Starting to work my way through the meme-age :DD

Jan 10, 2009 01:02

Man you guys are gonna be SO SICK OF ME BLATHERING after these posts 8D 8D 8D

jorajo asks:
I SAY: The first bit of this is kind of answered in the other meme I will post later?? Um. But yeah, my life goals have always been very materialistic, I am not (that much) ashamed to admit. Money can't buy happiness, true, but I would rather be sad in a nicer neighborhood and all that. I want to see the world! I want experience different cultures and eat gourmet food! I want my parents to be happy and content! I want to be able to say 'fuck me, I want XX and I will get it' and well, you need money for that. I sometimes wish I would have this innate drive to honestly want to improve/save the world, but. I guess I'm a bit too cynical about my own drive/skills for that?? At most, what I can approximate is wanting to make things that at least could make a subjective part of someone's world seem better/nicer/prettier. I'm all about the instant gratification and tangible results and I think if I didn't want to go into advertising I would've went to hotel school or some other service industry thing, because I still want to interact with people and have the power to actually make something happen for them. And uh, little things that bring me lots of joy are basically the subjective pleasures in life-- good food, a nice nap, watching something funny or touching, getting a hug from a friend, getting some small token of affection from someone when you least expect it, having a good hair day, finding a sweet bargain in some shop tucked away in a side street...

I SAY: I AGREE WITH ANDY COOP, TURTLES ARE RAD. We've always had turtles as pets, these tiny Japanese ones that no one at the suspicious petshop tells you actually DON'T STAY TINY AT ALL. The current batch at Dad's house are giant beasts that ballooned from the size of the "O" when you make the OK sign with your fingers to larger than the size of my hands. "FOOK the Second" and "YOU", their names are! What about Fook the First, you ask? Well, Fook the First suffered an inglorious death by Rottweiler nearly two years ago, as Dad was cleaning their turtle crib and Nero apparently wanted to pick up and 'play' with the poor turtle. So Fook 1 ended up getting snagged on one of the dog's canines and probably died a slow and dreadful death as Dad chased Nero around the garden trying to get him to drop the turtle and Nero thought it was the BEST NEW GAME EVER WOO PARTY IN MY MOUTH!! But Fook 1 did get his revenge post-mortem, as I think the dog had the massive shits for the next three days :|. Speaking of pets that the dog ate, I think it was also a collaborative effort between Nero and the neighborhood birds/cats until Dad realized that an open fountain thing with fishes in the garden wasn't a feasible idea (FREE BUFFET lol what). At least in that case I think the dog just ate the fish accidentally when he was abusing the fountain as a giant drinking bowl??

mcollinknight asks: What is your favourite sport (to play and to watch)? Tell me about the best present you ever got. If you could have any pet in the world what would it be and what would you name it? And because I had to do it so I must make other people live through my own torture: Jon or Stephen?
I SAY: MARTIAL AAAAAAAARTS! The years I spent really doing Taekwondo were so much fun! KICKING IS THE BEST. Other than that I try to watch any and every Tennis match that features Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal, the happenings of the German Nationalmannschaft (foootbaaaall) and uh I admit I am transfixed by any televised showings of gymnastics, acrobatics, competitive dancing and figure skating. Also I watch swimming for the hot male bodies, tru fax.

My best present EVER was probably the combo of this gold bracelet with my name on it that I had apparently gotten when I was born and my Ma kept until I finished high school. I believe her exact words were "Now you can wear gold on your person on a day-to-day basis." lol. And with that she also gave me another gold necklace that my Dad had apparently given her when they were still dating and these two things are basically the only two pieces of jewelery I NEVER take off, ever. I'd have loved to get her old ring, too, but it didn't fit on my finger :( It's a bit weird I guess, hanging on to the mementos of my parent's failed marriage, by I like it nonetheless.

I admit that I had always wanted to have a pet weasel or ferret. I would probably call it BALTHASAR or some other really long name :DD! He would ride in a special weasel-ferret carrier specially made for him and we would have Awesome Adventures, oh yes.

AAAAND the Jon or Stephen question is actually harder than I thought at first, argh! ARE WE TALKING ABOUT WHO WE'D RATHER HAVE AS A FANTASY BOYFRIEND OR WHO WE LIKE MORE AS PUNDITS?? If it's the former I'd probably choose Stephen in the end, because even if I am actually when I think about it more drawn to Jon re:attractiveness and charisma (all shortness aside lol), I wouldn't probably be all that compatible with him in the long run?? And Stephen just seems like such a happy and loving person to spend the rest of your life with, siiiiiigh ♥. And if it's the latter I'd have to choose Jon, indeed because of his eloquence in expressing thoughts and opinions that never fail to make me ♥_♥ in admiration and adoration. THEY ARE BOTH GENIUSES BUT I KNEW OF JON BEFORE STEPHEN?? I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE AHHH.

cheshire_tabby asks: MUFFINS OR BROWNIES?
I SAY: MMMMMH PIE! I like both just fine, though muffins edge out by sheer virtue of ALL THE DIFFERENT KINDS AHH SO MUCH DELICIOUSNESS. WHAT WILL YOU BE MAKING FOR ME THIS EVENING (sat already woooo wann soll ich nochmal vorbeikommen??)

lol, living la vida uni, the rott-pack, rl, rahmbamarama, meme, food, squee, austria 2009

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