(for chocoyeol) A Pocketful of Stardust

Sep 02, 2014 19:52

For: chocoyeol
Title: A Pocketful of Stardust
Pairings: Kai/D.O, minor!Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~8.2k
Warnings: Language, girl!Luhan, girl!Baekhyun, fluff, fantasy!au
Summary: Jongin enters the Faerie Realm in search of a fallen star and finds cranky, potty-mouthed Kyungsoo instead.
Author's Note: To my recipient, this was a fantastic ( Read more... )

rating: pg13, !fic, pairing: chanyeol/baekhyun, pairing: kai/d.o

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teatimetaemint September 3 2014, 13:06:58 UTC
I just love the tone of this story - a bit whimsical, cheerful, but still worded so beautifully. And the beginning is the perfect example for it:
A pale champagne glow pulsed from a thicket of hazel, and it looked like a living cloud of glittering fireflies were hovering and dancing above it.
Suddenly, a husky male voice could be heard somewhere in the shrubbery, "Ouch." Then whoever it was swore clearly and loudly, "Fuck, fuck, fuck. That fucking hurts."
There's the completely unexpected, but very effective humor, standing in contrast to the wondeful description of the scene and reading well written scenes/stories like this one, just makes me incredibly happy!

"You just entered the Faerie Realm alone in search of a fucking star just so you can marry a girl. Which part of that sounds logical to you?"
Do you have any idea how much I love Kyungsoo? He is the most wonderful character ever! (Yes, I have a very big weakness for cranky personalities or jerks... which should probably worry me a bit more than it does /shrugs) And then there's Jongin. Precious, dedicated, slightly foolish Jongin who just stole my heart a little /coos >///<
marvel at how a person this small could have a personality so large
THIS! I love this line so much and describes Kyungsoo so perfectly. I have so much love for the way you wrote this story and your characters! SO MUCH LOVE!
Jongin suspected all manner of dirty things were intimidated and terrified of the star and his razor sharp tongue
/cries at the perfection that is this story

And so it was that for a brief 5 seconds of time, the shy village boy from Wall dared to touch a star ... and the star let him.
That part pretty much ended me. Consider me lying on the floor in a puddle of my feels and tears. Despite the fantastic sense of humor you brought to this story, the bond (and especially this scene) between Kyungsoo and Jongin was still so beautifully sincere and I'm not sure how my heart was able to take this ;__; /sighs happily

Jongin had never been so relieved in his entire life to have someone call him a fucking imbecile.
Watch me quote this entire story, because it's just that bloody amazing and adorable.

And ASDFGHJKL that entire part where Jongin realized he didn't actually want to bring Kyungsoo to Luhan anymore, would rather keep him for himself, just had me flailing like a lunatic! And the kiss! THE KISS! Kyungsoo's crankiness just made it all that sweeter! BLESS!
Their interactions were so adorable and there was so much wonderful tension between them and I love this story! (I don't care if I'm repeating myself.)
Extra gold stars (ha!) for the funny mention of Selu at the end! Hehe!

This story was just sweet and entertaining and simply made me feel good, I honestly can't stop smiling (I probably look creepy as hell). THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS WONDERUL PIECE!


lotusk September 21 2014, 08:01:04 UTC
Jenniiiiiii! Thanks for loving potty mouthed Soo and his hapless captor! And for always being super, super encouraging in every way. Your comments spur me on so much - I've told you this many times but it always bears repeating. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!


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