Aborted evening..

Dec 11, 2010 20:21

Earl had to go back home due to his father being hospitalized. While disappointed we couldn't spend the night together I was way more worried about him, bit upset he didn't want me there as support. Eventually though, well more like several long minutes of thought and concerned made me realize that I was indeed more worried about HIM than anything else. I couldn't imagine the apprehension that would make this guy who normally drives way under the speed limit to break it ten times over getting home. I've been in that situation so I know what he was kind of going through.

Got a call though about 45 minutes ago from Earl saying his dad was ok, sleeping all taken care off. He was headed home to rest. Sigh, I am glad but still kind of wound up by the whole thing so I did what I normally do: buy stuff as I'd already eaten and had a drink earlier. I'm working on my blanket until I fall asleep with it in my lap.



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