Today was proof again at how subjective time passing can feel like. Fucking around in Photoshop feels like minutes instead of three hours, while having to entertain Sara for around two hours again this afternoon has me covertly gazing at the clock every five minutes. Even the guests are remarking that I must be counting down to the third of January already (I SO FUCKING AM). I seriously still do not understand why I am so appealing to this kid >_>;;
And my attempt to at least get uni work done by offering to read her stuff from my uni texts instead of her usual standbys failed miserably, too lolol (it was worth a shot!!). ‘Laura’s Sandcastle’ and ‘Bussibär auf Safari’ for the 20th read-through it is, then! But one thing that Sara has taught me is apparently that I really really hate it when people whisper in my ear. Every time she tries to tell me some random secret I can hardly understand it because I am in a full-body writhe of the HEEBIE-JEEBIES.
Best quote of today had to be this exchange though:
SHAZ: I need to go to the bathroom.
SHAZ: …akfsdhj lol what.
I think I have figured out why I have yet to really make progress with anything I set out to do besides lie around like a stupid fuck bemoaning the fact that I have done nothing. My actual most productive time of the day, workwise, is actually the afternoon. The hours of 11PM to 3AM are also great, but not really an option since I am expected to actually get up and be a coherent person before noon XDD. And every day so far without fail, the afternoon is irrevocably filled with Sara time, and since I actually feel bad about escaping and locking myself in my room (oh I wish I could actually do this) that is how the hours between 1PM and 5.30PM pass without fail. It’s mostly even 7PM before Silvia drags her upstairs for bedtime. After which I am just happy to zone out in front of the TV and watch retarded MTV offerings like A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2 and enough CNN International that I can actually say the commercials basically by heart already (NEEDS MOAR ANDERSON COOPER BTW). But tomorrow after hopefully getting some internet and the mail FINALLY sent off, I at least have got to get the HIST-AT interview with Oma done by Tuesday. I’m gonna be back in Vienna next week already! A part of me is already jumping with joy, but with Vienna also comes the responsibilities of the BAKK1 Arbeit, the exams and what not. Jeebus fuck, do not want so much. YET I DIGRESS.
Today I also got to leave the house for the first time since Christmas day though, lol. Silvia decided to drag me out on a walk with her and Sara, with was nice enough for a while. If only the beautiful scenery of Krimml weren’t so damn boring to me, because hot damn, you see the same things EVERY SUMMER (and winter since ’06) since the last twelve odd years and well, it’s not exactly getting more thrilling. It was pleasant though, and oh so cold. And it got oh so fucking colder when Sara decided to stop every five minutes to poke at some random clumps of ice, and later in the last few hundred meters before the house ‘pelt’ me with “snowballs”(clumps of snow basically). At least her aim is still shit, ahhh. Was I ever glad to get back into the heated house >_>;; But I was not free, and somehow got roped into playtime in her room, where she actually refused to let me go back down to the others. So we read, and played house, played guitar, played Let’s Bake a Schnitzel and Let’s be Hairdressers and Make-up artists. And every time I’d suggest going down to see what Oma and Silvia were doing, she’d run to her door and cross her arms and beg to just stay here instead pleaaaaase pleaaaaaase pleaaaaaaaaase *puppy dog eyes*. Eventually (TWO HOURS) laters, Silvia showed mercy and came to collect us though. And she baked some Teigtascherl with applesauce and raspberry-rhubarb marmalade. There better be still some left tomorrow!
The best quote of today had to be this one:
SARA: When I’m six …*whispers* are you going to be dead?
SHAZ: ………...I hope not?
POST BUS FINALLY HERE AGAIN. Sent off the mail at long last (with a few stragglers remaining, RINNN I STILL NEED THAT US ADDY OF YOURSSSS) to the grand total of 15€. L-lol whoops. The perils of those large envelopes then! Hope they all reach you guys soonish! Also managed to get to ADEG again and buy even moaaaaar Schokospekulatius and some coke. And now glorious internet. MY DAY IS BASICALLY MADE ♥
...I think my glasses are a wee bit bent or crooked now ever since Sara kind of leaped into my arms/face the other day. WARGH. And lol the amount of times I've now mentioned her should warrant a tag of some sort, but oh am I too lazy to think of one. AH WELL. I HOPE THEY WON'T BE BACK TOO SOON TODAY kjaffajkh at least I got to post the
rahmbamarama artses I intended to today already though!