(for jonginsomniac) Concentric Circles

Aug 26, 2014 16:58

For: jonginsomniac
Title: Concentric Circles
Pairings: Kai/D.O.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,920
Summary: Jongin and Kyungsoo parted ways months ago; but the ties that bind them run so deep and so strong that it’s hard to let go.
Author’s Note: To my recipient, I hope this isn't too far from what you wanted. It was a pleasure writing for you and I hope you will ( Read more... )

rating: nc17, !fic, !justkaisoo, round: 2014, pairing: kai/d.o

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Comments 24

teatimetaemint August 27 2014, 00:40:00 UTC
How could you?!
I knew reading angsty stuff before going to bed was a bad idea. I actually just wanted to read it and comment tomorrow, cause it's 2.30am and I'm tired and way more emotional than I care to admit and WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?! I've always known I'm bad at dealing with sad things and HOLY SHIT do you have any idea how painful this was?! DO YOU?!
Yes, there was a happy ending (a wonderful, realistic and utterly beautiful happy ending), but the parts before that? [insert dramatic sobbing noises] Your choice in words, the insightful and delicate way you portrayed Jongin's pain, the way he missed Kyungsoo to the point of hurting physically, it had my throat growing tight and chest feeling heavy with very unpretty emotions. Your writing is just way too impactful and emotional and please use your powers for good from now on ( ... )


lotusk September 23 2014, 03:45:16 UTC
Senpai my ass, pmsl! But I'm glad you liked it, Jenni. We all know how wary we both are of angst hahaha. Bless you for all the company during this exchange - you are honestly the most wonderful exchange buddy ever <33333


jonginsomniac August 27 2014, 02:37:13 UTC
i don't really know how to begin but i absolutely loved your fic. it was everything i wanted and more. i loved the switch between the past and present and all the little stories each flash back held. you're writing is so lovely, i honestly enjoyed every word. it was, on it's own, a work of art. i really liked the qoute you started of with. ALSO THE ENDING!!! i love how kyungsoo left all his special belongings from jongin because he knew he would come home, i may have squealed a little too loud reading that. i think you accounted for every detail in this fic so carefully covering any holes or questions a reader may have, especially in regards to kyungsoo's perspective on the situation. also this is sort of unrelated but i really liked the reason they broke up haha?? i seriously felt like in an au if kaisoo were to break up it would precisely be for this reason, something to do with kyungsoo needing space and jongin's possessiveness. anyway, loved the fic. i just had a long and tiring day but your fic did wonders to me haha. it was just ( ... )


lotusk September 23 2014, 04:08:16 UTC
I'm so glad you liked this, you have no idea /squishes you


zeroseven_ August 27 2014, 08:30:25 UTC

wtf jongin is hella cute here like sad-cute & awww-cute & like he's so lost without kyungsoo it's the cutest thing ever & freaking broke my heart especially the voicemail message part omg that one killed me & it was the first one off the bat so i already started out heartbroken & throughout this i was flip-flopping between 'gdi if this does not have a happy ending i'm going to need to shoot someone' & 'it's not too late to back out click 'x' click 'x' & save yourself the heartbreak click 'x'' but the voicemail message part got me because it reminded me off those movie/story scenes of when someone's lover has passed away & the remaining person like, keeps calling the number just to hear his voice? OMG SHOOT ME THIS IS DEPRESSING and soo's "let me come home please" OMFG SHOOT ME I SWEAR MY HEART DROPPED TO THE GROUND & I NEEDED TO SWEEP IT UP IN A DUSTPAN UGH SHOOT ME SHOOT ME GDI

this is a depressing comment but i'm actually happy "you'll always be my coffeecup" UGH WHY WHY WHY I DON'T NEED A HEART TAKE IT AWAY


lotusk September 23 2014, 03:46:56 UTC
I can't tell you HOW MUCH YOUR COMMENT MADE ME SMILE!!!! first off, the shut up was <3 and then the image of sweeping your heart into a dust pan. This is legit one of the best comments I've ever gotten from a reader - bless!!!


bookishvice August 27 2014, 15:40:00 UTC
You'll always be my coffee cup. Always.
UGLY SOBS this is such a beautiful fic


lotusk September 23 2014, 04:07:34 UTC
That's my favorite line fr the fic <3


karimjong August 31 2014, 11:35:41 UTC
Aaaaahhhhh *brb melts into puddle of goo* I love the pace, the way Jongin memorising things and counting the days,it made me feel things you know, and "I envy the coffee cup that gets to kiss your lips awake every cold and bitter morning." is stuck in my head, good job authoring, good job.
"Did you find some Jongin-without-Kyungsoo things to do when I wasn't here?" OH GOD SO ADORABLE

luv you so much XOXO


lotusk September 23 2014, 04:14:29 UTC
Luv you too! I hope I succeeded in showing how Kyungsoo is absolutely EVERYTHING to Jongin. Everything!


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