Sign-up here!

May 11, 2017 20:00


An exciting journey awaits you! Don't miss the opportunity~

✸ | Guidelines
  1. Sign-ups are open until May 20 11:59PM KST.
  2. You may join as a full participant, meaning, you’ll receive a fic based on your prompt/s and write one as well. If circumstances arise and you’re forced to drop-out anytime during the exchange, your prompts will be void, and your writer will be given an option of writing a different prompt entirely. Your assignment will be passed onto a new writer/pinch-hitter.
  3. All full-pledged participants will be allowed to submit a minimum of three prompts, maximum of five.
  4. As a guideline for prompts, please refrain from giving prompts that are too specific or too general, as the former takes away from the writer’s ability to explore the prompt by their own creative means and the latter makes it difficult for the writer to properly satisfy the recipient’s prompt. An example can be found in our previous (Round 2017 : Intro) post.
  5. Regarding triggers such as (but not limited to) incest, pedophilia, dub-con/non-con, and similar dark themes, the Kaisoommer mods have unanimously decided to give our writers liberty in whichever content they deem fit in the development of their fic; hence, prompts that contain such topics are allowed.
  6. We do not allow prompts that romanticize/glorifies rape and abuse (We do not support eventual love between an abuser and its victim, even if fictional.) Prompts with this content will be void and you will be asked to submit a replacement.
  7. We are aware that many may not be able to participate throughout the entire exchange so we will offer strictly pinch-hit sign-ups! Pinch-hitters will be given assignments on June 25-28 and have until August 26 to write (approximately 9 weeks). Some pinch-hitters will be given short-notice assignments, as last round many people had emergencies that caused them to drop out even after postings had already begun. Do let us know if you’d be willing to do an urgent, short-notice pinch-hit.
  8. We will send you a confirmation e-mail once we receive your submitted form.
  9. If you have questions about the sign-up process, you may reach us through Twitter or e-mail at
And with all that out of the way, let us begin with the sign-up process!

✸ | Sign-up Forms
Sign-up Form for PINCH-HITTERS only

!modpost, ksmr17

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