.