Work tonight was slow, but I was working the Kids section alongside a fellow cartoon geek so it wasn't too bad. He complimented me on the Transformer sketch I'd left behind unsigned for him last week ("It was Optimus Prime in a cape; I knew it had to be you") and he then proceeded to sketch superhero versions of our Kids team. Mine is a tech geek with a visor a la Sailormercury. Apparently my powers require me to shout things in Japanese with comical results when I mess up the words. (Sometimes I think he knows me a little too well.)
I spent yesterday wandering around downtown after class, which was nice. I rarely do anything in Vancouver, despite the fact that I go out there every day for class. I stopped at the thrift store and picked up a few skirts so now I have some nice twirly skirts I can wear with my boots. Much warmer than just leggings! I also bought a crepe for the first time in ages and was mildly depressed by the price; $8 for a crepe with strawberries is highway robbery. It was pretty good, though.
I currently have a writing meme thing going on at the bottom of
this post if anyone's interested. (Gimme prompts, I'm bored!)