In lieu of anything else: MUSIC RECS

Mar 17, 2008 18:13

EASTER HOLS HAVE STARTED (okay, since Friday actually, BUT whatever :D) and it is time to laaaaaaaaaaze around! And of course I have been hop-skip-clicking my way through far too many tabs at the same time. Internets, never leave me ♥
I hereby apologize for my constant changing template for such rec posts, laziness and short-term memory failings are hard to overcome, indeed ;D

(again, some have possibly already been posted before, but I am lame enough that I keep listening to the same songs over and over again, sometimes just with a few months/years gap. Hehe ^^)

__ Utada Hikaru- 'Stay Gold'(not the real vid, but this version has lyrics instead) and 'Heart Station'. OH MY GOD. Utada Hikaru again cements her status as the female vocalist of my heart. Love, love, love these new songs ♥. How can she consistenly be so awesome?? AHHH *__*

ALSO I stumbled over some techno-y remixes of some of her songs that, I must admit, are pretty awesome... well, I am addicted, at least XDD. 'Beautiful World (Official UDM Remix)', 'Sanctuary (Hikki's Remix), 'You Make Me Want to Be a Man (Bloodshy and Avant Remix) and 'Keep Tryin' (Acoustic Morning Remix) ...okay this kind of falls out of the 'techno-y' category, but is just really nice, ahh ♥

__ LUNA SEA- 'gravity' ...RETRO AWESOMENESSSSS ♥. Pimping them to gwy kind of rekindled my love for them, heh. 'I For You', 'Rosier'(warning for wonky and jarringly hilarious engrish in one part XDD), 'True Blue' and 'Tonight' also are TOP GRADE ROCKING songs of rockingness ♥. Man, I remember buying the tapes back when Tower Records wasn't 'CD Warehouse' in BKK and then listening to them OVER and OVER again on my walkman. GOOD TIMES ♥

__ Namie Amuro- 'Baby, Don't Cry'. 'Hanazono no Himitsu'(or 'Himitsu no Hanazono, I keep getting the title switched around) was such a fun dorama, and the constant playing of this theme song really helped in my enjoyment of it :D ALSO it was one of the few series, where when I mainlined it, I consistently let the credits always run. Such a happy, head-bopping melody~

__ Ayaka- 'Mikazuki'. Most people might recognize her voice from the FF7 Crisis Core game OST ('Why', a helluva BEAUTIFUL SONG god, add that song to the ending FMV= *BAWLING FOREVER* ;3;), and here's another song of hers I found really pretty. She has such a fantastically unique and deep/powerful voice for a japanese vocalist (to steal what some person on youtube said) and it makes her songs a treat to listen to.

fangirlism, living la vida uni, rl, recs, holidays, austria 2008, music, procrastination, youtube, squee, pimp, linkpimp

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