(for chocoyeol) A Pocketful of Stardust

Sep 02, 2014 19:52

For: chocoyeol
Title: A Pocketful of Stardust
Pairings: Kai/D.O, minor!Chanyeol/Baekhyun
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~8.2k
Warnings: Language, girl!Luhan, girl!Baekhyun, fluff, fantasy!au
Summary: Jongin enters the Faerie Realm in search of a fallen star and finds cranky, potty-mouthed Kyungsoo instead.
Author's Note: To my recipient, this was a fantastic ( Read more... )

rating: pg13, !fic, pairing: chanyeol/baekhyun, pairing: kai/d.o

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purplepedro September 3 2014, 12:42:16 UTC
A Stardust!AU!!!! I absolutely adored the that movie so I was screaming internally when I read your summary. And you didn't disappoint! I loved it, especially Kyungsoo's outspoken potty-mouthed behaviour and Jongin's general ease when keeping up with him and all his tangents and insults. It reminds me of that one tumblr post about pairings with height difference where the taller is always having to apologise for the younger? My favourite kind of thing! I think I was falling in love with it so much I was so sad when it finished quickly (but that's probably because I sat through the entire movie so I was waiting for particular scenes to happen) -- but I'm really happy with how you changed up the au! That lake scene I LOVE LAKE SCENES Jongin and Kyungsoo shirtless in a lake and intensely staring at each other with feelings is what I'm about 3066% I was thrilled. Everything was great and it was a really lovely read, plus I adored Chanyeol's character! Chanyeol as a father is what dreams are made of and you made him so fun and understanding, it was wonderful.

This part:

"Hello, Jongin's father. I suppose I like gold well enough. I didn't really have a choice in the matter. My clothes have always been made from gold fabric. My siblings all have their own color as well. The first chance I get, I shall wear something which isn't gold."

"Excellent!" Chanyeol rubbed his hands together approvingly even if wasn't altogether sure what the boy meant.

I am cackling because I can see it way too perfectly. Anyway, great fic!


lotusk September 21 2014, 08:51:37 UTC
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on this fic and it's extra special when it's coming from someone who's seen the movie. I never even thought abt the height difference thing but it's so presh -why didn't I see it before. And the short one is always the cranky one hahaha (think guardians of the galaxy).

And just thank you for telling me which scenes you liked best. So much love to you for reading and commenting!


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