That 500 baht spent on the Motorola RZR extension cable thingamajigger was SO WORTH IT. For now I have a world of fiddling around oppurtunities open to me! I can make my own ringtones! Transfer my camera phone pics FINALLY and moaaaar. But these two are predominantly what I am obsessively hunched over XDD. I have refined my timing and cropping skills and am now the proud owner of the following ringtones:
_"Hare Hare Yukai" Hirano Aya (TMoSH OP)
_"Lonely in Gorgeous" Tommy February6 (Paradise Kiss OP)
_"Hachimitsu" Spitz (Honey and Clover anime)
_"Seishun Amigo" Yamapi and Kame (NOBUTAAAAAA wo Produce)
_"Minor Swing" Belleruche
and my personal favorite: "KATAMARI ON THE ROCK" YESSS nanananana katamari damashiiiiii nananananana :DDD!!
In a way I can't wait to get to use my austro-phone again and get calls eee new ringtone love!
Have otherwise been very easily distracted by the traveler IQ game over at Facebook-- yay for quizzes that mock my very fuzzy knowledge of the middle east/south america/north america and canada XDD I shall try and cram more knowledge in my brain though, my first go through was quite embarassing...
And wow, taking that break seemed to make photobucket come back from the dead, so here be some Cameraphone pics of C'mai! Since I am a shutterbug and can't deal with the loss of my camera, waaah D:
...stalking AJ is fun, as the following pics will attest :D (SUCH A HANDSOME BOOOOOOY *coooos*) times, AJ just likes to take it eaaaasy, bro
...yet flexibility is NOT a problem ( looks like he is so hamming it up for the camera XDD)
...can be be PARTY@ my plastic bag tiem now plz?
...working out some hunger and rage issues?? catbuttt
...he also makes a smashing wrap ;D (he looks so annoyed in this pic 8D) manicure! That I got a week ago and is quite flaking off now. Pls to note the Hello Kitty ring :Db normally something my mind allocates to Kat but this was just TOO cute and yay summer! But no fear, Kat I bought you one too, shall be sending it to ya with your package of laaate bday schwag on monday or so... You want a burned CD of prrrron and such again too? Tell me the date of the last CD I sent you so I don't repeat some of the dojins!
...I liked my dress and earrings today!
...giant mango we had for dessert!