#26: Interitum Certamine

Jul 04, 2016 19:14

Title: ​Interitum Certamine
Rating: NC-17
Sidepairings: none
Word Count: 12,809
Warning(s): Religious themes.
Prompt: #26 devil!taemin and angel!kai are vying for a clueless human's soul. the human totally falls for taemin's innocent act so this should be an easy win for taemin, right? ...maybe. if only taemin wasn't getting way more interested in his rival than said human
Author's notes: This seemed to run away with me but I hope you enjoy it even if it is longer than I first intended.


“Taemin!” The deep voice booms over the crackling of flames.

“What?!” The younger yells with an equally loud voice.

“You have an assignment. The soul you have been trailing for the last month has just passed on.” The voice speaks now, with a clear and steady rhythm now that the two are standing close enough to hear each other properly.

“Oh really? That Jonghyun kid?” Taemin muses and his lips form a smirk. “This one will be easy,” he speaks with confidence.

“Whatever, just make sure you seal the deal okay?” His boss orders and Taemin gives a patronising curtesy in return.

“Of course, your highness.” He drawls with a crooked smile before he disappears.


“You have an assignment son” A commanding but gentle voice speaks from aloft the white podium.

“Oh really? Which one father?” Jongin asks as he flicks his brunette hair from his face.

“Kim Jonghyun. The man you have been protecting for a while now. I’m sorry. We lost this one, but we don’t have to lose his soul.” The man speaks gently as he folds his hands in his lap.

“Of course, I understand. I will go right away.” Jongin answers, rising from his knees and dusting off his white jeans. “Thank you father,” he speaks and bows in respect before he disappears into the white oblivion.


Taemin watches as the blonde haired soul wanders around, marvelling at the small stream and the rolling hills of grass. He grins as the man picks a flower and brings it to his nose to smell the sweet pollen.

“You know, you shouldn’t pick flowers. It kills them.” A voice speaks lightly with a chuckle and Taemin’s eyes snap to a heavenly figure that stands only a few metres from the wandering soul. The man apologises and looks warily at the introduction of said stranger.

“It’s okay kid, don’t listen to him. Everything here grows back just the way it was before, no harm no foul.” Taemin explains as he too walks towards the lost man.

“W-who are you? And where am I?” The man asks with slight panic in his voice.

“Whether it grows back or not, that flower was a living thing and now it has died. My point is still valid but fear not sir…” he nods towards the bewildered blonde “…you weren’t to know and all is forgiven, as it should be.” The tanned, ethereal male gives a disarming and charming smile. No, not charming. Definitely not charming Taemin decides.

“That’s neither here nor there. You people are always following by the rules. You need to live a little.” Taemin challenges and also offers his own sweet smile towards the still confused man. He walks forward, trying to ignore the other man for now, and places a gentle hand on his soul’s shoulder.

“To answer your question, you are in limbo.” Taemin explains lightly and with caution, he doesn’t want the lost soul to be scared away.

“T-that means I’m…” Jonghyun mumbles and swallows loudly.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Taemin nods his head and gives his best comforting squeeze to his shoulder.

“To answer your other question, my name is Lee Taemin and I am here to make you an offer you can’t refuse.” Taemin smiles angelically again, his apple like cheeks rising in innocence.


Good and evil, heaven and hell. Antithesis, the world is full of it. One would think that everything is black and white, that everything fits into one box or the other. That is how Jongin had always seen life on Earth. He believed in god and justice, in heaven, and that good deeds will be rewarded.

Note the past tense here, yes, those beliefs left him the moment he moved into the afterlife. Being a devout Christian his entire life quickly led him to the heavenly plane upon where he met his boss, father…god?

Jongin soon found that just as in the real world, the afterlife was full of complexities and corruption. On the surface it is easy to be blinded by the pearly white gates and gentle, wholesome smiles. It is easy to be persuaded that your new life is split into good and evil and that is it. Everyone in their rightful place, everyone co-existing and balancing each other out.

He knows differently now, but despite his growth in knowledge and his severe lack of innocence that once clouded the truth from his vision - here he is. Still vying for the soul that stands before him. His eyes widen as he watches the gentle man pluck the flower from the ground and he chuckles lightly when his mild reprimanding leads to wide, owlish eyes full of apologies.

Jongin knows he doesn’t have a choice but to go along with the life that he once welcomed in innocence and naivety. There is no turning back and there is no moving on. This is it, for the rest of eternity, this will be his life. He knows best to follow the rules and make the infinite days before him as easy as possible. Yes, he knows all of this and yet, the man who appears from beneath the apple tree, with his devilish smirk and captivating eyes has a shiver running down Jongin’s spine with the simple utterance of his first syllable. Jongin knows it is a sin, against the rules and down-right wrong on so many levels and so with the shake of his head, he returns his gaze from the red head and back towards the blonde soul.

“And my name is Jongin. I am here to guide you and help you to make the right decision.” Jongin adds in a soft voice, his angelic presence outshining the crooked smile on Taemin’s face.

“I don’t understand, what decision?” Jonghyun pleads, his head spinning from all of the new information and his feet tapping urgently against the wooden floor of the small footbridge. The red headed boy with the sinister smirk but inviting eyes stands on one side of the bridge and the bubblegum pink-haired man with the tanned skin and soft but sad eyes, stands on the other.

“Well, Jonghyun-ssi since this is limbo - the place between heaven and hell as it were - your time here is limited and you must make a choice to which side you choose.” Jongin explains.

“O-okay so…I am obviously going to choose heaven anyway, so should I just go now.” Jonghyun speaks, finally finding some confidence from deep within.

“Well…you could do that however, you see. We won’t tell you which side is heaven and which side is hell.” Taemin buts in and his smirk grows in intensity.

“Isn’t it obvious…” Jonghyun trails off.

“Looks can be deceiving my dear boy. We cannot tell you which side is which and we cannot take you without a decision. However, I must warn you that you have only a week to spend here in Limbo and if you have not made a choice by then, you will face a future in purgatory which I can assure you is a thousand times worse than either of these two choices that lay before you.” Jongin explains, his smile never fading but his eyes growing serious at the mention of purgatory.


Taemin never regrets the decision he made upon his own entry into limbo. His boss, Heechul, was the one to recruit him. He showed him all of the endless possibilities he had to offer. The freedom, the fun and the way in which they accepted everyone for who they were. Sure, Taemin misses some things. He misses his family. He misses clubbing and hanging out with his old friends and more than anything, he misses intimacy and relationships. It’s not that there aren’t people to meet and love and hang around with in his new life but they are all the same, hypocritical people that he sees on a regular basis. Possibly the only person he considers a friend in this afterlife is Kibum. Kibum is just above him in seniority but he hasn’t let this life change him like the others. He hasn’t abused his new found freedom and lack of rules. He hasn’t let it corrupt his integrity and deep down, even though he comes across as stubborn and harsh. Deep down Kibum is a true friend. Someone who Taemin has come to depend on, who will always look out for him and his safety and happiness. Kibum is kind and compassionate when the time calls and that is the one thing that Taemin is always grateful for in this afterlife.

“So…you came back alone I see?” Kibum smirks when Taemin walks into the lounge area.

“Yeah. The kid has a week to decide anyway so there’s no rush.” Taemin shrugs nonchalantly, throwing himself onto the plush, black leather sofa. His jean clad legs blend in with the seat but his stark pale knees that show through the rips in his too-tight denim jeans are a high contrast to the otherwise dull surroundings.

“Hmm…maybe. I wasn’t talking about Jonghyun though.” Kibum laughs with a raised eyebrow.

“What do you mean?” He enquires but he knows what Kibum is hinting at, they have had this discussion time and time again and no matter how much Taemin always denies it, Kibum never believes him anyway.

“You know what I mean. I saw the both of you.” Kibum chuckles because the scandalised look on Taemin’s face is worth a thousand lifetimes.

“You followed me!? Kibum! This was my assignment, you had no right.” Taemin affronts.

“Yeah well, things get boring around here and I had a stack of paperwork I wanted to avoid so…viola! I followed you.” Kibum answers with no apology to his tone.

“Whatever…” Taemin trails off, it isn’t the first time his friend has followed him and he sees no reason in continuing the pointless banter. He tilts his head back, red hair splaying like bloodied stripes against the black leather. He stares up at the grey concrete ceiling. Sometimes he misses the sun. Other times he is grateful for the dark and enclosed spaces that protect him from the onslaught of Mother Nature.

“So…how are your eyes feeling?” Kibum comments with a sly grin.

“Excuse me?” Taemin asks with a puzzled expression because last time he checked, there was nothing wrong with his eyes. He plants his heavy combat boots on the plush black carpet and rests his elbows upon his knees, sitting forward and turning his head to glance at Kibum who lounges on the three seater sofa to his right.

“I thought they might be blinded by the handsome face of that angel. Or maybe he had burnt your corneas away with his stunning bronzed skin.” Kibum answers with as much grease and unctuousness as possible.

“Shut up Kibum. We’ve been through this before. Yes he is attractive but I don’t have a crush on him. Alright?” Taemin exhales loudly, clearly tired of having the same conversation every time Jongin crosses paths with him. He removes his boots and props his feet on the matching leather buffet, his cute cartoon wolf socks betraying his stern mask and displaying his true personality.

“I’m just saying, how can a guy who practically perspires such raw, sexual magnetism NOT be on our side? I mean surely, that’s a sin right there. Keeping such a fine specimen hidden away in purity like that.” Kibum shakes his head in disbelief, a light pout lining his lips.

“Drop it, Bum.” Taemin finally snarls and Kibum obeys, sporting a mischievous grin none the less because he knows the anger from Taemin is because he is drooling over the angel and Taemin is somewhat protective over Jongin, even if he will never admit it.


Jongin watches as the red head retreats for the evening. His tight black jeans hiding nothing of his perfectly sculpted thighs. The rips in them displaying milky skin that has Jongin’s mouth drying and his eyes quickly flickering away. He returns his gaze to Jonghyun. The short male is sitting atop the grassy hill and watching the river flow below, his fingers fidget with his hospital gown and he looks dejectedly at Jongin after a while.

“What should I do? You’re an angel right? That’s why you are supposed to guide me.” Jonghyun lightly asks.

“I can neither confirm nor deny that I am an angel but I can assure you that I mean no harm and it is my duty to guide you in this big decision.” Jongin replies, it all sounds so clinical and he has uttered those words too many times to count. Each time he believes them less and less.

“Then what should I do?” Jonghyun asks again. He runs his fingers through his hair and notices how it feels cleaner than it did in the hospital before he passed on.

“I can’t make the decision for you but…” Jongin pauses and looks around sheepishly as though someone might be watching them.

“But?” Jonghyun prompts.

“I maybe shouldn’t tell you this, but I will. In my past life, my time on the earthly plane where you just arrived from, my role on that earth determined which side I would belong. All my life I had followed a certain path and never strayed from it, therefore I was ultimately granted access to where I am now. Again, I can’t tell you where I reside now but you can probably take a guess. Anyway, what I am saying is that I didn’t get a choice. You do. You are lucky enough to choose your own side and your future, I wasn’t.” Jongin speaks. His voice is as smooth and dark as his skin. His eyes glisten with unshed tears and a deep longing for something that Jonghyun can’t quite place.

“And you…you wish you had a choice? You’re unhappy with the path that was given to you?” Jonghyun asks with a frown on his features because he is pretty sure that Jongin is an angel but if that is the truth, why would he want to leave heaven?

“Hmm…I’m not ungrateful for the opportunities I have had. I get to help others and see them through, guide them in their decisions but I guess I am a little selfish. I guess I just wish I had been given the choice, even if I might have chosen this side anyway.” Jongin muses, his features pulling into a collage of pain, loss, confusion, regret, and once again longing.

“Then tell me, please. If I choose your side. What will it be like?” Jonghyun asks, he has a feeling that Jongin doesn’t want to tell him but he has to ask. He needs as much information as he can before he makes a decision.

“Well…” he clears his throat, ready for the other speech he has given thousands of times before but something in Jonghyun’s eyes, the scared and desperate look makes him falter before proceeding. “… where I am from you can help people. You can do many good deeds and as long as you follow the rules, there will be no issues.” Jongin recites like a thousand times before and he sees the worry in Jonghyun’s features slowly ebb away. “That’s where I usually stop but there is something about you…something that makes me want to screw the rules and tell you everything of my personal experience.” Jongin adds and the shock on the lost soul’s face is not lost on the angel. “Sorry… I mean… I want you to know all of the conditions and workings of my side but the rules prevent me from telling you until you choose our side. Like I said, as long as you follow the rules then your life will be peaceful and rewarding.” The angel finishes his speech and notes that the once forgotten confusion and worry has re-surfaced and Jongin thinks that he has achieved what he wanted.

“Goodnight Jonghyun, I will visit you again but in the meantime please find a cabin just beyond the trees. It is equipped with everything you might need for the next week. Please make sure to eat, relax and think carefully about your decision and today’s events. If you need anything until I arrive again, please just call my name quietly and I will hear you. Alternatively, he forgot to mention it to you but you can also call Taemin and he will also hear. Goodnight.” Jongin finishes and feels his stomach twist with the exit of Taemin’s name from his throat. He runs his hands through his strawberry pink hair and heads off walking in the opposite direction of where Taemin took exit earlier. Before he rounds the corner, he turns back to offer Jonghyun a kind and supportive smile then finally disappears over the rolling hills.


“Hey, Jonginnie! You’re later than usual.” His friend Jinki comments as they sit in the communal garden beneath a large glass dome.

“Yeah I know, the soul had a lot of questions for me” Partly true, Jongin thinks.

“Ah well never mind, I saved you some food from the dining hall earlier, do you want it now?” Jinki asks as he begins rummaging through his bag, emptying items onto the white wooden table where they are currently sat.

“No thanks hyung, I will eat when we get back to the dorm later.” Jongin answers with a smile because his friend always cares for him.

“So, do you think the new soul is going to choose our side?” Jinki asks as he stacks his books back into his white duffle bag.

“It’s hard to say really, he still has a week and Taemin still hasn’t really spoken to him much. So right now I guess my impartial advice is keeping him on the fence.” Jongin answers as he draws invisible lines across the wooden surface with the tip of his finger.

“Well, I know we have to be impartial and all that Jongin but, make sure you do your best to secure this one. I heard some chatter from around the courts today.” Jinki whispers, lowering his voice and looking around for evidence of any nearby balls of light which are circling the glass dome roof.

“What kind of chatter?” Jongin asks worriedly and Jinki abruptly shuts his mouth as an orb of light passes just five inches from their heads.

“Come on, let’s get home so that you can eat.” He speaks with a bright smile and not a hint of the earlier concern in his voice.

Silently, they both stand and Jongin follows Jinki to their dorm with worry etched into his features.


Once inside, Jinki places the container of food into the microwave and gestures for Jongin to sit at their dining table.

“Sauce?” he asks lightly and without expression. Jongin simply nods his flop of bubblegum hair in response.

“So, what did you hear?” Jongin finally asks as Jinki returns with a bowl of spicy pepper paste and places it on the table along with a steaming hot cup of tea.

“Well, I was doing some admin work for the cardinals today and when I was on my lunch break, you know, eating my pasta as normal. They had mac and cheese today by the way so I was super excited…” Jinki begins, rambling about food as usual.

“Hyung…get to the point?” Jongin asks lightly.

“Oh right yeah, so I was eating my amazing mac and cheese when I heard your name. So I decided to keep quiet and hope they didn’t realise I was there.” Jinki begins explaining.

“Who was it?” Jongin questions worriedly.

“Well, I could just hear their hushed voices from the cardinal’s lunch office but it sounded like Jiri and Seunghyun, though I can’t be 100% sure. Anyway, I heard them say that something was distracting you lately and that you haven’t secured a soul successfully on the last eight assignments.” Jinki recounted.

“We are supposed to be impartial Jinki, you know what the rules say.” Jongin defended.

“Yes, but the rules also say that you…well…you can’t tell them what heaven is like or which side you are on but it seems that they are suspicious of you. I heard the word treason mentioned Jongin. It’s not true is it?” Jinki asks, his tone filled with nothing but anxiety and worry.

“Of course not hyung. I wouldn’t do that. I agree I have been a little distracted lately but I just have a lot of things on my mind since I was given these assignment tasks. A lot of emotions are resurfacing, you know?” Jongin sighs and there is a brief pause as the microwave dings to signal that Jongin’s food is ready. Jinki swiftly brings the food from the kitchen to the table before Jongin can get up and the younger is grateful for the bowl of steaming rice, kimchi stew and beef that awaits him.

“I know what these assignments are like Jongin. I know that interacting with the other side can sometimes get to you but you chose…I mean… you were welcomed over to this side and you are a good man Jongin. Please, I care about you too much to see anything happen to you.”

“Exactly hyung, I never did get to choose. This path was chosen for me” Jongin chips in and Jinki gives him an apologetic look which Jongin knows means ‘I agree, it’s unfair’ before he continues to speak.

“You need to secure this soul because I heard them talking about Woobin.” Jinki speaks with earnest and tears in his eyes. They had promised to never mention that name again, it was in the past and it was too painful but no matter the promise, Jinki knew that Jongin had to hear it today.

Kim Woobin was Jongin’s best friend many years ago. He was finally given assignments once he had finished his induction period and then soon after he disappeared. It wasn’t until many years later, when Jongin met Jinki that he found out what had happened to his best friend. Purgatory. Apparently he was swayed by a demon girl, he fell in love with her and once the Cardinals found out, they accused him of no longer being pure and he was sentenced to the rest of his life in Purgatory.

“W-what did they say about him?” Jongin asks with a shake in his voice and a trembling hand. The stew on his spoon shivering and falling back into the bowl before Jongin can even lift it to his plump, soft lips.

“That he was your best friend and maybe he corrupted you before he left. Jiri stuck up for you, saying how you were in the priesthood all of your human life and how you are one of the purest people she knows but Seunghyun wasn’t convinced and said he will be keeping a close watch on you, just in case.” Jinki puffs out his cheeks and takes a seat opposite his friend. He places his warm and comforting hand over Jongin’s, rubbing soothing circles into the back of his hand. “I…I saw Kibum today. He was coming back from Limbo and it seems he was following Taemin. Please Jongin, be careful. As much as Kibum comes across as a good guy, he seemed awfully pleased with whatever he witnessed in Limbo so, just be careful okay?” Jinki is pleading now, his eyes watering and on the verge of tears.

“I promise hyung, nothing will happen to me. Nothing in the rules says that I need to secure a certain amount of souls. They can follow me all they like, they won’t find anything to prosecute me for. I’m not technically breaking any rules. I promise.” Jongin speaks and stands to bring his best friend into a hug.

Technically are the only words in that sentence that Jinki hears and it does nothing to still his erratic heartbeat.


“Good morning!” Taemin hollers in the most obnoxious way possible, breaking the pink and blonde haired men’s peace. The two are sat at the cabin’s dining table eating bowls of porridge and talking quietly. Jongin had been on edge that morning to begin with but it seemed like Jonghyun had been doing a lot of thinking and had decided to just let things happen and trust his heart in the end. Jongin is grateful for that because the less questions that Jonghyun asks, the less he is tempted to spill out all of the secrets to this innocent and beautiful soul.

“Morning” Jonghyun answers with a smile and Jongin simply stands and bows before taking his seat again.

“So…got any closer to a decision yet? Did Jongin here give you the ‘help people and be rewarded’ spiel yet?” Taemin asks with a roll of his eyes as he sits down and materialises a bacon sandwich from the flames of his palm.

“Woah! How did you do that??” Jonghyun exclaims with wide, shocked eyes.

“What? I conjure up a bacon sandwich and you lose your shit, yet Jongin here teleports and everything is normal??” Taemin asks, puzzled at the amazed expression on Jonghyun’s face.

“H-he can teleport?? OMG!” The blonde boy shouts again, disrupting any attempt at peace that Jongin was hoping for.

“Yeah, duh. All of his kind can. Even though I have to use my, admittedly, damn fine legs, I am still a conjurer which has many advantages too. All of my kind are conjurers too.” Taemin smirks but his eyes hold a dead expression because he gets tired of relaying such information.

“How come you didn’t tell me you could teleport?” Jonghyun asks as he notices Jongin’s nervous expression.

“The rules” Is all he says, is all he needs to say, before Taemin buts in again.

“The rules, rules, rules. That’s all it is with you people isn’t it?” Taemin whines and mocks. He notices the angel’s fist curling in annoyance and his smirk becomes wider. “You see Jonghyun, on my side, there are no rules. By no rules I mean exactly none, zilch, zero, nil.” Taemin addresses Jonghyun in a sickly sweet tone that is nine parts pure sugar and one part sincerity.

“A no rule world…completely rule free you say? Surely though, wouldn’t that throw up its own problems?” Jonghyun muses and instantly feels a hand on his shoulder from Taemin who is now sitting with their thighs pressed together.

“Oh it has its problems alright Jonghyun, but you have to work out, is it worth it?” Taemin whispers hotly against Jonghyun’s right ear. A shiver travels from his nape to the bottom of his spine and that would be a normal reaction, if it wasn’t Jongin who felt the intense shiver instead of Jonghyun. The dark skinned male gulps harshly and stands abruptly before walking outside with his now cold bowl of porridge in hand.

“I just need some fresh air” Jongin mutters as he swiftly excuses himself from the table. Jonghyun casts him a confused glance but none the less stays put to continue eating his food and mulling over the new information.

“I’m just going to check he is okay.” Taemin announces and that deceptive innocence in Taemin’s eyes has him re-thinking the red head’s previous offer, any trace of malice or mischief wiped away in that one soft smile and concerned gaze.


“Not eating that?” Taemin says as he reaches the small wooded area where he finds Jongin sitting on a large moss covered rock.

“Huh?” Jongin jumps from the sound, expecting to be alone. “Oh, it’s cold now so…no.” He answers eventually.

“Here…may I?” Taemin is now standing beside the rock, his heavy combat boots resting just centimetres away from Jongin’s own canvas clad feet. His pale, lithe hand is outstretched towards the younger male and his eyebrows are still raised in questioning.

“Uhmm….sure??” Jongin mutters as he hands the bowl over, unsure of what Taemin means. He is pleasantly surprised however when the older male conjures a ball of fire in his hands and proceeds to place his palms on the base of the bowl, watching intently as the porridge slowly begins to bubble.

“There you go, good as new.” Taemin offers with a gentle smile and passes the bowl back to Jongin, now steaming hot and more than appetising.

“Th-thanks. You didn’t have to.” Jongin speaks and he blushes, not unnoticed by the demon.

The look on the angel’s face gives Taemin some sort of courage because before he can stop himself, he finds himself speaking.

“Have you ever heard of a fallen angel?” Taemin enquires as he sits gingerly onto the mossy rock, the damp of the stone seeping into his trademark black skinny jeans which today are ripped across the thighs rather than the knees.

“Huh? A what?” Jongin asks in confusion, his mouth agape and the spoonful of porridge paused in mid-air just in front of his mouth.

“I guess not. Nevermind.” Taemin says before he stands abruptly and gives Jongin a pat on the shoulder. “Forget I said anything, enjoy your porridge, I’m going to check that Jonghyun is still okay.” Taemin announces before he strides away towards the cabin.

The tingling is still present in Jongin’s shoulder from the hand that grasped it mere moments ago. He shakes out his tense shoulder muscles and wills the pleasant tingling away before he stands, still muttering under his breath “A fallen angel?” In the next moment Jongin waves his hand over the bowl and it disappears before he teleports away.

Meanwhile, Taemin is telling Jonghyun about all of the amazing things he can do with his powers and about the freedom that comes with his side. Jonghyun pauses him mid-sentence though as he stares towards the kitchen sink in shock.

“What?” Taemin enquires.

“How did that get there?” Jonghyun asks with his finger outstretched and shaking.

“Oh, I guess Jongin has finished with it. He is probably heading back home since he will have duties to attend to.” Taemin muses and once again Jonghyun is flabbergasted at the extent of these beings’ powers.


Jongin teleports himself about half a mile from the heavenly gates. He has duties but not for another hour however, he couldn’t stay around Taemin any longer. He found his thoughts wandering into dangerous territory. Firstly, he kept thinking about how Taemin was free and didn’t have to follow the rules. Secondly, he was marvelling at Taemin’s thighs, his bone structure and his fiery red hair as his bangs fell forward to frame his soft yet mischievous eyes. Thirdly, he couldn’t stop thinking about the ‘fallen angel’ comment Taemin made earlier and he wondered what is was and why Taemin was bringing it up.

His pace had slowed dramatically as he was lost in his thoughts. The sound of his white shoes crunching against the crisp green grass echoed around him and the scent of flowers caressed his nose, this was his favourite place to walk, to delay the time he had to spend inside the gates where he would be watched, judged and assessed from every angle.

“Hey there angel boy, what’s got you so glum?” A voice interrupts Jongin’s thoughts, causing him to stop and turn to his right.

“Ah, Kibum, can I help you with something?” Jongin asks cautiously. Kibum was a nice guy on the surface but there was just something about him that made Jongin very wary of him, though he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

“Hmmm…maybe. Or maybe I can help you.” Kibum says cryptically.

“I’m sorry…what?” Jongin mumbles.

“I heard you whispering to yourself a few minutes back as I was innocently passing by, I guess it was something I couldn’t ignore.” Kibum speaks gently but with a knowing tone.

“Oh, was I disturbing you? I’m sorry, I will keep quiet in future.” Jongin meekly answers and bows before attempting to continue his walk.

“Not quite Jonginnie. I think I heard you mumbling about a fallen angel. Tell me, where did you hear about such a thing?” Kibum asks, his voice prying and his body moving to stand in Jongin’s path.

“Uh…I just heard it - around.” Jongin lies.

“Ah.ah.ah… Angel’s shouldn’t lie Jongin, not even to demons.” Kibum speaks in a patronising tone and his eyes roam Jongin’s body from head to toe in an admiring and scrutinising way that makes Jongin feel like he is mere centimetres tall. He remembers Jinki explaining that Kibum was average height in stature but his words could cut people down to his level or below in mere seconds, Jongin was witnessing that for the first time.

“T - Taemin mentioned it earlier but when I said I didn’t know, he changed the topic and disappeared.” Jongin admits carefully.

“Ah, sweet Taemin. You really have an effect on him don’t you Jongin? For Taemin to be considering a fallen angel and all.” Kibum speaks both truthfully and with another patronising edge. “Do you want to know what a fallen angel is Jongin?” Kibum asks seriously this time, not a hint of playfulness in his tone.

The dark skinned angel considers the question carefully for a moment before slowly nodding his head.

“Alright then, maybe we should sit?” Kibum asks as he crosses his legs to sit on the grass, his jean clad legs slamming harshly against the blades as he all but dumps himself onto the green canvas.

Jongin looks around for a second, looks at his watch and finally sits facing the demon on the grass.

“A fallen angel is referenced throughout Christianity as someone who falls from grace, takes the wrong path, who ultimately ends up in - ” Kibum begins.

“Purgatory” Jongin speaks with a firm voice, his fists clenching against the tufts of grass at his sides.

“Yes…however, in reality… in the afterlife, a fallen angel is something uniquely different. Something that isn’t spoken about but is very much real.” Kibum speaks, his eyes turned down towards the green strands that surround his black boots. The air is eerily calm and bright, not even a slight breeze blowing through the trees. The sun bakes down, sweltering the black cladded demon and kissing the angel’s skin in just the right way. “The fallen angel is someone who rejects their decision of heaven or rebels against their chosen path. A fallen angel is banished from heaven, forever cut off and segregated from all earthly interactions and heavenly articles and are turned over to hell with a heavy price to pay.” Kibum speaks firmly and with a foreboding undertone.

“A fallen angel then faces the devil, pleads his case and the devil himself then decides whether to accept or reject the offer. Meaning that if an angel defects, rebels and chooses to leave. He faces an acceptance into hell or an eternity in purgatory. If his case is rejected by the Devil, he becomes an outcast with no purpose in the afterlife and is ultimately sent to purgatory.” Kibum answers.

“Do you know any fallen angels?” Jongin asks lightly, the curiousness in his eyes is enough to tell Kibum what the angel is thinking in his mind.

“I did, once. He was a great leader in hell, he passed away just a century ago. I also knew of an angel who fell from grace but was rejected from hell. His case was enough to scare any other angels from falling. That is why nobody speaks of it.” Kibum answers gravely.

“Then why are you telling me this?” Jongin asks with suspicion.

“It seems like Taemin brought it up for a reason. He’s not reckless or careless like many of the others. If he brought it up, he had a damn good reason why.” Kibum announces with a voice full of both pride and protection over the younger demon.

“Then what was his reason?” Jongin asks once more, his head still spinning with the new knowledge.

“That…you will have to ask him yourself. Though I’m sure you already know in your mind.” Kibum whispers, his gaze locked with the angel and his voice unwavering. “Well…take care Jongin, I best be off.” Kibum quips, breaking the serious nature of the conversation as if it never even happened.


The walk back to heaven was annoyingly fast. His mind kept running through all of the information even as he took up his place behind the canteen counter to serve lunch, the angels moved along the line like a blur, Jongin’s mind was only re-living the conversation between himself and Kibum, unable to focus on anything else.

“Hey! Nini!” Jinki yells for the fifth time.

Jongin visibly jumps when he hears the voice too close to his ear. “Ow!” Jongin protests.

“I’ve called your name five times man, what is up with you this evening? You have been distracted all day. Did something happen with Jonghyun?” Jinki asks lightly.

“Something like that, listen hyung I’m really tired so I’m gonna head to bed. Thanks for the food it was really nice. Goodnight.” Jongin says as he stands from the white oak table and dismisses himself to his room.

Something is up and Jinki is becoming increasingly worried, especially as he looks down at the plate of food, sitting untouched. Jongin has a big appetite so something was seriously troubling him. Sighing, Jinki makes a mental note to clear Jongin’s plate away once he has finished his own food.


part 2
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