Homesteading news

Dec 04, 2010 10:08

Ok loaded up on chicken food, shavings and straw for the birds. Decided to sell five of them to make way for a fresh flock of layers. Not quite ready to do both layers and fryers yet maybe when the barn is up I can do so because I will have extra space for birds. Betty still has worms so she will be de-wormed as soon as I get to Norco today to get the ride medicine for tapeworms. Birds to be sold are: Ebony, Delilah, Betty, Cindy and possibly Lucy. That would leave just Mina and Sarah to lay eggs for a few months. Should no one want Lucy then she gets to stay as she is a consistent layer. I narrowed down my birds to Easter egger, Delaware, Partridge Rock, Sussex and of course another Australorp. I'm aiming for docile birds who are good layers.

Thinking about adding an electric trimmer to my tool list so I can cut down some of the Lilac bushes, trim back the trees. I also need a small electric saw so I can really cut back that damned cypress tree so my 3rd raised bed gets better sun. If it were up to me, I'd get rid of the whole thing but that will take time to do so and perhaps a trip or two to the dump. Then the stump has to be killed and dug up but once that is done I can put either another raised bed in or make a spot for potted trees like Peaches or something like that.

Shed destruction is slated for maybe late Jan early Feb. I will only put in my order for the goats when I am sure I will have space ready for them. Goats grow quickly as I am sure I will not be able to get a Kinder milker with a daughter so I have to make room for growing babies. I figure I might do the same for the Pygoras wethers.

Earl has not seen the property yet but at least I want it to look like I've been doing something around here other than letting it slack off for the season. :p

pygora goats, farming, gardening, dwarf goats, kinder goats, homesteading, do-it-yourself project

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