Okay, I am aware that even this mood could constitute a spoiler for some, but just imagine that I am generally excited for the the fact that this is Supernatural's 100th episode? I mean, that alone in legit freakout-worthy. I MEAN, ONE HUNDRED! OH, SHOW <33
Supernatural S5x18
I AM SO HAPPY. I was bad and couldn't resist spoiling myself like hell for this episode, so I knew about the return of Adam, Dean being a douche who was veering towards saying yes and the Castiel beatdown of Dean (HOT in the preview clips, HOT when I saw it again) BUT STILL. Wow. My roommate (that messy swine has been pioneering new ways to piss me the fuck off AHHH SOON I WILL BE GONE) was here in the next room, so I couldn't really let loose with the squee and fangirlish noises as I ~yearned to and thus spent most of the episode mouthing the phrases OH MY GOD and JUST TELL SAM/DEAN YOU LOVE HIM, DEAN/SAM and just AHHHHHHHHHHH to myself at regular intervals.
I really felt that this was a fitting 100th episode. The action! The way everything was ramped up! And still, at the heart of it the Winchesters and their EPIC LOVE that finally, fucking finally reared its head again. I loved that it was Sam who always believed in Dean, even considering the shitty things that Dean was spouting in his despair (because, OUCH) and who kept at it and made Dean finally, finally get his head out of his ass. I didn't make notes or write down quotes or anything because I was so swept up in it, but the interactions between the brothers-- especially the last scene in the car made me clutch my hands to my chest and sighhhhhh in joy and pleasure and joyness. BOYS!
Zachariah was also in fine form tonight, and though his death scene was pretty damn good I kind of think it's a shame the character is gone now? KURT FULLER YOU WERE FANTASTIC <33 Loved his disdain for the Winchesters and his apparent fondness for making people (or maybe just all Winchesters ever) hemorrhage.
The real!Adam we finally got to see I also liked-- you could see the unfailingly Winchester stubborn streak well and alive in him, and the fact that his mom was his main priority over these brothers he never met felt true to me. He did come across as a little bit of a mini!Dean in certain mannerisms though maybe that was just the wardrobe pinging my subconscious as well. And lol this season has been the season of shitting on John Winchester, eh?
AND CASTIEL. While I feel sorry that every episode seems to be bringing him closer and closer to the Castiel of "The End/5x14", part of me also is fascinated by that version of Cas, so. The fact that he's constantly annoyed veering towards angry! (I mean, in his situation-- who wouldn't be?) The way everyone keeps asking him if he's okay and he's all "NO" (lol no shit). AND OF COURSE, THE BEATDOWN. Also, woooooooow the writers were sure throwing all the fangirls a bone today, huh? "BLOW ME, CAS"? OR: "THE LAST TIME SOMEONE STARED AT ME LIKE THAT, I GOT LAID"??? Akjsfhjkfhaskjfhkas oh Dean <3333. Castiel was so badass in this episode, it was amazing (ahhh the angel sigils cut into his flesh ahhhhhhhhh). HE BETTER BE OKAY IN THE NEXT EPISODE.
I need to go do RL things now, because I have been amazingly behind on this and absolutely everything and wow do I keep forgetting that I WILL BE GONE IN LIKE, A WEEK. AHHH FREAK-OUTTTTT.