Apr 11, 2010 20:12
Today is my last day at vacation, heading back to the city tomorrow. I also got a message from the office that my ballot has arrived, its for the absentee voting for the May elections back home. I'm in a pinch as to who do I vote? but definitely not Noynoy Aquino, in my opinion his nothing more than a big hype. from what I've read the guy literally evades any chance to layout his flat-form, political and civil agenda, or any other plans for that matter, via debate or a public forum. Any plausible candidate would've jumped at the chance for this sort of exposure instead he avoids them like a plague, This should tell you something about him or any other candidate. What do they have to hide? now is not the time to be timid, election is a pressure so I wonder how will he deal w/ the pressures of being a president. So in parting I'll say this do some research about all the candidates, so you could make informed choices. Don't rely on surveys the company I work for conducts survey every year, and casually ignore the actual results (if its not in their favor) and manipulate it to their liking to deceive the public. Find out the facts for yourself.