...wanted to go to bed now before I came across these two(2) Very Awesome Things.
_Number one(1)
OMG YESSSS RETURN OF THE ISHIDAS~~~~!!!!!!! Have only downloaded the raw so far, so I cannot judge on plotty happenings/new revelations in the Ishida father-son dynamic ...except the fact that I am 100% sure that there was commentary from Ryuuken to Uryuu along the lines of "Rar the force is still weeeak with you!" etc etc
BUT! Shallow squee time: HOMG NEW AND VARIED QUINCY ATTACKS! Ryuuken's rapid-fire shooting action(*LOVE*)! The way he busts out of the shield thing that Uryuu tries to lock him in the end!
AND AAAAAAAGH SHIRTLESS! and GLASSLESS!URYUU~~ ♥ ♥ ISHIDA-FANSERVICE! I never thought I'd see the day!...:DDDDD (The 'scaaaar'! His pants! They rode so loooow~! And ahahaha positioning of the hand~)
...Kubotite, now if only that were in colour I would ignore all previous transgressions re: the awesome colourspreads you made where Ishida was but a wee speck in the background...
THAT aside: AKAHLHFLKLFLJFLLl;lsahfdlkajflljkjalfgjllk!! THE FACT THAT RYUUKEN'S MAIN WEAPON IS ALSO A FULL BOW (ahhh this duo makes fighting with bows and arrows made from the power of your mind look so freaking BADASS~~) ...and most importantly: NEW Ryuuken expressions! I observed some new "...!"-faces, a lovely shot of "O.O!!" and my second favorite panel of this chapter- his beautiful expression on page 3. It just neeeds to be made into a 'bitch, please.' icon~ ♥
Ahhhh and to think I nearly was about to skip downloading this chapter as I figured it'd be more Vizored stuffs (which the first pre-title pages nearly confirmed for me)...but YAY. A brilliant end to a quite wonderful day~! (AND OOOH SEEING THE TITLE "The Right of the Heart" ...god damn I wanna know what's being said!)
_Number two(2)
Fiiiiinally! And heh, looking good there, booya! Although the way his new outfit looks like oddly resembles Neji's disastrous ensemble...D:? Ah well, shall keep staring at his faaace then~! (So it really was a year that he was missing from the manga? Huh)