Dec 05, 2009 21:33
Budapest at Twilight atop one of the Buildings, across a plush baroque style structure ancestral home to the Cullen coven, stands the Day-walker:Blade and his associate Deadpool.
Deadpool: Yo B-man Whoa! will you lookit that sucker, his like major Guy crush (looking at Edward). They sure dont make Vampires like they used to.(Blade looks at Deadpool w/ disdain)
Blade: The "CENSORED" your yapping about fool!!
Deadpool: Aside from the major Hotness they aint yer ordinary Suckheads...
Blade: They immune to sunlight?
Deadpool: Uh no.
Blade: Garlic
Deadpool: Works pretty much last time I checked.
Blade: If I cut them in half?
Deadpool: They pretty much go in a blaze of glory. (they turn to ashes)
Blade: So what the "censored" were you yapping about fool!!
Deadpool: See B-man uh, they kinda glow....
Blade: In the Dark?
Deadpool: Hell no!! they glow, when sunlight hits em.
Blade: What the (insert rude expletive F word) !!!!!
Deadpool: Yeah they "CENSORED"ng!!! glow on daylight, just like Tinkerbell LMAO.
Blade: Look all I need to know is if I gun them down w/ UV rounds they burn right?!!!
Deadpool: Uh yeah.
Blade:Well what the "censored" are we standing around here for, lets gut them mother "censored"ers.
Deadpool: B don't they tell you, you need to clean your "censored"ng mouth w/ soap.
Toji: Gaaaaaaaawd I hate that "CENSORED"ng Movie, and all them "CENSORED"ng novels too, how dare those "CENSORED"ng fools compare them to Harry Potter or the LOTR series.