BECAUSE YOU WERE FANTABULOUS WRT MAH THESIS, AND ALSO, I PROMISED :D A "doodle" that took foreverrrrr to do, since I became disturbed by the sloppiness of my lines and THE WOOOORLD, but uh, I hope you like what came out in the end, bb!
.....yeah, I DIDN'T. Still! I was tempted, but Uhura is awesome and I love drawing girls, so there ;DD I started out just wanting to draw Uhura in bitchin' heels and it kind of snowballed from there a bit lol. Notice also my ~~discrete~~ attempts at half-assing a background
NOW I MUST GO AND START PANICKING ABOUT MY YULETART ASSIGNMENT AHHH the idea I had in my head suddenly revealed itself as being stupid the more I thought about it, daaaamnit back to the drawing board it is, then!