[G02] INTER-DATE (2/2)

Jul 11, 2016 11:28

Prompt Code: G2
Title: Inter-Date

It’s 3 am and Jongin’s eyes are barely open. He’s resting his entire upper body on top of his dinner table/makeshift study desk in an uncomfortable position because even his body has recognized that it is in fact already 3 am. Grains of rice as well as pencil shavings stick to various parts of his face but Jongin doesn’t even notice because he’s too busy flirting with his roleplay boyfriend/internet friend/flirt mate (?) ; schoolwork and the concept of time blending into the background as more important matters for him make themselves known.

A small smile graces Jongin’s tired features as he reads @exoDOse’s nthattempt at bidding him goodnight. The message says:

Alright, Kai. I think its time for bed now. In fact, I said this hours ago and its probably more accurate to say its time for breakfast now. Hah. But seriously, sleep. Bed.Us. Go.

Jongin’s small smile morphs into a sly smirk as he types in a reply.

R u sure? I thought u were tired.

The reply comes after a minute.

Down boy. Don’t wake up the beast. Aren’t you even a little bit sleepy?

Jongin considers this and opts for an honest reply.

I guess I am sleepy. More than a little, tbh. But b4 we both log off for tonight…I have a proposition for you. Would u hear me out?

The reply becomes sloppy and less immediate as drowsiness manifests itself in physical form.


Jongin yawns, eyes watering and squinting, staying squinted even after that, disregarding the need to type a coherent response.

Do u thnkitsstim 4 skyp?

Both of them lose the battle to the Sandman just as Jongin manages to press send.

- - -

“Oh my fucking-CHANYEOL!”Kyungsoo bellows from the top bunk.

Chanyeol jerks awake at the sound of his friend and roommates loud voice, body on autopilot and already lifting himself up, only to bump his forehead harshly on a hard wooden surface.

“Oh shit, what the fuck - ow!” Chanyeol lies back down, clutching his bruised forehead in agony as he slowly remembers that he’s slept on the floor under his bottom bunk while doing some of his art projects.

“God, are you alright?” Kyungsoo peers from his perch on the top bunk, his messy hair temporarily pointing in one direction as his head sticks out to check on his friend.

Chanyeol angrily slides out from under his bunk and glares at Kyungsoo with one eye open, both hands still clutching his forehead. “Do I look ‘alright’ to you? I feel like a baby chick is about to burst out of my cracked forehead.” Chanyeol grunts lowly and closes the other eye too. “This better be worth bruising me.”

Kyungsoo bites his lip but doesn’t move an inch after that, still staring down at his friend in half-felt sympathy. “I-um, sorry about that Chanyeol. It’s just that this guy I’ve been talking to for months wants to start skyping me soon and I don’t know how to respond but - ooof!”

A pillow comes flying directly onto Kyungsoo’s face unmercifully, cutting off his rant. “For fucks sake it’s this again - grow a pair and leave me out of this! I haven’t even had coffee yet!”

Chanyeol abruptly stands up in all his gangly sleep-deprived glory and yanks the door open, slamming it just as hard as he leaves.

“Gee, someone has a rather large stick uncomfortably stuck up in their ass.” Kyungsoo murmurs as the hurricane that is Chanyeol has left.

“I heard that - I’ll deal with you after I’ve had my coffee, Do Kyungsoo. Just you wait.”

Kyungsoo raises both palms up in defeat, eyes wide as he stares at the door.

- - -

Kyungsoo sends a snap over to ‘Kai’ of his stuffed toy collection all sprawled out on the floor the minute he walks in. The apartment is a mess and his grumpy roommate is nowhere to be found. Kyungsoo adorns the snapped picture with a lone crying emoji.

The other responds after an hour.

Jongouttahere: awww, they’re like one big leaf pile but more fluffy and beady. What happened?

Kyungsoo rests his chin on his left hand as he types in a reply.

Jesoos: I think I pissed Chanyeol off for real or something. Nothing to worry about tho, he’s sleep deprived. Yknow, college.

Jongouttahere: Ah, college. Tell me about it. Finals are coming for me soon too. Do you know how many classics I have to read to pass?

Kyungsoo grins, imagining a disgruntled person on the other side with books all around him and a phone in his hand.

Jesoos: No, but I bet they aren’t as many as the research papers I have to submit for my Social Sciences class. I swear my professors all draw energy from those research papers or something that’s why they always require those. It’s physically and mentally draining.

Jongouttahere: :P bleh, we’re all in college. We’re ALL dying one way or another. What do you think studying stands for, hm? It’s a combination of Student+ Dying. Studying. I bet college stands for collective genocide or something. Anyway, my body’s reaaaaally craving for a break. Stiff in places and all that. Mind indulging me for a bit? Pretty please with your favorite nachos on top?

Kyungsoo actually scoffs out loud before glancing behind him to check if Chanyeol’s arrived home yet, already considering ‘Kai’s’ request.

He stands up, locks the front door, sits back down and unzips his pants.

Jesoos: You’re ridiculous.

Jongouttahere: *insert thirsty emoji here* Pft. I know u love me tho ❤

Kyungsoo ends up sending him a racy picture anyway.

- - -

It’s the end of the week and both him and ‘D.O’ are at the final stages of their college-induced inferno, almost done with all the exams and the school work they had to take and do.

Jongin, wanting a break again suggested the skype call to the other, reasoning that it was the perfect time for a call since they were both so worn out from studying that they’d be equally too tired to feel awkward around one another.

He hadn’t expected the other to readily agree though, sending his mind reeling and his body rigid with anxiety.

Minutes have passed and Jongin is already prepared to tear a part of his hair out.

“Come on you fucking wuss, call him already!”

He was frustrated with himself, lower lip worn out and bruised, the tear in his left pant leg growing as he anxiously tugs on it.

His fingers are frozen over the call button, eyes focused on @exoDOse’s lack of profile picture as he goes back and forth in his brain on whether or not he wants to call him.

Questions like “do I really want to hear his voice?”, “Is now really the right time?” and “what if I don’t like what I hear?” arise. Or worse, his overactive imagination kicks in and is suddenly worrying, “what if this guy is a huge catfish despite everything and is actually some 70 year old guy looking for young people to taint in hopes of ‘reliving the good times’?” Jongin shudders at that last one, torn between wanting to hear the guy behind @exoDOse speak and at the same time wanting to keep the anonymity between them which sparked their mutual interest in the first place.

But, Jongin knows deep inside that his hesitation comes from something else entirely. He’s worried that something might go wrong when they finally get to hear each other, and then they’d have to deal with never talking again. Something churned in Jongin’s stomach, making him clutch his phone tighter.

@exoDOse evolved more than just his roleplay boyfriend and flirt buddy over the months. He’s also become Jongin’s closest friend (besides Sehun of course) and most trusted confidant. He was someone Jongin could turn to if things were getting rough and he desperately needed a pick me up. He was also the one he went to in times when he was in literal need; which was as much fun as it was blisteringly hot, but which also gave Jongin emotions for the other he didn’t really know what to do with.

He was a confused mess, minutes away from hearing the voice of the one he most cared about. This moment screamed Do or Die. Did he or did he not want to hear and be heard?

Eventually, realizing that he doesn’t actually have much of a choice left (as his heart had already decided for him) he goes on with the call, prompting his right thumb to move and press down on the call button.

The skype ringtone plays while he waits for @exoDOse to pick up the call.

So far, they’ve told each other about themselves as much as real couples and friends do to one another.

Jongin is aware that @exoDOse likes observing people, that it’s part of his nature and sort-of an acquired behavior as a Social Anthropologist that he enjoys the companionship of humans and knowing of their cultures and lifestyles.

On the other hand, @exoDOse also knew that though not really diagnosed with Social Anxiety, Jongin was pretty damn close to having one - being an introvert all his life, not really coming out of his shell much unless needed, even in college. He knew that Jongin grew nervous around crowds and whenever he was the center of attention of even just one person.

They’ve told each other personal things, such as dreams, aspirations, fears, fantasies, problems and theories they wouldn’t even voice themselves out loud.

But never once revealed the most essential information in getting to truly know the other person: their real names, their birthdays, and their faces.

Basically they withheld divulging information helpful enough to recognize the other person in real life, but had enough insider information on each other’s personality and quirks to ask one another in the event of a zombie apocalypse or cloning to determine who was who; those same quirks engraved in his memory, as familiar to him as the back of his own hand. Knowing things about the other that he knew no one else did made Jongin want to know more about the guy behind @exoDOse so badly.

To risk the strange yet comfortable feeling of eternal limbo they had surrounded themselves with for a shot on something real.

This is what ultimately drove him to suggest the skype call in the first place. He felt that their friendship/relationship/togethership was ready for the next level - it was stable enough to seem to handle the real world.


Jongin dropped his phone on the floor out of surprise, bringing him out of his reveries, the low, velvety-smooth voice on the other line unlike anything he’s ever heard before. He hurriedly picks his phone up the moment he recovers, muttering a shaky ‘hello?’ as he does so, only to panic as he realizes his phone has shut down.

“Shit - goddamn it!”

Curses fly out of Jongin’s mouth in low tones as he takes his phone’s battery out before placing it back in, heart pounding erratically and sweat gathering thinly on his forehead as he reassembles his phone in the quickest time possible.

Everything is taking too long to operate and Jongin is beyond agitated as he impatiently clenches and unclenches his left hand while he waits for his phone to function again.

“One job, Jongin.One job. And you manage to fuck this up.”

His phone is fully turned on now, wifi just barely starting to connect again but too many minutes have already passed for someone to be waiting on a call. Jongin kicks the nearest furniture in frustration, the coffee table moving an inch as he glares at his phone and on the Skype app loading.

When it finally loads, there’s a bubble next to @exoDOse’s profile and Jongin can’t tap on his phone fast enough so he can see it. He’s missed one call from him and there’s a message asking him if he’s changed his mind about the call.

Jongin tilts his head up for a moment, hand tightening around his phone as he attempts to calm himself down. He closes his eyes and breathes in and out slowly before typing out a reply, wondering just how much of the embarrassing truth he should tell him. Deciding that being honest is the way to go, he sends @exoDOse a message.

Jongoutheslayer: sorry! I dropped my phone when you finally answered and the battery got lodged out so I had to piece my phone back together again. If you still have time, I’d like to try again?

- - -

Kyungsoo’s lips are pursed as he reads jongoutheslayer’s response to him on Skype. He then flits his eyes again towards his left where his dwindling pile of homework lay. He has class in a few hours and about half of that pile was to be submitted in that very class. But then he looks at jongoutheslayer’s message and how he probably has his own homework to worry about but despite that is still online, talking to him. So he decides that another five minutes taken out of his study time wouldn’t hurt.

exoDOse: well, alright. But I don’t have much time. Is five minutes enough?

The reply is almost instantaneous.

Jongoutheslayer: that’s more than enough, tbh. I’ll call now, okay?

The Skype ringtone blares out a few seconds later, Kyungsoo hesitating for a bit like he did a while ago before pressing the answer button.

He remains silent as he waits for the person on the other line to speak.


The voice is low, a bit nasally, but the uncertain tone to it makes Kyungsoo smile.


The other line is silent, until Kyungsoo hears a faint exhale.

“So, um. Yeah. What’s up? I guess?”

Kyungsoo chuckles and runs a hand through his hair, leaning down a bit so his voice is heard louder on the other line when he speaks. “Really, that’s what you want us to call for?”

There’s indignant huffing on the other line, and Kyungsoo arranges some of his papers with a faint smile on his face.

“Hey, cut me some slack! This is my first time calling some stranger on Skype - I haven’t exactly read a manual on this stuff.”

Kyungsoo’s eyebrows raise an inch as he zeroes in on the word ‘stranger’.

“I doubt there is any social media platform that comes with a manual, to be honest.”

Kyungsoo’s voice drips with a sickeningly-sweet tone as he continues talking. “But a stranger, really. I’ve basically seen you naked. I can accurately predict your dick size by now. I know you’re into that whole BDSM thing after reading - I quote, crap such as Fifty Shades to get it out of your system properly, end of quote. And I also know that Shakespeare’s works make you cry. Am I still really a stranger after all that now, mm?”

There’s an occasional strangled whimper after Kyungsoo whips out dirty secret after dirty secret, leaving ‘Kai’ a boneless, undignified mess. Kyungsoo thinks he even hears tripping and a very faint f-word being cursed after he finished talking.

“Will you please filter your mouth more, god.” Comes the scandalized whisper from the other line. “And that kink was supposed to be a secret between us!”

Kyungsoo chuckles, fingers from his free hand coming up to mime a zipping action on his lips despite the guy on the other line not being able to see him. “Your secret’s safe with me, don’t worry, baby.”

‘Kai’ actually chokes now, coughing and wheezing while Kyungsoo cackles evilly on the other line. When he recovers, it sounds like a cross between an angry hiss and an asthmatic wheeze. “You’re Satan’s incarnate, aren’t you?”

Kyungsoo’s smile is fond as he glances at his unfinished homework. “God, I wish you were here so I could ruffle your hair condescendingly. That would complete the look quite nicely, don’t you think?”

The person on the other line grew quiet, the faint buzzing of bad internet connectivity coloring the background, as Kyungsoo’s words begin to dawn on him. “Shit…” He hears himself mutter before hurriedly bidding ‘Kai’ goodbye.

“Wait!” The other line screams in frustration, and Kyungsoo moves the earpiece away. “I…I never caught your name. Your real name.”

Hesitant, Kyungsoo leaned into the receiver, fingers holding excessively tight onto his table as if that would help anchor him to the ground instead of to the clouds where the other voice on the line was unknowingly taking him.

“M-my name is Kyungsoo. Do…Kyungsoo.”

There was an audible sigh on the other line, the voice much softer than it was before. “Nice to finally know your name, Do Kyungsoo. I’m Jongin - Kim Jongin. Talk to you later, Kyungsoo.”

- - -

“Jongin!” two loud knocks. “Jongin, there’s something here for you! I swear to God that mailman mixes up our packages on purpose. We’re both Kim’s but seriously mine starts with a ‘Jun’ and yours ‘Jong’ like seriously. Korean isn’t that hard - ”

The door opens and a disheveled Jongin stands behind it, taking the package out of Junmyeon’s hands with a small smile of gratitude. “Thanks, Hyung.”

They stand there awkwardly for a bit as Junmyeon looks at Jongin curiously. The latter starts to feel uncomfortable and takes a step back inside his apartment. “So, um. yeah have a nice day, thanks again bye - ”


Jongin startles and freezes, the door halfway through closing as he widens his eyes at Junmyeon. “Y-yeah?”

Junmyeon considers Jongin for a bit longer before reaching behind him to pull a white envelope out of his back pocket.

“Here, if you’re interested. It’s not ’til next week so, think about it.” Junmyeon places the envelope on top of the package. Jongin glances at it and then back to Junmyeon. He then smiles his infamous angelic grin and taps Jongin’s bicep once before closing the door himself.

Jongin eyes the envelope as if it would explode any minute before shrugging it off his package and onto the coffee table. He then gives his full attention to the package at hand.

He was certain it was those paperbacks he was supposed to review for the entire month, 20 books all in all. But he noticed that the package was a little on the light side, lacking the usual weight a box full of books would usually weigh.

Curious, he immediately grabbed the pen he always kept in his pant’s back pocket, clicking it once and then gliding the sharp tip over the tape on top. He flipped the top flaps over and was greeted with a rather unexpected sight. Eyes wide and feeling utterly confused, he began inspecting its contents.

From the likes of it, the contents seemed to have been purchased from an adult store. It was the only logical explanation for having fluffy pink handcuffs, glinting black chains of sorts, and various shapes and sizes of dildos all in one box.

Jongin thought briefly if Kyungsoo (yes, he was calling him on a first name basis now) was the one who sent him these as a prank, knowing of his BDSM-ish tendencies. But then he remembered that he never told the other where he lived, let alone which country he could be found in.

Scratching his head, he carefully lifted the box up, careful not to spill its contents, to check on the package information.

“Kim…” Jongin began. “Jun…myeon?”

Which meant that the other had his books. Wasting no time, he hightailed it out of his stuffy apartment, walked down two floors over to Junmyeon’s room and knocked on his door.

Jongin felt the familiar pit of angry butterflies dance around inside his stomach, making him uneasy and sweaty - basically discomfort personified.

The door opened and revealed Junmyeon’s curious face, along with one other person he didn’t know behind him. A girl; a pretty one at that. Jongin felt his feet sweat under the scrutiny.

“Um, hy-hyung I think you gave me the wrong um, box.”

Junmyeon’s angelic features scrunched in slight disbelief. “Is that so? Wait here, I’ll check the box that I have. I haven’t opened it yet since Wendy came over.” Junmyeon made a move to turn around but remembered his manners and gave Jongin and Wendy hasty introductions.

“Oh um, Jongin this is Wendy, my cousin. She’s the one having a party in the invitation I gave you. Wendy, this is Jongin. He’s a year younger than me, a lit student.”

Jongin and Wendy bowed slightly at each other before flashing the customary smile in situations like this. “Right, I’ll be right back.”

When Junmyeon disappeared back into the apartment, Wendy took a step forward and glanced at the box. “What’s inside it?” She asked in a perfect Aussie accent, face molded into an expression of honest curiosity.

Meanwhile Jongin’s face turned an ugly shade of red, ears burning at the same time feeling the sweat reach the tips of his hair.

“Um,” Jongin mumbled, glancing inside Junmyeon’s slightly ajar door, willing him to hurry the fuck up.

“Just - adult…stuff.” He finished lamely.

“Ooh,” Wendy breathed, peering over at the top of the box. “Like Law books or something?”

He nodded weakly.

Jongin felt like he was seconds away from spontaneously combusting, forced to lie his way through this stranger so he wouldn’t have to explain anything about the box; sometimes the truth was better left unsaid.

To his rescue, Junmyeon came running out the door hurriedly, setting Jongin’s box by his feet and grabbing harshly onto the box in Jongin’s hands. “I am so, SO terribly sorry about that, Jongin.” Junmyeon apologized, eyes going wide at the second ‘so’, ears tinted red at the tips as well.

“Don’t worry about it hyung…” Jongin mumbled, already avoiding eye contact as he bent down to carry his box. “Well I - I better get going. Bye hyung, Wendy. And - ”

He turned around, back facing them. “I might not be able to go to the party, sorry. But thanks for the invite.” He glanced back, smiled at Wendy, avoided Junmyeon’s eyes, and was on his way back to his door.

Wendy chirped up a cheery goodbye and a ‘you’re still invited if you change your mind!’, unaware of the tension emanating between the two people in front of her.

- - -

“You would not believe what happened to me today,” the man on the other line breathed, while Kyungsoo tapped around his laptop, listening.

“Let me guess - you gave a public speech today?” There was a lilt in Kyungsoo’s voice, which didn’t come unnoticed by the other party.

“Ha-ha, very funny Kyungsoo.”

“Well you’re fun to tease Jongin. But okay, what’s up?”

Kyungsoo was editing his last research paper for the entire semester while listening to Jongin on Skype via voice call, confident that he would be able to perform both tasks with ease since he was almost done with the former.

“Shut up, Soo. Well anyway - you know this Junmyeon-hyung I’ve been telling you about? The one that keeps saying ‘hi’ to me and attempt small talk whenever we run into each other?”

Kyungsoo hummed in affirmation, right index finger tapping on the backspace key repeatedly as he erased a grammar error. “The one who I’ve told you a million times is a hundred percent into you? Yeah, what about him? Did he finally confess?”

Jongin groaned from the other line. “This again, seriously give it a rest. And no, there was no confessing since there is absolutely nothing to confess about. But our packages did get switched again. He delivered to me his package by mistake, and I was um - I took a look at the contents and wow.”

Kyungsoo’s expression morphed into a mixture of amusement and curiosity. “Switched again? What was inside?”

“Adult toys! Good God,”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, not believing what he had just heard. “What? Adult toys? As in, horse dick dildos?”

There was a guffaw on the other line. “Not horse dick dildos, just normal dildos. But yes. And handcuffs. And chains. I was honestly taken aback. I never pegged Junmyeon-hyung as the type.”

Kyungsoo scoffed. “You know what they say, Saint on the Streets, Devil on the Sheets!”

Jongin groaned, and probably face palmed, Kyungsoo guessed as heard a soft slap. “Do people still even actually say that phrase out loud? How old are you, 40?”

Kyungsoo chuckled. “I’m 22. Not 40. How rude.”

“Woah,” Jongin gasped. “You’re my hyung too, then.”

“Huh? How old are you? I didn’t accidentally take away your innocence, did I? If you’re a minor I swear to god Kim Jongin I will drop this call and block you forever.”

There was an amused laugh on the other end, to which Kyungsoo just raised an eyebrow at. He was half-serious about the threat.

“Relax hyung, I’m turning 21 this January. Totally not a minor.”

“Hey, I’m turning 23 this January too!” Kyungsoo hesitated, but still proceeded on asking him. “When on January, exactly?”

“The 14th!”

“Woah, my birthday’s on the 12th. High five!” Kyungsoo high-fived his earpiece’s microphone and heard Jongin do the same on the other line.

“So what’re you up to, hyung?” Jongin purposely stressed the honorific out, just to rile Kyungsoo up.

“Feels weird hearing you say that. You know what, this might actually change things. I think I might never see you as anything but my saeng now. No more nudes, okay?” Kyungsoo tried to stifle the chuckle he wanted to let out, covering the microphone as he disguised the chuckle as a cough.

“Hey!” Jongin whined. “That isn’t fair, I’m not a kid.” Kyungsoo could practically hear the pout in his voice.

“Awww, look at how bad Jonginnie wants me. Who’s thirsty for the D, who is?” Kyungsoo cooed, research paper all saved and edited, half his attention now shifted onto the buttons on the Skype screen.

“Stop that, Jesus. And I am not thirsty for the D! I just - I don’t really see you as a hyung, in its most literal sense, okay.”

“Because you saw my dick?”

“No! God put a filter on that thing. It’s because I like you! Like literally want-to-go-on-a-proper-date-with-you like you!”

Kyungsoo gasped softly, hunched stature frozen in place as he digested Jongin’s words.

It was a while before he answered; voice hesitant, unsure. He could hear Jongin’s breathing through his earphones like they were right beside each other. “Is…is that a confession?”

There was a loud inhale on the other end, and then Jongin replied. “Yes, yes it is. I like you, Do Kyungsoo. Will you um, formally date me? As myself, and not Kai anymore.”

Kyungsoo tried to make sense of the restless beating of his heart, and realized that yes, this was what he was feeling all along. The foreign sensation of excitement, anxiety and fondness all bubbling up in one emotion. He was in love.

“Jongin…do you have a camera on you? I…want, I want to see you.”

- - -

“Have you got the tickets ready?”

“Hell yeah I have! I can’t wait to see you this summer. Only 7 months left!” Kyungsoo laughed at Jongin’s enthusiasm.

“Your fault for being so damn far away. Come home soon!”

“I told you a hundred times I was granted a college scholarship on Perth and it was too good of a deal to pass up on. How many people get to have foreign education for free? Not many right? So there. But don’t worry. I’ll be back in Seoul sooner than you think.”

Kyungsoo flashed him the bird through the webcam, earning him a throaty chuckle from the other. “Stop flaunting your 4.0s in my face, you jerk.” But there was no real venom in his voice when he said that.

“Books are man’s best friend, Soo.” Jongin waved a thick Oxford dictionary in front of the camera.

“I think you meant dogs - ”

The sound of a door knob being twisted caught Kyungsoo’s attention, a worn out Chanyeol trudging into their tiny doorway.

“Oh, Chanyeol’s here. Hey, welcome back!”

Chanyeol glanced at Kyungsoo and then at the laptop in front of him, seeing Jongin’s face on the screen, waving and grinning at him.

Chanyeol felt his mood lift because of the two of them, responding with a low ‘Yo mah dawgs,” before disappearing into the kitchen.

As soon as he disappeared, Jongin leaned in eerily close to the web cam, whispering conspiratorially. “Have you told him yet?”

“Shhhhhhhhh, not so loud! You’ll ruin the surprise.”

Jongin nodded, his face a blurry smudge in the screen as the laptop froze for a second. “Ugh, damn internet connection.”

Kyungsoo spoke into the microphone. “Hang on Jongin, I’ll restart the modem for a bit. I’ll be back.” He blew the other a kiss through the microphone before ending the call with him and displaying his status as offline in Skype.

Then he scrolled through his contacts, stopping at one name.

“Hey Baek. You on your way yet?”

- - -

Jongin still had a whole 4 and a half months to finish in Perth before he would be able to come home and be with his Squishy. (Yes, he calls him that now.)

Every video call and chat with Kyungsoo made Jongin’s insides tingle with warmth, anticipation and longing, wanting to drag the days together so he’d be with him sooner.

Not to mention his raging sex drive - he had a hunch Kyungsoo was good looking, but not that hot. Never in his wildest dreams. Just thinking about his boyfriend’s pouty lips gave him random and unwanted boners, most of which happened when he was away from the internet. It was honestly infuriating.

So to solve this problem, Kyungsoo agreed to try Skype Sex with him. At first, Jongin was thrilled, and apparently his boner was too, standing at full attention the moment the other said “fine”. Now, the idea just feels stupid. And Jongin feels stupid.

He’s facing his laptop, waiting for Kyungsoo’s call.

The butterflies in his stomach were tripling in number quickly in anticipation - and when the call finally came, he answered it but dashed away, screaming a “wait I have to pee!”

Kyungsoo chuckled, tapping his fingers along the space beside his mouse pad. They were going to attempt Skype Sex, and he did his research.

When Jongin finally emerged from the comfort of his bathroom, Kyungsoo was swiping away on his phone.

“H-hey,” Jongin’s voice was shaky and he hated how it made his nervousness more apparent.

Kyungsoo looked up from his phone and replied with a sweet heart-shaped smile, putting the other gadget away.

“Hey yourself. Ready?”

“Yes?” Jongin squeaked.

Kyungsoo chuckled. “You sound unsure. Do you wanna do this or not?”

Jongin leaned forward eagerly. “I do! It just - I’m nervous.”

Kyungsoo nodded, looking straight at his boyfriend’s eyes through the camera. “I am too. But we’ll be fine. Trust me, okay?”

Jongin looked at him, and saw that he looked unsure of himself too, and oddly enough it calmed him down. “Oh-okay. Let’s do this.”

Kyungsoo grinned and clapped his hands. “Alright! First question though, do you top or do you prefer being a bottom?”

Jongin slammed his laptop closed so fast he heard something crack. “Ah, shit…”


Jongin just arrived at Seoul International Airport, looking around for a boy with a sign and his name on it. Finding none, he sat himself down on one of the vacant chairs in the waiting area. He took his phone out and began texting the number Kyungsoo gave him before he left Perth.

“Hyung,” he typed. “Where are you?”

He glanced around his surroundings and noticed a rather small guy seated near him. He didn’t want to stare and seem rude, so Jongin looked away.

But he noticed through his peripheries that the guy had a tall nose despite the snapback pulled low over his face. He was pale, and seemed to have long legs. He was his type. But Jongin was here for Kyungsoo, and not for some stranger.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he checked his phone again. Nothing. He frowned and typed another message.

“Hyung, come on and get me already! Or else I’ll flirt with this cute guy near me. I promise.”

He sent the text, and heard a low chuckle somewhere near him right after.

He looked to his side, curious.

Then he was met by the most handsome face his eyes have ever had the luck to look at. His cheeks felt warm, and so did his heart.

The guy had taken off his snapback and was grinning at him.

“Hi, Jongin. Welcome home!”

round 1: 2016, category: g

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