...after more than two years(...has it been that long? Gawrsh), due to a collective effort between Dad and I, my king-size bed is now pushed to the far upper-left corner of my bedroom, which magically leaves me with a HELL OF A LOT MORE SPACE than what used to be there (since the bed was kind of SMACKDAB in the middle of the room). Colour me surprised and actually quite pissed off that we never thought of this earlier, as I can actually walk in my room now without hitting the bed or my cabinet or some other room fixture every second step!
KAT IT IS LIKE A WHOLE NEW PLACE maaan I gotta take some pics after I spruce things up a bit-- spent the whole afternoon tearing the place apart, dusting like a crazy woman(and discovering new colonies of empty gecko eggs yeaaaah >_>;;)... Flipping through my compulsively kept and decorated school agendas for 2002-2005 was kind of fun, especially the random input some people would scribble in and the fact that I'd basically abuse the homework planer as an impromptu diary. Which I uh, still do with my current ones ahahaha ^^. Also found a number of notebooks and sketchbooks and am again amused at my attempts at being 'deep and nearly emotastic' in some of them. I WROTE A POEM ABOUT THE COLOUR BLUE IN FIRST PERSON AND COMPARED IT TO MY FICTIONAL DEAD LOVER'S WATERBLOATED CORPSE ahahaahaha oh the SHAME. It was in one of the austro-summer hols notebooks though, so maaaybe that explains my emotional state a bit, lol. And okay more than half of the fics I had printed out in '02-03 are really aaaaaaaaaangsty.
So it seems I did have a teenaged waaah-phase, only subliminally experienced through fandom ...which I am quite thankful about in retrospect XDD
And as I am maaaybe meeting Patty again tomorrow and Migel I shall stop here and slowly go up and get me some beauty sleep.
With a few parting shots~
http://one-if-by-land.livejournal.com/225663.html ...KAT BECAUSE OF YOU I CAN NOW ACTUALLY READ JE FIC AND KNOW WHO THE HELL IT IS ALL ABOUT besides like Yamapi and MatsuJun who like everyone knows. Tegoshi is so cuuute in this one and if it is in any manner the way he actually is in real life I am a little bit smitten XDD
http://leviosa8.livejournal.com/534676.html ...I feel like I am drifting away a bit from PoT BUT hummina hummina these be some puuurdy artses! I kind of want to touch Oshitari ♥
AND btw KAT, I am today quite incapable of replying to your post as my computer is frozen on the part of the entry where Nagase Tomoya is WET and in the onsen and has that sultry LOOK and there's whatshisface's hand on his shoulder and my eyes are drawn to Nagase's lips and kind of are staying there and it is physically impossible to SCROLL DOWN. GUH GUH GUH. PLS CONTINUE TO MAKE SCREENSHOTS IN THAT VEIN! (do you have a sharper shot of that one btw? NEEDS TO BE A WALLPAPER MAN :D :D :D)