Or how watching certain eps of Smallville can be at turns cringe-inducingly bad when viewed alone, but oh snap nothing quite beats a jilted wannabe kryptonite freak prom queen who had previously possessed Chloe then hop over to possess Clark THEN Possessed!Clark socking Chloe on whilst uttering these PERFECT PERFECT WORDS. O Tom Welling I like you best when possessed~~
Other than that I am filled with imminent squeeeeee that I shall be sleeping over at Patty's place tomorrow, during which we shall be attempting to take the BKK club scene by storm! Or at least try and test how failsafe my shitty fake ID is, yush! Am meeting with Ginger and a friend of hers for lunch at Mos Burger in WTC earlier that day(and I thought this only existed in PoT fics!!) and later Pantip Plaza checking out. Here's hoping I can find Phil's wishlist of movies there~
Oh and here be some pics from random outings with peeps mentioned in some earlier entries and awesome MBK arcade shenanigans!
...Ginger was totally working the chinese fan-fu of AWESOME. Patty has a bunch of pics capturing the uh, intense fangirl discussion we immediately started to have and shit man I look SO DEMENTED and crazy handgesture-y in those >_>;; Must go to facebook and save em some other time for posterity!
...squished inna taxi! Me and B'day girl with Ging and two other girls en route to 'Crepes and Co.', which is devastatingly DELISH and has a real nice ambience (that we totally abused afterwards to take a gazillion pics in go go ASIAN GENES ^^V)
...I mean, COME ON!
MBK MBK MBK and a bit o Paragon and Siam: or by the time I do leave I am going to be SO SICK OF THIS PLACE ahahaha IT CAN HAPPEN
...this ad freaks me out every time I pass it at nearly every Skytrain station ever. There is one where the dudes are sandwiching the middle dude/themself in a diff direction too. ...*coughs*
...the first of many Guitar Hero pics made, this time with Patty's sis Amy and me. The other one with me and Patty playing has us with these hilariously blank expressions of :/ ness. So much for rocking out aahaha
..rematch with Migel tiiiime! I was playing with his sis's friend whom he dragged along and Migel kept waving the cam in our faces and hitting the flash grrrr XDD
...this one is kind of COOL, no? We are so poserrrrrrs raaargh :3
HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG KAT IT IS SO SO SOOOO AWESOME! Better graphics, same cheeeeeesy ass plot(OH NO SOMEONE IS LAUNCHING NUCLEAR MISSILES! WE MUST BATTER PAST THE UNDEAD HORDES TO SAVE THE WORLD!!!1), same vague level layouts and bosses BUT! Now you reload by shaking your gun, which btw is a semi-automatic!!! and you have a GRENADE BUTTON that you can launch handgranades into pesky zombie hoards! AAAAND you can get grabbed and shit by them and have to actually 'shake' yourself loose. It was quite the exercise!
Only con is that it costs like 20 baht pro life :/ BOOOOO
...as you can see, the chick is TOTALLY dressed for the occasion, go go heels and bitchboots and a snooty scarf XDD. The dude looks like some mafia boooosss (why could it be Makio D:)
...this was some tasty brownie and choc ice hotplate dishhhhh :Dbbb
SO yeah I shall be a bit MIA until Saturday evening ish~~~