Fuck the end of the day

Nov 02, 2010 19:59

Okay. Why the fuck did the bad crap have to wait until voting day when I don't use my allotted state hours to go vote early???

-First, I toss the work mail at the Post office then race over to the bank to get a check for my CC bill. All is well. I get out to the truck. Won't start. Just makes a ticking noise. WTF, I think-why NOW??? I was trying to get back to the post office so I could race out to Norco, give Kelly some treats before racing back home to vote.

-AAA comes around and it is the same guy from last time who proceeds to tell me he has a battery at his house he could get for $20 bucks. No fuck that noise, just jump the truck so I can go purchase another battery.

-Get to the shop, get battery, dude takes pity of frustrated woman and knocks almost $20 dollars off the bill. THANK YOU KRAGEN AUTO PARTS! Get battery outside and proceed to work with crescent wrench to remove six years of decay and shit around the connections. A good Samaritan pops over spends the next 20 minutes with me removing the old battery and installing the new one, connecting it, making adjustments, then finally getting the truck to start. I would have paid him but he took off so quickly after we got it started, I was only able to be very grateful and blessed.

So once all that was over it was a quick shot over the hill to vote my thoughts in (went almost all Green Party except for State Controller because John Chiang stood up to the governator over his stupid fucking furloughs then minimum wage shit when nobody else would so he got my vote). Where we have no Green party members, I just went democrap but maybe next time I'll toss my name in as I'd rather stick to my party.

I am so fucking glad to e home as I am a tired ass woman right now.

vote, bills, truck upgrades, work, horses health and well being, kelly

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