Thinking up snazzy subject-headers is haaard :(

Jul 16, 2007 00:54

I seem to have trapped myself in a rut of never quite being able to go to bed at a decent time, which is all the more irritating given that our days in Chiang Mai tend to start bright and early... Heck, if I recall correctly I'm supposed to be up in a bout 7 hours so that Ma can also drag me to her thrice-weekly gym sessions. Wanted to get my written correspondence all wrapped up today as well but ahhhh... ze laziness is deeply ingrained within me. The awesome WIPs in HP and HnG that I have been reading these past few nights miiiiight have also contributed a bit to my time management probs, I suppose~~ ^^;;

But oh how I love Chiang Mai and staying with Ma ♥ -- it's delightfully not stressy, and now with the car(Dante the Honda CRV, all big and shiny and comfy) we can move about as we please and I am riding shotgun with FULL CONTROL over the music department :D, we eat delicious food, AJ is an adorable fluff of crazyass near silent cat and I fully admit it, I adore being able to really dress up and flounce about when we go places. At Dad's place it was always casual casual casuaaaaaaaaaaal and shorts and gammel and erggh due to the fact that we never really WENT places that warranted it and Sue and Ae and Dad are generally not so much with the stunning dress up wants. Always felt like I was going to seed, because damn if the routine of just wearing some oversized Tee and some stolen old track shorts or random jeans isn't hard to get out of once you're in it.

OH and Kaaaat! Youtube seems to now have taken a great big shit on my connection and I can't seem to load it EVER, have been trying for the last day since we talked :(( So I can't send you the clips and maaan am I ever dying to rewatch the Hare Hare Yukai dance and the Lucky Star OP... *WHINES* Am slowly looking up the GAZILLION doramas you've mentioned though and shall have hopefully genius replies of brilliance for you tomorrow :Db

and the world's my oyster, happy happy joy joy, rl, yay

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