Sep 13, 2007 07:50
So I tried to log on this morning to my ING account and the site was down. I'm sure it's nothing but in the back of my head alarm bells started sounding. Here is this financial entity that Shana and I have almost all of our liquid money tied up in and most of our non real investments as well in the form of short term CD's. Wouldn't it absolutely suck if the company just up and disappeared one day? What would we do? I think its FDIC insured but now that the sites down I don't remember if I saw that on there or not. Because they have no brick and mortar establishments that I know of in my area, I would be absolutely lost.
In other news, I haven't talked to my sister in about a year. (perhaps July of 06) I've left her messages and e-mails but have heard nothing back. If anyone who sees this talks to Alyc, can you let her know that her brother is beginning to think he's done something to make her hate him.
Life is going well but for some reason thoughts of despair are filling my head this morning. I'm trying to distill it into a poignant quotable and here's how I think it boils down "Want for anything ensures the universe can control you."