Woo for Now-President Obama! Spent Tuesday squeeing a bit on
rahmbamarama and watching the Inauguration proceedings via CNN's online live feed that just managed to finally work in time for me to actually watch Obama get sworn in. Talk about lucky timing! What is there to be said really, besides the obvious fact that it was lovely to watch, and Obama's speech was making beautiful, beautiful love to the English language at times ♥
Which made it even more depressing, in a way, to come from that general feeling of all-round happiness to our PR-AT, where our obviously enthusiastic teacher (who even had a little Obama logo pin on her coat! O Hanni ILU even more now) wanted to get this discussion started and asked about our thoughts on the Inauguration/the new American politics and was then met with this resounding wall of indifference. And a strong hint of 'people who are psyched about this are somehow abnormal/lame/mindless US pawns'. There was this whole 'well the world shouldn't revolve around the damn amis and we should do well not to fawn over them too much' rhetoric that even Clemens was spouting, and I just started irrationally feeling really bad about being so excited. WHY YOU GOTTA BE SUCH DICKS, MY PR-AT PEOPLE DD:?? I mean, we moved on to the actual class lecture pretty quickly and it would've been a losing battle to really continue trying to defend my point, but it rankles nonetheless :///
I am also nearing a state of ~CALM PANIC~ for the Bildungspsychologie II exam this friday. I just need to pass this one elective! But it is a heckuva lot of stuff to study, and I doubt I would even crack the 4er mark if I do end up passing. GOODBYE BARELY ADEQUATE ELECTIVES GPA DD: The spectres of HIST-ARBEIT and BAKK1-ARBEIT und REFERAT are also looming menacingly over me, which is why I bought Häagen-Dasz Macademia Nut Brittle ice cream the other day! I needed it to uh, celebrate my continuous existence, oh yes ♥. IT'S ALL GONE NOW THO BOO ICE CREAM YOU NEED TO LAST LONGER.
And in loltastic dude news, I think I forgot to mention that sometime early last week St. Pölten dude drunk-smsed me at 2AM, and after some back and forth in a very illegible manner also confessed to me that: 'I think of yu[sic] every day, damn'. The 'damn' after the comma is such a lovely touch, lolol. And now he has even written me an email apologizing if he kind of made me feel awkward or anything-- I bet he just checked his outbox a few days ago and discovered what he actually sent off, ahhh. I mean, I was amused then and I am still amused, though maybe wincing at bit at the state of his English. Even sober it is a bit iffy, at least from what I've seen in written form so far. I should know better and actually try to just stick with German, but damn if I don't automatically default to English as my language of comfort and choice. CLEARLY I NEED TO DATE SOME AMERICAN/BRIT/AUSSIE/KIWI INSTEAD, WHERE ARE YOU FUCKS HIDING IN VIENNA D: