You guys remember my one PR UE course that I was bitching about a few weeks ago? The one with the special and ~super productive~ group members? Well, we're in our final weeks and our end concept presentation is this Tuesday. Your simple and average PPP, and basically it is just a summary and rewording of all our assignments so far. Of the six of us, only three appear to class these days anyways, and one left after 20 minutes. Still, I discussed what we wanted to do with Lena and Martin, the former would be presenting with me, whilst the latter and the others who weren't here would do the PPP work instead. Sounded like a fair plan, right? Well, since I know these dudes by now, I sent another email off about meeting in person during this week. We had a location already (that had to be changed, because our usual one wasn't just Sven's "kind of world, you know....") and today was bandied around as a possible date. Only to then have the guy who originally volunteered(!!) to do the PPP say that he couldn't make it and that he basically didn't do anything yet (!!!), two just ignore the email, Lena saying that she could only make it at 10AM instead of noon and Sven emailing me that 10AM is TOO EARLY, as he works at night and it is "just inhuman to make him wake-up at such an hour".
So of course, Lena and I ended up being the only ones there at the
phil. Cafe, which was a nice enough place, but well. We did manage to whip up a presentation in two hours that I think is quite good, and we even left a bit FOR THE OTHER FOUR PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING GROUP TO DO. In the end, I sent off the PPP to the rest of the group, with a nice little passive-aggressive "joke" of hoping they like it, and if not it would be tough titties because THEY WEREN'T THERE. But of course Sven can't let anything like that fly. Oh no. He seriously writes that he doesn't really like the PPP "because of the colors we used" and that it "doesn't look professional enough". THE GLORIOUS GLORIOUS GALL OF THIS GUY. I type a reply explaining why I think that he should get off his damn high horse as people who didn't show GET NO SAY IN ANYTHING!!! not generalize that colors = unprofessional and childish-- and really? It was one of these templates with a white background/black text, the only "color" comes from two circles overlapping each other in the left hand side that are red and a warm yellow and the title of the slides which is a royal blue. Colors that mind you, are actually featured in the Bezirkswappen of the damn 10. Bezirk, which is why I chose it, HMMM.
And how does he reply to this? Well, he wants to make a ~*WHOLE NEW BETTER AND SHINIER PPP*~ instead that the rest of the group is supposed to choose from, instead of you know, ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK THAT STILL NEEDS TO BE DONE. As of now he is apparently designing T-shirts for our campaign. WE NEED THE SWOT-ANALYSIS AND THE EVALUATION METHODS URGENTLY YOU DUMBASS, STOP TRYING TO ALPHA MALE IT UP IN MY FACE.
Reasons why I still win are the mock-up posters for promoting 10. District love that I whipped up in Photoshop yesterday though,
IN CONCLUSION: Motherfuuuuuuuuck our group better get a good grade for this damn course, eventhough it doesn't really feel like a group project anymore, what with the brilliant participation of never more than TWO FUCKING PEOPLE AT ONCE.