Apr 07, 2008 23:06
No matter how much I bitch around, am lazy or try to deny it, the fact remains that once I'm really into it, Taekwondo is the ~*♥sport of my heart♥*~. You're active! You punch things! YOU CAN KICK THINGS AND YELL LOUDLY! Release pent-up aggression whilst doing something for your general physical condition and endurance! (Learning Katas sucks but ahh well lololol)
So basically, this session earlier this evening was really just awesomeness spread out on a cake of FUCK YEAH. And it wasn't even the real instructor! The warm-up itself was intense already, and thankfully I wasn't the only one wheezing my way through simulating jumpkicks whilst hopping in a clockwise direction (amongst other such exercises XD). The actual lesson today was just an intro on how to punch correctly and a walk-through on how to do a front kick(or whatever the Korean title for it is that I can never remember anyway-- Teacher in school always taught us the simple english version I guess :P), which is actually MORE tricky when you break the move up into these tiny little steps but okay. The REAL fun came where we had to partner up and practice the front kicks by hitting the targets our partner was holding, always KI-YAHing, and then we moved up to JUMP front kicks. GOD IT WAS SO AWESOME ♥
And I think I kind of freaked my partner out by really getting into it and kicking as hard as I could. AH WELL. She asked what the hell I was doing in the beginner's course after I let slip how long I actually used to do Taekwondo, but honestly I would rather be in a beginner's course and redo the fun fun kicks than have to just work on katas and what not and do hardcore training or whatever happens in the advance course. Also, I KNOW I'd suck in any advanced course, my memory of katas that I should remember for being brown 1 is nonexistent and quite embarrassing and I am not really in the mood to try the jump front kick with BOTH legs I remember being a requirement for the test to brown 2. My tailbone already shudders in pain thinking about that, lol~
IT'S STILL SUPER FUN THOUGH and I am looking forward to next week already (even Clemens is hunky dory with it, even though he seemed reserved in the face of my immediate 'WASN'T THIS AWESOME? HUH???' reaction XD)
AND SPEAKING OF AWESOME: KAT I GOT YOUR MAIL!! EEEEE THANK YOUUUU SO MANY AWESOME SERIES TO WATCH NOW I DO NOT KNOW WHERE TO START!!! And ahahahaha the cover! DUDE I actually didn't recognize Tamaki Hiroshi at first... My mind was still filled with those stubble!Kame and Jin pics that I thought it was one of them and was really confused as to why the facial features were so different rofl faiiiiiiiiil Shaz, faiiiil XDD And to think I was actually complaining to Clemens this morning about my lack of mail~ HACH DAS LEBEN IST SCHÖN ♥
living la vida uni,
happy happy joy joy,
austria 2008,
omg kat,
can i be sporting person now?