First entry

Oct 27, 2006 14:02

I guess I should make my first entry in here, huh?

Well, last night..I guess I can talk about that?

I finally got Katie to go to sleep, which is nice. Meredith went down without problems (which is pretty usual, you know?) and Aerith was tired, so I told her she should get some rest too. I would've gone to bed with her, but Katie woke up and I was going to stay up doing some paper work for the Heaven anyway; I had to pay some bills today before I open it for the breakfast crowd.

So it was just me and Kate for a while. Even though she wakes up at night sometimes, she's never really cranky; she's got her mother's gentle nature. Her eyes, too. She just sits in the play pen and watches me until she falls asleep. It's really cute, though I'd prefer if she got some proper sleep, like her sister.

Two seperate schedules can't be good for them..well, maybe it doesn't matter..I guess I could ask Aerith. Hm.

Aerith was up early, as usual; she goes out to the garden in the morning most times, and I usually make breakfast for us if I have time. And then it's off to work..which would be where I am now, having a little dilemma with the staff. Most of my waitresses are college girls..and a lot of them are having scheduling troubles. Which mines I might have to hire a few more on, to pick up the slack.

This causes /me/ trouble because I have neither the time for auditions, or the money for more employees..but it's unavoidable. I'll just make do; I always have.

Oh well, nothing to complain about, really. Just silly work stuff. I just need to do the job and then get home for dinner, and see the kids before they go to bed. I wonder what we're having tonight?

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