first entry

Jul 16, 2015 18:14

I keep deleting my LJ account, because I find it hard to maintain more than one blog. Lately, however, I've increasingly found myself faced with the choice of posting crazy on my regular blog or relegating it to the hinterland of my mind, and have realized that a second blog is a desideratum, if I don't want to perish from craziness.

Also because it's mostly easier to post journalistic entries on LJ, for some reason. Maybe becuase it has JOURNAL in its name. Those of you who are still into such things will have noticed that I have gone back to writing fan fiction. There was a point in the recent past  - that is to say, four or so years ago - when I thought I had outgrown fan fiction. Apparently not. Even after graduating from college and finding myself on the brink of grad school, it does not strike me as odd that I should be writing fan fiction on the side while solving the great problems of the world.

And that doesn't even take into account my obsession with Slam Dunk, which only grows as I age. I need to look in the mirror every so often to make sure I haven't magically transformed into an anime character, as delightful as that would be.

I was going to say sappy things about missing my childhood, but I have to go to a dinner party at a random uncle's house, so I guess I'm still in some sense not past that stage of my life.

ring for sendoh, leave it to sendoh, sendoh in the offing, very good sendoh

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