[G21] REACT TO MY LOVE (3/3)

Jul 06, 2016 11:02

Prompt Code: G21
Title: React to My Love

A month had passed and Jongin and Kyungsoo continued dating. There were no official labels yet, but they were practically a couple. They held hands when they went out together, they went on many dates together, they’ve met each other’s parents, they even occasionally kissed, although it was nothing eve more than a chaste peck on the lips.

Things were going great for the two. Jongin had been the happiest he had been in a while. He continued making his reaction videos and vlogs but tried to avoid reacting or even mentioning anything about Kyungsoo’s channel. He still got many requests from his viewers wanting him to react to Kyungsoo’s latest video. But he always disregarded it because if he were to make a reaction video, he might let something he’s not supposed to say slip like the fact that the two were dating.

He still made vlogs, although not as frequently as the quarter was beginning to come to a close and he needed to prepare for upcoming finals. Every time he asked Kyungsoo to be in one of his vlogs, the younger always refused. Sometimes it saddened Jongin that his not yet boyfriend would reject helping him in something he loved but he understood Kyungsoo’s position. The last thing he wanted to do was make Kyungsoo feel uncomfortable so he left it alone and no longer asked the freshman. Kyungsoo still gave his feedback though when Jongin should him the rough edit of the video he was about to post.

Likewise, Kyungsoo occasionally let Jongin pick the song he was going to sing in his own video. He realized that since Jongin filmed reactions to his videos, the ones he still wasn’t allowed to see, he had garnered over twenty thousand new subscribers. That was an amazing feat within itself.

Jongin sometimes liked to ask Kyungsoo just to sing for him. The ‘hellodks’ covers were great but actually having the live thing was even better. Jongin could never get enough of Kyungsoo’s voice.

For the last week, Jongin hadn’t been spending that much time with Kyungsoo since the younger had been practicing his song for the music club audition, occurring later that day. Kyungsoo had once again asked Jongin what song he should sing since he didn’t know what song would be good to perform and impress the judges with.

Since Jongin was a sucker for acoustics he recommended Jack Johnson’s “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” for Kyungsoo to audition with. Jongin clearly remembered him and Kyungsoo chilling in Jongin’s apartment on the couch, his head in the freshman’s lap. Kyungsoo unconsciously combed his fingers through Jongin’s hair as he watched TV while Jongin was listening to this song through one headphone propped in his ear.

When he looked up at Do Kyungsoo’s face, he knew that he was ready to ask the younger to be his official boyfriend. He had fallen so deep for the younger that he wanted to be in a committed relationship with each other where they can do cute couple things and annoy Baekhyun whenever he was around.

Kyungsoo probably didn’t know that the song held meaning to Jongin but maybe it was better that only Jongin knew that Kyungsoo’s audition song was the song playing the moment he realized that he had fallen in love with freshman. He would always remember and cherish it. And eventually, Jongin would share with Kyungsoo how that was their song and how it sounded even better when Kyungsoo sang it. But for now it was his secret.

After much pleading, Kyungsoo finally allowed Jongin to make a vlog of his audition. He didn’t necessarily want to be in Jongin’s video but Jongin really wanted to record this happy occasion and who was he to break Jongin’s poor heart. Plus, the singer really couldn’t say no to Jongin’s puppy eyed pout. He often wondered who was the younger between the two.

“Just make sure you stop recording if I come out sad because the judges rejected me, got it?”

Jongin chuckled, “Of course, I’m not that cruel and mean. But I am going to start recording now.” The reactioner held up his camera and turned it toward Kyungsoo.

“Hello everyone, its Kai here back with a new vlog. Today we have a new face with us. This is Kyungsoo, or as some of you may know him, ‘hellodks’. Today we are here standing outside of the auditorium waiting for Kyungsoo’s audition for our school’s music club, he’s been practicing for many weeks and today’s finally the day. Are you ready Soo?”

Kyungsoo shook his head, “No. I’m so nervous. What if it goes bad? What if my voice cracks and they don’t accept me?”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. You’re so talented that I would be surprised if you didn’t make the club,” A voice said from behind the camera.

An embarrassed smile formed on Kyungsoo’s face. “You’re just saying that.”

“No I’m not and your twenty-thousand plus subscribers would agree with me. Just remember what I told you yesterday and you’ll be fine. Everything will go smoothly I promise. Now go stand on that stage and make me and the viewers of this vlog proud.”

Kyungsoo gave Jongin a firm nod and a quick hug before entering the auditorium by himself. Since it was a closed audition, Jongin could only wait outside and hope for the best. At least, he had his camera with him so that he could record more parts for his vlog. It was also good that no one was around him because he would feel awkward talking only to a camera whilst waiting for Kyungsoo’s results.

He turned the camera on himself and began to speak, “It seems strange that in the last three or four months I’ve actually gotten to know the guy I spazzed so hard over. I actually found out he went to my school three months ago when we coincidently met through mutual friends. He was singing my favorite song at some event for the club he is auditioning for right now and I couldn’t help but be more entranced by him during his performance, even more so that in my reaction videos. I know that probably sounds unbelievable because I spazzed hard in my videos but its true. I just had to keep my cool since I was in public and I didn’t want to seem like some weirdo. Then we met again a week later when we coincidentally joined the same club. From then on, our relationship took off. We’ve been dating for about a month and half give or take and I’ve been so happy. I’m sure if Kyungsoo wants anyone to know that so I might edit this part out.”

Jongin cracked his neck and back before sighing.

“I think today after his auditions, whether he makes it or not, but I know he will, I’m going to ask him to be my boyfriend. Before I was a fan of his voice and I loved to listen to it but now I really enjoy just being in his presence, something I haven’t felt in a long time or maybe even ever. I just really like him, there is no other way to explain it. We are so similar yet we are so different. We also have similar music tastes and I think that is very important. I’m not sure what else to say so for now I think I’ll just set the camera down and wait for him to come out.”

Jongin placed the camera to his side on the bench he was sitting on, leaving it recording in case something good happened. He just stared out at the flowers in front of him, thinking about everything that had happened in the last few months. Kyungsoo had become a constant in his life, Baekhyun finally managed to get Minseok to notice him, Sehun and his boyfriend were still going strong and both his and Kyungsoo’s YouTube channels were gaining more and more followers as the days passed. Everything was going well for him.

“Jongin! Jongin!” Kyungsoo burst through the door with a wide smile on his face and papers in his hand.

Jongin stood up from the bench he was sitting on and opened his arms wide for happy Kyungsoo to run into. “I made it! They said the song I sang for the audition was perfect for my voice and that they loved how I sang it so well. They gave me a spot in the club for next quarter.”

“I’m so proud of you I knew you could do it.”

Feeling rather bold, Kyungsoo grabbed Jongin’s face a planted a soft kiss on Jongin’s lips. “Thank you for supporting me and helping me.”

A large grin appeared on Jongin’s face as he hugged the smaller around the waist. “I knew you were going to do great. Listen, this might not be the greatest moment to ask you this but if I don’t do it now I think I’ll die of impatience.”

Kyungsoo looked up at Jongin. “Kyungsoo, would you be my boyfriend like officially?”

“Yes, I would like nothing more than to be your boyfriend.”

The newly formed couple shared another kiss before hugging once more. Both couldn’t keep a huge smile of their face as they interlocked fingers. Jongin picked up his camera on their way back to his car. He had forgotten about the video camera and hoped that it recorded the whole thing between him and Kyungsoo, even if it was just their voices. If it did manage to capture it, maybe he wouldn’t share this video with the internet as a vlog but instead keep it for himself and re-watch the moment his boyfriend said yes to being by his side.

That evening, after their celebratory lunch, both of the boys were cuddled on Jongin’s bed watching a movie. Kyungsoo had originally planned on celebrating with Chanyeol but when the other boy cancelled their plans, Jongin invited him over to hang out. It wasn’t the first time Kyungsoo had cuddled with Jongin but he felt like this time was more special because they were now an official couple.

All day, Jongin hadn’t let go of Kyungsoo’s hand and planted kisses every now and then on different parts of Kyungsoo face. He really felt loved. If being with Jongin meant having to suffer gross public displays of affections on a daily, then he would suck it up and go along with it.

During the movie, Jongin kept looking down at the boy in his arms. It was hard to believe that they were now together, like as in a real relationship. He pecked Kyungsoo head and began to speak, “You know, there really wasn’t a doubt in my mind that you were going to make the club. Your voice makes me melt every time you sing and I can’t imagine that other people aren’t the same.”

Kyungsoo chuckled and indulged Jongin on his compliments. “It’s really nice to hear someone compliment me that isn’t a part of my family. But you’re compliments take the cake. Every time you compliment me I get butterflies in my tummy. Even from before we were dating, I always felt nervous around you.”

Jongin, not responding to his boyfriend’s confession, only leaned down and closed his eyes to kiss Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, noticing this, felt his heart start to thump very fast in his chest. He closed his own eyes, as well, and let Jongin’s lip mesh with his own.

At first contact, the kiss felt extremely sweet and gentle, almost as if Jongin were scared that his lips were fragile and ready to break at any moment. But after Jongin pulled away for a second to make sure that kissing Kyungsoo like that was okay, he crashed their lips together once more. The kiss was deep and so sincerely intimate that Kyungsoo felt like he could feel all of Jongin’s current emotions through it. Kyungsoo softly gasped as Jongin bit down on his lower lip, giving him more access to let his tongue explore Kyungsoo’s mouth.

He lost himself in Jongin’s sweet kisses, his breath tasting faintly like iced tea that had drunk earlier that day. The warmth of his mouth sent chills down the spine of Kyungsoo and he swore he almost melted into goo right then and there. After a few minutes of their lips sliding against each other, Jongin moved away from Kyungsoo’s slightly swollen lips down to Kyungsoo’s neck and started sucking light purple bruises on it. A soft moan coming from Kyungsoo’s mouth had Kyungsoo come back to his senses from his twisted neck.

He quickly stopped Jongin, who looked confused from being pulled away from his object of affection.

“What’s wrong? Were you not enjoying it?”

“No, I was. Very much so. I just-this isn’t a very comfortable position for me.”

Jongin, who had been spooning Kyungsoo from behind, sat up and pulled Kyungsoo to straddle his lap. Kyungsoo blushed at their new position but wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s neck anyways. Seeing Jongin staring so intensely at him gave him the courage to lean forward and plant a few more chaste pecks on his lips before playing with the bottom of Jongin’s hair.

His boyfriend’s eyes were still lidded and his lips were swollen, Kyungsoo only imagined that that’s he looked too. The back of Jongin’s hair had also been messed up due to Kyungsoo letting his fingers weave through when they were making out before.

Kyungsoo didn't have much time to think as he felt Jongin caressing his face. “Are you okay Kyungsoo? We can do something else if you would like.”

Kyungsoo could see the look of worry displayed on the elder’s face and he felt happy that Jongin was being so kind to him. He wasn’t quite ready to go all the way but he quite enjoyed kissing Jongin a lot. He trusted that Jongin would lead him without taking him too far.

“No I’m good. Kissing you is wonderful. Can we kiss more?”

Jongin nodded his head and let his hand guide Kyungsoo’s chin into a kiss. “That can be arranged.”

Kyungsoo’s second kiss with Jongin that night was considerably softer and sweeter than their first kiss. Their lips molded perfectly together and moved in harmonious synchronization. One of Jongin’s hand moved up to cup the side of Kyungsoo’s face while the other gently rest on Kyungsoo's lower back, moving slowly towards Kyungsoo’s ass.

Their lips were moving together, tongues dancing around in bliss. A few times, their teeth clanked together but neither minded as they were too engaged in each other’s warm breaths mingling.

Kyungsoo had be so lost in the passion that he hadn’t realized that he accidently rubbed down his hardening dick close to Jongin’s crotch. Jongin moaned a bit into Kyungsoo’s mouth at the electric feeling deep down underneath his pants. He shivered at the feeling.

He let out an audible gasp and tilted his head back in the slight pleasure Kyungsoo accidently caused him. Kyungsoo looked confused at Jongin’s reaction but Jongin just shook his head as if telling him that he’s fine.

Jongin reattached his lips to the smooth of Kyungsoo’s milky skin and planted butterfly kisses up and down the side of his neck, even placing some on the curve of his jaw. Kyungsoo mewled lightly at the wonderful sensation of Jongin’s little nips and sucks. He grinded his hips down again and gave Jongin a few light pecks on his lips before jerking back and forth as if to rub their obvious erections together.

“Fuck, Kyungsoo. You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?”

Kyungsoo didn’t understand what Jongin was alluding too but moved to suck on the skin under Jongin’s ear, hips still grinding down hard on Jongin’s lap.

Jongin, not giving a fuck about calming himself down anymore, placed his hands on Kyungsoo’s ass and starts to pull the younger down harder onto his lap, giving pleasure to both parties. Kyungsoo lets out a breathy moan at the feeling and he could feel the light heat pooling inside his stomach. If this was what Jongin was talking about earlier, he had no idea he was doing something to cause it.

But now that Kyungsoo had become aware of how good it felt and the response Jongin gave to it, he smirked.

He started grinding his hips down in a circular motion, their clothed crotches aligned with each other. Each time he swerved around in a circle on Jongin’s lap, he pressed down harder and harder, letting out exaggerated moans of pleasure. Jongin, taking notice of Kyungsoo’s moans grabbed the back of his neck to bring him forward, licked the other’s lips before giving him and open mouth kiss. Kyungsoo lets Jongin’s tongue dominate in his mouth as Jongin licked everything in his way in Kyungsoo’s mouth before stopping to suck on Kyungsoo’s tongue.

Kyungsoo heaved a breathy moan and the intense feeling of Jongin suck on his tongue. It was something he had never experienced but he quite enjoyed the feeling from it.

“You’re so hot Soo,” he says after he released Kyungsoo’s tongue with a little popping noise.

Kyungsoo took a moment to catch his breath as Jongin started thrusting his pelvis up to get more contact on his aching bulge. Kyungsoo groaned at the exquisite feeling and began bouncing down on the clothed lap of his older boyfriend. Finding the perfect rhythm to rub against each other, both boys continued to pick up the pace until Jongin grabbed Kyungsoo in for a harsher kiss. His tongue surveyed the younger’s mouth again before divulging into it once more. Their tongue danced to together as their grinding didn’t let up. The kiss quieted Kyungsoo’s loud moans.

The contort expression on Kyungsoo’s face let Jongin know that Kyungsoo was close to cumming. The doe-eyed boy picked up the pace to further deepen his arousal. The heat in his stomach became too overbearing as he desperately grinded down harder on Jongin’s crotch to stimulate his release.

“Jongin, I can-can’t hold-” His ragged breathing prevented him from finishing his sentence.

Jongin cants his hips up with even more force than before as Kyungsoo pressed himself down harder.

“Jongin, I’m go-going-”

He threw his head back at the intense feeling of pleasure taking over his body as he cum spurted out into his underwear and pants. Little convulsions and ticks took over his body as he calmed down from his high. He sat still on Jongin’s laps for a minute before he continued motioning his hips, seeing Jongin still riled up. It wasn’t until a minute later after he kept circling his hips on his crotch that he saw Jongin spill out profanities and reach his own high, head lolled back against the couch, eyelids heavy from the sensation.

Kyungsoo got off of Jongin and laid by his side. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room.

A few minutes later after catching his breath Jongin spoke, “That was wow.”

With a rasped voice, Kyungsoo turned to face Jongin, “I think we should shower.”

“I didn’t mean for it to go that far, Soo. I’m sorry.”

Kyungsoo turned to the side, albeit slowly because he was still in his cum-filled pants, a gave a kiss to Jongin, “It’s okay I enjoyed it. Plus, it’s takes two to tango, right? I didn’t exactly stop you. But maybe we shouldn’t do that again for a while.”



Seven months later…

Kyungsoo slowly woke up from his cozy spot under Jongin’s arm in the elder’s bed. More often than not, Kyungsoo found himself waking up to the familiar grey walls he had grown so fond of. His boyfriend was still sleeping, obviously worn out from their activities the previous night. But the now sophomore only stared lovingly at him and planted a peck on his cheek before sneakily getting up from the bed.

The past seven almost eight moths together had been nothing short of spectacular. Kyungsoo found himself happier and more outgoing since he met Jongin. He managed to balance his clubs, academics, and his boyfriend without a single major complaint.

He was even smiling more often than not. But then again, Kyungsoo always seemed to be smiling when Jongin was around. His friend Jongdae always teased him about how his head perked up in excitement at the mere mention of the now junior. Kyungsoo couldn’t help it, though. Who wouldn’t be excited and smiley at the mere mention of the one who brings a smile to your face?

Slowly and silently, he walked out of the room and into the bathroom down the hall to wash his face and brush his teeth. Usually, since it was a weekend, Kyungsoo would stay in bed with Jongin and lazily make out until they got hungry and decided to be productive. But today was different.

Once Kyungsoo deemed himself presentable (or at least from his shirt up), he set out towards the living room, carefully slipping past Sehun’s room. Last time he accidently woke up Sehun in the early morning Sehun grumbled at him and let out inaudible curses at the younger. Needless to say, he had scared Kyungsoo enough to the point where the poor doe-eyed boy couldn’t speak to, let alone make eye contact, with the taller male for a few weeks. It wasn’t until Jongin stepped in and fixed the problem himself that he was finally okay with Sehun again, even though Sehun insisted that the loathing was all in his head.

Once Kyungsoo successfully made it past Sehun’s room and into the living room, he set up his video camera to start recording his surprise for Jongin.

Jongin had finally reached five million subscribers on YouTube and Kyungsoo, being the amazing boyfriend that he was, wanted to do a little surprise for him.

Kyungsoo moved the camera to get the proper angle like he had seen Jongin do a billion times and pulled out his laptop to search for a certain video on YouTube.

It was the video that started it all.

Kyungsoo clears his throat and presses record. As nervous as he was, he was actually excited to see how everything would come out and to see Jongin’s reaction. He wasn’t as skilled at edit at Jongin was so he knew he had to make as little amount of errors as possible.

“Hello everyone! I’m sure you guys are wondering who I am and wondering where Kai is but to be honest this is a surprise for him, so please bear with me.” Kyungsoo chuckled to himself a bit.

“For those of you who don’t know, Kai is my boyfriend and we’ve been dating for around seven months already. I’ve been in a few of his vlog videos if you recognize me or maybe not but that’s okay. I’m Kyungsoo and it’s nice to meet everyone.”

“I’m making this video secretly so sorry if my speaking is a bit low”, Kyungsoo quickly looks behind to see if anyone was there as assurance before looking back to the camera, “I just wanted surprise Kai with this video to show him how proud I am of him on all of his success on YouTube and how I want thank ever single subscriber for taking the time to watch his videos. It means so much to him and it makes me happy to see him happy from all the love you guys give him.”

Kyungsoo covered his yawn with his hand.

“Sorry if I’m yawning too much. I’m not used to waking up this early, but I thought now would be the best time to do this video. For many years as you all know, Kai has been making videos reacting to things you request of him and things he genuinely wants to react to so I thought as a present to him I would react to the one video that started our relationship.”

“Seems very vain of me huh? But honestly without you guys telling Kai my account on YouTube I would’ve never met this incredible man I’m proud to call mine. For those of you who don’t know the story, as a quick recap, I’m ‘hellodks’ on YouTube and I make covers of songs. Sometime late last year, Kai watched a video I did with my friends and asked his viewers to tell him who the singer was. Because you guys are so awesome, you gave him my account that led him to watching my videos. One thing led to another and we found out we go to the same school and have mutual friends. Somehow we just clicked. I was very shy but I eventually let Kai into my heart.”

“It’s funny though because I’m actually not allowed to watch this video, according to Kai. He said it was embarrassing to watch so for seven months I’ve respected his wishes to not watch any video where he reacted to me because he said I might think he’s obsessive. Although in hindsight, what Kai’s said is probably actually true but that’s okay because I think I’m equally obsessed with him. So I’m sorry Kai for breaking your trust but don’t worry, I won’t judge you.” Kyungsoo chuckled and made a heart with his hands.

Kyungsoo uses his knees as arms rest and clicks the spacebar on his laptop to start the video.

“Hey guys. Its Kai here back with a new video to react to this week. If you’ve watched the vlog I posted on Tuesday or follow my Twitter account, you would know that I asked all you guys to tell me the name of the guy singing “Guilty” and recommend me some of his videos if he had any, through my Twitter page or in the comment section below, for this week’s reaction.” Jongin gives the camera two thumbs up.

“I feel honored that he was very adamant about finding out who the singer was in the “Guilty” video. Honestly, singing is my hobby and so having someone actively me seeking me out especially when my channel was new made me excited. I was even more excited when people actually knew who I was complimented and praised my singing to him.”

Kyungsoo rubbed the bridge of his nose, “I think that’s the second time I’ve seemed very conceited but really I thank everyone for recommending me and complimenting me. I read the comments and to be honest I took screenshots of some of few of my favorites for keepsakes!”

“But before that I would like to say that I’ve read through all your comments on YouTube and on Twitter about last week’s video and I definitely wasn’t anticipating your guys’ eager reaction to my reaction of Zhang Yixing’s dance video.” Jongin laughed to himself as he recalled some of the fan girls’ comments telling him to date Yixing or to react to the video of him dancing in front of the mirrors or even just complimenting how hot Yixing was.

“I’ve actually never seen any of his videos online so it was fun to give my input from one dancer to another on his own choreographies.”

“Truthfully though, I found it a bit awkward to read some of the comments and record the video itself because, for those of you who don’t know or don’t watch my vlogs, Yixing and I are real life friends. But considering he’s becoming a hot topic online for these videos, I thought to myself ‘Of course I have to react to Yixing’s video. He’s my friend so by default as a reactioner I have to embarrass him.’” Jongin combed his fingers through his hair once more and bit down the chuckle ready to escape his lips.

“Yixing actually smacked my arm before giving me a kiss on his cheek the day after the video was released. I think he was saying something about getting almost ten thousand new subscribers and what not, I actually don’t know. I was too grossed out by his saliva still on my face to pay attention to what he was saying. My other friends were laughing really hard though so I guess my misery was entertainment to them, whatever. But since many of you seemed to like Yixing, when I do another dance vlog I’ll be sure to get him in it in all his sweaty glory for you fans. ” Jongin snickered.

“In the months I’ve been with Kai, I’ve been well acquainted with Yixing too and just hearing this again seems like something he would honestly do. Bless his little heart. I think Yixing is a really great dancer and if you’ve ever seen him dance in real life, you would know that it’s literally mesmerizing. Jongin does too but he had a different style. Even though Yixing is good, Jongin’s my favorite.” He cheekily grins.

“But for this week, I’ll react to the singer from “Guilty”. I was actually surprised at how many people knew who he was. I must not be in the know anymore.”

“Secret between you guys and me, Jongin is never in the know. He is definitely an old soul living in a young body. I mean I am too but at least I know what’s in nowadays. I’ll just skip the reaction part before this video turns to twenty minutes rather than its usual six minutes.”

“Okay so it looks like this video was taken from some kind of concert or talent show or something. He’s setting up and there is another guy who has a guitar, tuning the strings. Oh this might be good; acoustics are definitely my weak spot.”

“The video was actually for an impromptu concert held by the arts department at the school. Originally, I wasn’t supposed to sing, my other friend was but since things fell through I ended up filling in for him about ten minutes before. I was a nervous wreck and I had never sung semi-publicly before.”

The video soon panned in from far away on the two main guys sitting on the stage. The lankier of the two starts strumming on the guitar as the other one opens his mouth to sing.

If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go
I can take you places you ain’t ever been before
Baby, take a chance or you’ll never ever know

“Wow, it’s only been like a five seconds and I’m already in love with his voice. I wish whoever shot this zoomed in closer to his face so I could see him better. But that other guy, the one playing the guitar, is also really good. I think it’s cool when two friends can bond over a similar interest and use that interest to make magic like this.” Jongin frowned and moved toward his monitor as if to get a better look at the smaller boy singing. It proved futile as Jongin sits back in his chair, not a mere few seconds later. “I tried to get a closer look at their faces but the quality isn’t that great so no luck.”

Kyungsoo blushed at the compliment. Jongin never failed to make his day with little compliments and appraisals (or as Jongin says “facts”) about everything and anything he did. Kyungsoo could be picking his nose and Jongin would still coo at him like a toddler. He knows this because it’s actually happened before. Jongin had also grown closer to Chanyeol since their relationship begun. He and Baekhyun were amongst the first to know. Baekhyun insisted that they go on a double date with him and Minseok, who had finally become his boyfriend.

Once he moved back into a comfortable position, Jongin continued on with his mouth slightly hung wide open as ‘hellodks’ kept singing the lyrics. To Jongin, every second seemed even more magical than the last. Comparatively, the chorus of Guilty does not do his voice justice like this song does.

I don’t know about me but I know about you
So say hello to falsetto in three, two,
I’d like to be everything you want,
Hey girl, let me talk to you

“What the hell, that was the best falsetto I’ve ever heard. I think I’m in love. I’m so weak for really good voices and I watch a ton of cover videos but something about this guy’s voice is beautiful. Like if I were him I would totally sing everything in falsetto because it just sounds amazing. I literally got goosebumps on my arms.” Jongin rubbed both of his arms with his hands as if trying to get rid of the chills that place on his skin.

It was unlike Jongin to be left speechless or to not even react during a reaction video. He was known for all the blunt comments he made and for the truths that some people just might be scared to say. But for ‘hellodks’, he could hardly register anything in his mind besides praises.

And I can be a gentleman, anything you want
If I was your boyfriend, I’d never let you go
Tell me what you like, yeah, tell me what you don’t

“Fuck guys, he did another falsetto. It should definitely be illegal for him to sound this good.” Jongin scrunched up his face in shock.

The video was only progressively getting better and he honestly didn’t think that was even remotely possible after the first falsetto happened. The second time he sang the chorus was even better than the first and Jongin was so captivated, he almost forgot that he was making a reaction video.

So give me a chance, ‘cause you’re all I need girl
Spend a week with your boy, I’ll be calling you my girlfriend
If I was your man, I’d never leave you girl
I just want to,

“Is he going to sing a high note?” Jongin sat up straight in his chair, eyes trained on the screen.

If I was your boyfriend, never let you go
Keep you on my arm girl, you’ll never be alone

“Oh! Oh never mind, what a tease. It sounded like he was going to sing a high note but instead he gave us another falsetto but you know what, that’s okay. I’m all for this guy and his singing.” Jongin propped his elbow on the table and continued watching with interest.

“Even now when Kai comes to my singing shows or when he watches me film a video, he always watches with interest. I don’t know if it’s because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings or if he genuinely interested but either way, it makes me feel good. Sometimes I know it could get boring at singing competitions or whatever it is I have to do but Kai always comes through for me. And if you were wondering, yes Kai makes me sing falsettos all the time. ”

If I was your boyfriend, never let you go

The video was coming to an end as ‘hellodks’ sang the last lines of his song. When it was finally over, Jongin could only clap in amazement as he watched the small figure bowing to the crowd and scurrying off stage in the last few seconds of the video. Jongin stopped the video on screen and turned back to face the camera. He sat there for a few minutes staring at his desk before speaking.

“Wow, guys that was…wow. I mean there are no other words that come to my mind besides wow. You guys agree with me, right? With a voice like that there is no way he isn’t popular. Let take me look at his profile.”

Kyungsoo smiled at his boyfriend on the screen in front of him. It’s weird to think that Jongin had filmed this before they had even met. He hadn’t even known that the guy he was reacting to was going to become his boyfriend within a few short months. And yet there Kyungsoo was reacting to his boyfriend reacting to him. Fate had a funny way of playing out.

Kyungsoo finally clapped at the end of the segment with a bright smile. “I’m glad I watched this video for the first time. I’m sorry I stopped it early but I thought this would be enough. He told me that he really did watch all of my videos and that he made his best friend Baekhyun watch them too. That made me extremely happy. Especially since I know how great of a singer Baekhyun is. Who would’ve thought the YouTube would have brought two people together? I thought his reaction was cute and way better than I was expecting to be honest. He made it seem like he was really obsessive or something.”

“Anyways, I hope that my reaction was at least decent since this is my first one. I should hope so though because I watch Kai do this all the time, and I learn from the best.”

“Well that’s all I have to say I guess. My endings are awkward but um Kai if you are watching this I want you to know that I love you and that I’m glad fate led you to reacting to my videos. I’m proud of your accomplishments and I’m proud to be your boyfriend. Maybe one day we can react to a video together. Although I didn’t say much in this video I hope everyone knows that I was internally spazzing and blushing at all his compliments but unfortunately one of us has to be sane in our relationship so until next time, bye!”

With his closing statement Kyungsoo combed his fingers through his hair and clicked the stop button on the camera. All he had left to do was edit it and then he could post onto Jongin’s account.

The editing didn’t take that long and after about an hour or two, Kyungsoo successfully uploaded his video to Jongin’s channel and shut his laptop. He was glad that Jongin had shared his YouTube information with him and hoped he wouldn’t get mad at Kyungsoo for uploading a video without permission. It was still only eleven in the morning and of course his lazy boyfriend would still be asleep. He rejoined his boyfriend in bed and went back to sleep, deep in the warmth of Jongin’s chest.

A slight rub of his shoulder woke him up from his deep sleep from what seemed like a few minutes later. The first thing he sees when he opened his eyes was grin on Jongin’s handsome face. Jongin leaned down to place multiple soft kisses on Kyungsoo’s lips.

Not that Kyungsoo’s complaining or anything but he was rather confused. He slowly yawned and rubbed his eyes. Jongin swore his heart melted at the cute scene unfolding in front of him. Kyungsoo looked over at the clock and noticed a large red one forty-six flashing.

“Wow, I can’t believe I slept so long. I think this is the first time you’ve woken up before me. How long have you been awake for?” Kyungsoo chuckled, as he sits up.

“I woke up about an hour and a half ago because my phone kept vibrating. I thought it was Baekhyun at first, probably calling to tell me about his date with Minseok but it just kept vibrating so it woke me up.”

Kyungsoo looked down at his hands sheepishly. Of course, he had forgotten about how Jongin had forgotten to turn off his Twitter notifications from last night. Any new video would garner people to mention him on Twitter.

“I really like the video you posted. I was touched by it. When did you find the time to do it?”

“This morning I actually did it. I know you sleep like a log so I was hoping I could get through the whole thing without waking you up. I’m glad I did though.”

“Kyungsoo, the video was great and I seriously love you to the moon and back.” Jongin climbs onto of his boyfriend and smothers his face with kisses.

Kyungsoo giggles underneath Jongin and wraps his arms around Jongin’s sides.

“Actually, Kyungsoo, I’m thinking about starting a new vlog series.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah I’m going to call it ‘React to My Love’. It’ll star me, of course, and you, my muse. And it’ll show everyone how we are so in love.”

Kyungsoo can’t help but to smile.

Jongin doesn’t know this yet but Kyungsoo’s whole body, mind, and heart react to Jongin’s love each and every day. And with each and every passing day it only grows stronger.

round 1: 2016, category: g

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