Title: Kpop Idols Chat Room
Bands: Super Junior
Author: kaisumi23
Pairings: Qmi, Yewook, Kimin & various others
Genre: Humor, complete crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG-13 (for obscenities & implied sexual situations)
Disclaimer: Unfortunately I don't own any of these guys but one day, when I'm totally rich, I'll buy them all. :]
Summary: Join our favorite Kpop idols in their adventures through the cyber world.
Ilikegirls - Kibum
Umma_knows_best - Leeteuk
*Babycheeks* - Henry
Henberftw! - Unknown (eh, you’ll figure it out pretty easily)
~ Fishie-Hae ~ - Donghae
ShineyKey - Key
ipwnn00bz4life - Kyuhyun
~!I<3Kuixian!~ - Zhou Mi
p!nkisthenewMeganFox - Sungmin
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ - Ryeowook
Smexy_voice! - Yesung
Ilikegirls has logged in.
Umma_knows_best has logged in.
*Babycheeks* has logged in.
Henberftw! has logged in.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ has logged in.
Henberftw! : Hi Henry!!!!! :D
*Babycheeks* : Um…hi.
*Babycheeks* : Who are you exactly?
Henberftw! : Tee hee!
*Babycheeks* : That’s your name? Sorry, I don't think I know anyone named 'Tee Hee'...
Henberftw! : Er…No.
Ilikegirls : What’s a ‘Henber’?
Henberftw! : It’s only the greatest Kpop pairing ever! :D
Umma_knows_best : Gasp! I beg your pardon!
Henberftw! : Err…I mean, after you and Kangin of course! :D
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Actually, Eunhae is more popular than Kangteuk and Henber put together ^_^ So, shouldn’t Eunhae be the greatest pairing ever? :D
Umma_knows_best : *evil Umma glare of doom* I’m sorry, did you say something, Donghae? Surely you didn’t say anything that might ruin your chances of being able to go to the Annual Korean UFO & Alien Convention, right?
Umma_knows_best : That’s what I thought. :)
*Babycheeks* : Umma, what is ‘Henber’? And who is this weird person in our chat room?
Umma_knows_best : Henber - The pairing name of the (fictional) couple of Henry and Amber. :) And to answer your second question…I have no clue. Unless you’re talking about Donghae, which is completely understandable.
Henberftw! : Was the 'fictional' part really necessary? :(
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Hey…I’m not weird T_T
*Babycheeks* : Henry as in…me?
Umma_knows_best : Mhmm.
*Babycheeks* : Okay…but who is this Amber person? :/
Henberftw! : GASPIES! D: How could you forget me, Henry, my love, my cute little chubby cheeks boy? D:
*Babycheeks* : Really, who ARE you?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : HE/SHE’S AN ALIEN!!! :O
Henberftw! : Uhm, no one you know…
*Babycheeks* : Ohhhh. I see. Then how the fuck do you know me?!
Umma_knows_best : Henry Lau! :O You watch your language young m-
*Babycheeks* : Yeah, yeah. Okay. Just shut up already. -_-
Umma_knows_best : :O You’re breaking Umma’s heart! *cries*
Henberftw! : Well, I mean you know me but…uh…yeah. You know what I’m sayin’, dawg? Homie? Mah nigga?
*Babycheeks* : No, sorry dawg. I don’t.
*Babycheeks* : Wait a minute…’nigga’?! I’m not black!
Henberftw! : Well, I go to all your performances, I know all your dance routines, I own all your albums, I know that your favorite kind of pocky is chocolate banana, and…Oh yeah! I have the whole entire set of the Special Edition Henry Lau Barbie Dolls! :D
Ilikegirls : Sadly, yes.
Umma_knows_best : It’s terrible. :(
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Reaallllly? Where can I get one of those? I wonder what the Hyukkie Barbie dolls look like. :D
Umma_knows_best : Oh, you poor child…I think your mother dropped you on your head when you were a baby.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Actually, I was abducted by aliens when I was a baby. :D
*Babycheeks* : You better not be doing anything sick or perverted to those replicated dolls of me, you sick, perverted stalker!
Henberftw! : *sniff* All I wanted was your love, Henry…You didn’t have to go and say all those harsh words. :(
*Babycheeks* : Then quick stalking me! You’re obviously just a crazed fan who is wayyy too obsessed with me!
ShineyKey has logged in.
ShineyKey : There you are, Amber! Wtf are you doing in here? You were supposed to come pick me up from the nail saloon hours ago, you bitch!
Umma_knows_best : …
*Babycheeks* : …
ShineyKey : Oh, hey guys.
ShineyKey : Why do I sense a lot of tension in this chat room…?
Henberftw! : Hehe. Uhm…Well, this has all been fun but I gotta go…feed my llama.
Henberftw! : …Bye Henry! :D
Henberftw! has logged out.
ShineyKey : Ugh. That whore!
ShineyKey : And she doesn’t even have a llama!
ShineyKey has logged out.
Ilikegirls : Well, that was weird.
Umma_knows_best : Extremely. I didn’t even know that Amber had a crush on our little Henry! And I normally know these things!
Ilikegirls : You do?
Umma_knows_best : Yup! It’s ‘woman’s intuition’. :)
Ilikegirls : Right…Because you’re a woman...
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : I DIDN’T GET HER AUTOGRAPH!!!! D:
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : You’re a woman, Leeteuk Hyung........?
Ilikegirls : *sigh* How is it that I had a crush on this dumbass? -_-
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Huh? Who?
*Babycheeks* : Amber likes me?! EWWWWWWWW! But she has girl cooties!
Ilikegirls : Wow, you’re not immature at all.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : WAIT! Amber is a girl?! :O
Ilikegirls : Seriously, did you even finish high school? -_-
Umma_knows_best : Well, that's actually quite a common mistake since she looks and acts like a boy.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : But I even saw her in the men’s restroom once!!!
Ilikegirls : Are you sure you went into the right restroom?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Yes! See, this is the sign that was on the restroom door!
Ilikegirls : Uh huh…That sign clearly says “WOMEN” on it.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Yes, that's right.
Ilikegirls : Meaning it's for women...
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : No, no, no Kibum! You have it all wrong! “WOMEN” actually means “WOAH~ MEN”.
Ilikegirls : ...Right...And what exactly are “WOAH~ MEN”, Hae?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Oh, you know. Like, woah~ means beastin’ or awesome, etc. So only men who are super cool, like me :D can go in them.
Umma_knows_best : Then which restroom do actual women use…?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Lol, they aren’t allowed to use public restrooms, silly! You didn’t know that?
Umma_knows_best : Well, I’m pretty sure they haven’t exactly been following those rules then, fishie. I see women going into public restrooms all the time.
Ilikegirls : Okay…but that still doesn’t explain why there’s the little symbol of a lady on the sign.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Hahaha! That’s not a lady, Kibum! Lol, man. Both of you are kind of stupid, huh? xD
Ilikegirls : What do you mean it’s not a lady??? She’s wearing a dress!
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : So? Men can’t wear dresses?
Ilikegirls : I never said that…It’s just that MEN AREN’T SUPPOSE TO WEAR DRESSES.
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Really? Why not? I do it all the time…
Ilikegirls : O.O
Umma_knows_best : And how has that worked out for you, Donghae?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Oh, it’s really fun! I feel so free whenever I wear them. Plus, they are prettyful. The only bad thing is whenever it’s a really windy day and the dress won’t stay down. Then everyone can see my underwear. D:
Umma_knows_best : *sigh* Well, at least he’s wearing underwear and not women’s lingerie…
Ilikegirls : I’m pretty sure that seeing your underwear isn’t really that much of a shock to people once they’ve seen you in a dress, Donghae.
*Babycheeks* : Speaking of underwear, I can’t believe I let Amber into my room! She probably stole my underwear and like, wears it or something!
Ilikegirls : People actually do that?!
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Aliens do! :D She’s an alieeeennnnn! :D
Umma_knows_best : Wait…Why did you let her into your room?! You’re not allowed to have girls over, Henry Lau!
*Babycheeks* : Well, she wanted me to tutor her in english so we went to my house to do it.
Ilikegirls : ‘Tutor’ huh?
Umma_knows_best : And in ‘english’!
Ilikegirls : Yeah!
Ilikegirls : …Wait…What does that have to do with it?
Umma_knows_best : Idk. I thought it made a good innuendo.
*Babycheeks* : Yeah, but I had to stop tutoring her because she wouldn’t stop touching me -_-
Umma_knows_best : How scandalous! That woman is no good! Do I need to file a restraining order for you, Henry sweetie?
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Oohhhh, I could help! I know how to exterminate aliens! :D
*Babycheeks* : Nah, it’s cool. If she comes too close to me again, I’ll just scream, “RAPE!” really loudly. Mwahahaha. :)
Ilikegirls : You act all sweet and innocent but you’re actually a devil in disguise, aren’t you?
Umma_knows_best : He’s such a bad seed. Whatever shall I do with him?
Ilikegirls : Wow. Grow up. Aren't you like 20 already?
Umma_knows_best : Ditto.
*Babycheeks* : D:
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : You’re so evil Henry! OMG! Are you the devil?! :O
*Babycheeks* : Hehe. That’s what they call me. ;)
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : WoW...
~ Fishie-Hae ~ : Can I have your autograph?!?!?!?!?!?!
Ilikegirls : *facepalm*
Umma_knows_best : Kids these days…
p!nkisthenewMeganFox has logged in.
ipwnn00bz4life has logged in.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ has logged in.
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ has logged in.
Smexy_voice! has logged in.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Omfg! Loooooooooooooooooook!
p!nkisthenewMeganFox :
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHVhwcOg6y8 p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Awwwwwww, he’s sooooo cute!!!! I <3 Justin Bieber!!!!
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : He is cute. ^^
Smexy_voice! : Cuter than me, Wookie? D:
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : Of course not, Sungie. You’re the cutest man I’ve ever laid eyes on~ ^^
Smexy_voice! : Yay! :D
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : ROFL. Like Usher would actually call Justin Bieber. xD
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Hahahaha. Look at 2:52-2:53. He’s just like, “Ugh. Now I gotta pretend to like this fugly bitch” Lol.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : You think that means he’s gay? :D
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Even if he was, he wouldn’t date you. :]
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : :/
ipwnn00bz4life : dlkdkflkepkpie! omfg eye-gasm ftw!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : WHAT THE HELL? Since when do you like Justin Bieber?!
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : GASP! Kyu, you like Justin Bieber too?! :D
ipwnn00bz4life : what? fuck no!
ipwnn00bz4life : i was talking about this, you n00b!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Phew. There’s my nerdy!Kyu. Thought I lost you to the evil clutches of Beiber Fever for a second there.
ipwnn00bz4life : what? that little girl?
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : He’s a BOY, Kyuhyun. :I
ipwnn00bz4life : whatever. Isn’t he like 10 years old? that’s sick, min.
Smexy_voice! : I thought he was 7. :/
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : He’s 16. -_-
ipwnn00bz4life : whatever. don’t lie, min. it’s okay. we just gotta make sure you’re never in any episodes of hello baby.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Lmao. I love you, Kui xian. You’re so snarky and cute. :]
ipwnn00bz4life : heh :]
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Screw you guys. :(
Ilikegirls has logged in.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Kibum! :D
Ilikegirls : Hi Sungmin. :)
Ilikegirls : What’s up guys?
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Just watching Sungmin undergo the symptoms of Bieber Fever, unfortunately.
Ilikegirls : Oh no! Not you too, Min! D:
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : And me too~ Hehe~ ^^
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : I don’t see why you guys can’t see his cute charm. He’s wonderful! I wish I could date a guy like him.
Ilikegirls : …Oh yeah? That’s…nice. :/
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : That would be illegal, Min. Since when did you turn into a cougar?
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : I’m not a cougar! And I said a guy LIKE him.
Ilikegirls : I don’t see why you would want to date someone who acts all gangster-ish, when he’s clearly white.
ipwnn00bz4life : haha, he’s a wangster.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : No he’s not! >.<
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : But he’s so adorable. Just look at his cute little baby face. ^^
Smexy_voice! : T_T I hate that kid.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Pathetic, Ryeowook. I just lost all my respect for you.
Smexy_voice! : Mee too T_T
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : Aw, don’t be jealous, Sungie bear. I don’t like him like that, silly! You’re the only one in my heart~ ^^
Smexy_voice! : Aww. I love you, Ryeowookie <3<3<3
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Shut up already, that’s gross. -_-
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : But Zhou Mi, you do that to Kyuhyun all the time with us around…Well, more like you molest him.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Shut your trap, whore. No one asked for your opinion.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : No! Stop being mean to me or I’m going to throw away all your Cosmopolitan magazines! AND all your make-up products!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : *gasp* You wouldn’t dare! :O
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : I would! Don’t make me do it, Jew nose!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : I DON’T HAVE A JEW NOSE!
ipwnn00bz4life : ur mom has a jew nose
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : YOU DO TOO, JEW NOSE!
Ilikegirls : Sungmin, stop.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : What?! But, but...Why do I have to stop, Kibum??? He started it... :(
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : I did not! Prove it!
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Okay. Zhou mi: “Shut your trap, whore.”
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : I didn’t say that.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : You liar! You did too! Just scroll up if you don’t believe me!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Nope. Doesn’t say that. All I see is “I’m a dirty whore and I’m going to steal your boyfriend. Because I’m a dirty whore.”
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : What! I never said anything about stealing your boyfriend! And I never admitted to being a dirty whore!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Oh…really? Haha, my mistake.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : You were probably thinking it though. Bitch.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Kibum, keep your gf out of the chat rooms. She doesn’t deserve to be apart of our happy little chat room of love if she can’t play nicely.
Ilikegirls : *cough* MY gf...?
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Well, aren’t you like her keeper or something? She only listens to you. Most of the time anyway.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : What?! I’m not Kibum’s gf! *blush* And quit referring to me as a female! >.<
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Hehehe. Why you blushing, Sungmin? Got a little thing for your dongsaeng or something?
Ilikegirls : ...
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Shut up! I do not! *blush*
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Too bad for you. Isn’t he straight? HAHAHAHA!
Ilikegirls : ...Don’t you dare say a word, Sungmin. Or else I WILL MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : …Uhm…
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Minnnnieee, tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ You know you want tooooooo~
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Uhh…Well…
Ilikegirls : *starts sharpening knife*
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : You don’t even own a knife…
Ilikegirls : So?
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Tsk tsk. Fine. Don’t tell me. I have other ways of knowing.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Kui xian, is Kibum gay?
ipwnn00bz4life : yup
Ilikegirls : What?! How do you know?!
ipwnn00bz4life : oh, I caught you masturbating to a picture of sungmin once. it was quite a show.
Ilikegirls : ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : Oh, yes. I caught him too. He just keeps his door wide open when he does it. ^^
Smexy_voice! : Ah, didn’t you get that on video, Wookie? xD
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : Sure did! ^^
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Huh? OMFG KIBUM, YOU LIKE ME????????
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Ew. I think I just threw up a little. Why would you want to record that on video…?
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : To sell on Ebay of course. ^^
Ilikegirls : …
ipwnn00bz4life : just cause he jerked off to a picture of you doesn’t mean he likes you. n00b.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Oh...Is that true, Kibummie...? :(
Ilikegirls : Um…I gotta go…
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Oh? What do you have go do? Hmmm?
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : Yeah, Kibum, Why do you need to leave? O.o
Ilikegirls : Well…I have to go…uhm…
ipwnn00bz4life : look at p0rn?
Ilikegirls : NO!
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Ohhhh, you mean you have to go jerk off to another picture of Sungmin, right? ;D
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : That makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, Kibum.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : I mean, it would be totally fine if you actually did it because you’re in love with me or something…
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : But apparently you only do it because I’m the most beautiful man in Korea and you just can’t help but get aroused by a mere picture of me, isn’t that right, Kibum?
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : How could you be so heartless, Kibum?! Lmao. Oh gosh. I’m having way too much fun with this.
p!nkisthenewMeganFox : YEAH, HOW COULD YOU BE SO HEARTLESS, KIM KIBUM?!?!?!?!
Ilikegirls : UGH. STFU! And quit being such a girl! I'm so tired of listening to your bitching!
Ilikegirls : People are going to masturbate to you. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : ROFLMAO. XD
ipwnn00bz4life : damn, zhou mi. chill…
p!nkisthenewMeganFox has logged out.
~!I<3Kuixian!~ : Son of a biscuit? Wtf? He really needs to get some new come-backs.
Smexy_voice! : Somebody’s a little over-dramatic…
^^Wookie.Rawr.^^ : Not really. Sungmin has every right to be mad at Kibum. He was extremely rude to poor Minnie. ^^
Smexy_voice! : Hmm. Must be a girl thing.
A/N: Oh, the drama...Things will start to get a little serious in the next chapter, which should be up soon (because I've already written it :P ). Also, I've gone and re-edited my old one-shots that I wrote when I was just an amateur(well, I still am) and I think they are at least half-decent so if anyone would like to read them:
"Happy New Year, Zhou Mi." &
One Bullet & a Heartache is All It Takes
Btw, does anyone know of any super awesome Shihan fics (preferably smut)? I'm in desperate need for some good ole Shihan lovin'. ;] Omg I miss the old Hangeng so much. :[
Comment? Please? You know you want to. :]