Here be the pic spammage I meant to put up ages ago, and actually even yesterday- but eh LJ you sucked. Hope this time is better!
=Loads of images up ahead, dial-up bewaaaare=
First off- I love the animate webpage. Such a veritable fountain of merch goodness~~ ♥
Eee~! Naru-Plushie! And a quite cute one to boot!
Sasuke's extremly fruity pose must be pointed out here. Practising for the upcoming likay show, boya? :P
This is somehow very awesome. Your own personal mini-gourd!
Mr. Froggie ♥! *hugs* Ain't he a beauty? I'm seriously considering retiring my fish coinpurse and using him for school. His greatness must be shown~!
I am in mad love with the Akatsuki rings. Ohsostylish~! Kat, if you by any chance come across this in China? *COUGHCOUGH* plz? :D? And I'll uh get that list to you by tomorrow! I seem to be failing with list making these day *WOES*
...I saw this and I honestly couldnt stop laughing for like five minutes...If the gourd was awesome, then this is like TRIPLE AWESOME GENIAL ...because well...LEE! Love his expression and ahahahahaha~ XD
...*coughs* no comment~ *is twelve*
I actually saw some ripoffs at major cineplex the other day, along with some wickedly shiny Zangetsu...hrmm~
*blinks* that's just kinda suspicious, eh Naruto? Sakura's face ahahaha chibi molestation- Jiraiya taught you good~
This is just the bestest idea ever for Ishida merchandise! Quincy Archer sewing kit! Hee~ ♥
There needs to be more FFX merchandise like this~ Yay for phonestraps!
Be pimped out like Tidus is! Oh man I wish I still had my necklace waah...
So stylish and swanky!
And last but okay yeah least: have a Sasufairy, drewn during a typically boring philosophy lesson a while back. Have some other stuff too, but ehh scanning.
Also: FFVIII art site linkpimp-
DEEP FOREST ...pretty pretty stuff from what I could see from a quick browse through. Love the way the artist uses (ths sometimes soft) lighting and the way she draws clothing folds~