Somewhat pleased with my lazy, lazy self.

Jan 18, 2010 00:37

Things I managed to do today, albeit with massive time delay:
1) Translate my CV into German, which was as hard as I figured and thus always procrastinated on. Had to fiddle for ages with the formatting to make it all fit on that one page, as what you can efficiently say in English always seems to grow to encompass a few more words when you try to translate it to German. Also, Carmen gave me some pretty big pointers on the way I structured my internship descriptions that I wouldn't have even have recognized as being hinky and incorrect from a German point of view. Which is something that always irritates me about myself, the fact that a part of me just clings to doing everything in English all the time even though I should know better and surround myself with more German, since there is a very high probability that I will need a more nuanced style when I start working. Though I have heard that my grammar fail is improving to just being "often kind of effed up", as opposed to like, "always".
NEXT UP: COVER LETTERS (in BOTH languages, woe)

2) Addressed and sealed the very last batch of mail that will finally be sent off this Monday. This was something I started ever since Fantastic Pizza Friday at darling cheshire_tabby's place, so I'm happy I can finally say that this year's wholly delayed batch of mail will soon be out of my hands. gwy, nebst and laliandra, expect some goods in a week or two or less, I guess :D

3) Somewhat cleaned the rooms! Well my actual plan of a leisurely evening spent cleaning was disrupted by the sudden and unexpected return of Sabrina, who just left yesterday at noon, what the hell. I knew that I should have vacuumed in the afternoon instead of procrastinating, but she left again pretty abruptly for a while and I used that time to hurriedly wipe down everything in the kitchen and bathroom with the magical goodness that are these household wetwipe towelette things. All the dust and hair is gone, and whatever I missed I will vac tomorrow once she leaves, and I can go back to feeling okay again. Sabrina's been oddly adherent to our new policy of wiping the kitchen down and keeping things in order, so it's important for me to be on my toes all the time, as well. CONSTANT VIGILANCE. Though, keeping with the niggling feeling of ~it's too perfect, I have noticed lipstick marks on my milk packets and more weirdly, on my toothpaste tube, too. Which is interesting, given that though I do drink from the milk packet, I haven't actually worn lipstick for ages (yes I am a slob, but it is only my germs, OR SO I THOUGHT). I don't even want to think about what she does to the toothpaste, but like I told Carmen (who was all "I will never understand the way Sabrina's mind works"), this is positively innocuous given previous happenings. I do feel kind of disturbed about drinking my milk now though :|

GORGEOUS BAG UNO ... I will never stop fantasizing about designer bags that are currently way beyond my means. I mean, I am a sucker for bowling bags anyways, but look how classy this is! The dark green and the black and that cut-out effect, ahh.
GORGEOUS BAG DOS ...I swear, if my memory doesn't fail me, this is the same bag that one of the PR higher ups owned at the internship and that I swooned over every day for nearly three months. Or it could've been one of the YSL Muse ones that have more structure. EITHER WAY. ONE DAY I WILL OWN THIS. So huge, so glorious.
Super cute White Collar vid ...seriously, just watching it made me have a big stupid grin on my face.

image Click to view

...I got this from a friends FB link and clicked because I was curious about the Moderndog song used in the clip, and did not expect to get utterly bowled over by the simple, yet super touching and effective animation. The vid is slow to start, and you're a bit confused as you watch it and try to glean what the plot it, but just stick with it for a bit and you'll see. SPOILER ALERT: THE LAST MINUTE MAKE ME TEAR UP IN HAPPINESS jkhsfjash ahhh even after multiple viewings. ♥ ♥ ♥

roomie u suck, fashion, rl, recs, austria 2010, so lazy, procrastination, youtube, lists, the future is blinding, schwag

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