M for M-m-mood swings?

Apr 09, 2010 23:56

This would've been a super cranky entry full of whining and general feelings of ~unease BUT I got to skype/call my parents earlier and perhaps most importantly talk to ♥CARMEN♥ after nearly a week and a half so now I am actually in a good mood again. It was great catching up and our moods continue to magically synchronize. We are apparently both in the throes of this weird wishy-washy and niggling feeling you get when you're not exactly "content" or happy with the general direction your life is taking, and not quite sure what to do about it. Well okay, in my case I am just in front of a large and blinking question mark and I am mostly psyching myself out with thinking up negative scenarios and also experiencing the usual YAY LET'S SEE PEOPLE and NO IMMA BE A SHUT-IN simultaneous social activity dichotomy that I sometimes go through. And I kind of am balking at the amount of packing I still have to do in these two weeks. TL;DR CONCLUSION: TIME TO SACK THE FUCK UP, SELF *rinse, repeat*
[EDIT] hah I got over myself and am meeting Daniela, then Wido on Monday and nebst(♥!) for the first time on Tuesday. YAYYYYY <33

BUT TO GET BACK TO MORE FANDOM-Y things, have caught up with SPN and TVD! Ahhh, and both episodes that make me ever so antsy for it to be next week already~

"They're Calling My Name" by secretlytodream is short but packs an epically creepy punch. The way the already quite unsettling song fits together with the editing and the coloring choices and ahhh fuck THAT ENDING. THIS VID AHHHHHH.

Supernatural S5x16
I AM STILL ENAMORED OF THE SPINNY SKY EFFECT that Dean 'n Sam's SHARED SOULMATE HEAVEN has. So insanely pretty. And that in media res opening and transition to credits and then the first heaven memory was glorious. One of SPN's most memorable beginnings, I'd have to say.


Am too lazy to write about the rest of the ep, though Zachariah has to get props for always being entertaining and at times quite creepy as a villain. That whole "petty" line was fantastic, and I love how he utterly and totally has the Winchesters on the top of his bureaucratic shitlist.


Supernatural S5x17

First off, OH SHOW WHY MUST YOU DO THESE MISOGYNISTIC THINGS THAT MAKE EVERYONE EVER WANT TO HEADDESK (to say the least) REPEATEDLY?? I mean, I'll probably keep on watching until S6 is over no matter what happens but maaaaaan every new SPN ep I watch, the part of me that is now more aware of such transgressions than in previous years is ready to wince and make frustrated noises at the TV. I am not knocking the Whore of Babylon concept that was used, I actually thought it was a pretty neat twist to show the (prim and proper-seeming) Preacher's daughter turning the congregation against each other like that BUT those two lines of Dean's about "showing the pimp hand" and "on a good day you kill a whore" (both paraphrased a bit due to my crap memory)? Adding in to the title (which I think was fine in the SPN pantheon of titles, but is just not helping their case in this particular situation) ? OH SPN NOOOOOO. And this ep was written by a woman, too? Argh.

On a lesser note, but still vaguely annoying to me was also the way that Lisa was crammed into the ending bit (if it weren't for the previouslies, who the fuck would've called that?). YES, DEAN WE KNOW YOU ARE IDEALIZING HER TO HIGH HEAVEN and good god dude you are seriously circling the drain in your epic downward spiral but aughhhhh. YOU DON'T LEAVE YOUR BROTHER HANGING LIKE THAT. And way to freak the woman the fuck out, dropping by suddenly and being all cryptic and semi-weepy before abruptly disappearing again :|

BARRING THOSE TWO THINGS THOUGH, I actually thoroughly enjoyed myself for most of the episode. Again, SPN likes to kill off characters that could be fun reoccurring members of the cast (SERIOUSLY, I LOVED THE NONBELIEVING BARTENDER) but I liked seeing the boys join up with the townspeople and the team action scenes were great (yay backup!).

AND OF COURSE, THE COUP DE GRACE OF THIS EP: DRUNK CASTIEL. Not understanding answering machines (the number-pressing afterward ajkdhka)! "I FOUND A LIQUOR STORE. AND DRANK IT."! UNFUNNY WHEN NOT IN ENOCHIAN JOKES! BEING CRANKY AND HUNG-OVER! Getting all in Sam's space (I loved all the Sam-Castiel interaction in this ep though lol suuuure Cas, SAM'S voice is grating?? REALLY, VOICE OF BATMAN-IEL?) and I laughed so hard at Misha's line-delivery of "Sam, of course, is an abomination." sjkafhajsh DYING ♥ ♥. On a more sober note, I additionally do enjoy the whole "THIS IS HOW CASTIEL BECOMES "The End!Castiel" RIDE that we're getting first-class seats to here.

SAM WAS SO GREAT IN THIS EPISODE <333. Yay for competent and knife-fighting Sammy! He looks like a sure bet to and better end up saving everyone's asses this season, because I hiiiighly doubt that Dean's shaping up to be any good (let alone Cas, though he still has his moments). SAM (and Bobby), TEAM FREE WILL'S HOPES ARE NOW RESTING ON YOUR GLORIOUS AND MANLY MAN MAN BROAD SHOULDERS ♥ Though I read comments about how weird and overly long his hair is getting now and I CAN'T UNSEE IT ANYMORE. There were bits in this ep where it was delightful poofy, I have to agree~

ALSO! Someone who is not a spoilerphobe should look at these clips of 5x18 and come flail with me. AHHHHHHHH.

The Vampire Diaries S1x17

ALTHOUGH EVERYONE IN THIS SHOW IS TO SOME EXTENT VERY TO EXTREMELY AWESOME, I TOTALLY AND UTTERLY AM WATCHING IT FOR ELENA AND ♥THE SALVATORES♥. Oh brother issues, how delightful you are to watch! Part of me that was hoping and wishing for Stephan to finally have reason to flip the fuck out or go slightly crazy looks to also have gotten what she wished for, ffff can't wait for next week's ep! Love the fact that Damon couldn't quite hide the extent of ~WUB he had for dearest bro this ep as well, and his reaction to Stephan in the last scene. AHHH I AM EXCITE about this CW vampire show that I was so ready to scoff at in the beginning. HAPPYSIGHHHH.

One of my greatest cliche loves is the genderswap trope, and to a large extent because I admit that I am fascinated by the thoughts behind visually adapting a current character's look/design and what their clothing/hair/body would translate to in the opposite sex. Obviously I expect that there should also be a bit more thought put into it if say, one were to write a genderswap fic, because man I think everyone has read one of these really simplistic and veering into insensitive and insulting depictions of "girliness"/"manliness"-- but just purely speaking on a shallow and pictorial level? THIS and HIGHSCHOOL/UNI!AUs are like my favorite things ever <33

Which is basically a long intro into the fact that oxboxer has made some brilliant ST genderswaps that are full of personality, with the added bonus of being ~fashionable ones that use actual clothes assembled together from Polyvore as a reference. SO GREATTTTT AHHH I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE.
The DUDES (Girl!Spock is perfection and I want her outfit, and okay that is a statement that can be taken as a blanket one... though perhaps not Kirk's. Even if it is SUCH AN INSPIRED CHOICE ahhhhh ♥) and the LADIES (DAAAMN Male!Uhura is hot~ and the reference for GUYLA is hilari-awesome)

fangirlism, braiiins, supernatural, tv, rl, the vampire diaries, carmen is the best, squee, the future is blinding, shenanigans!, star trek

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