Ugh! What a day

Sep 02, 2010 20:09

Kelly had to have her shoes done like today because of a crack and the possibility it was causing a shoe boil on her leg. I had to have bloodwork done for whatever happens when you take HBP meds for a long time like I have. Oh yay but it wasn't too bad just the waiting was crazy. Like waiting for Kelly's farrier to show up while still having to go to work I got there sweating and didn't change clothing-no time!

At least Kelly has nice shoes for the parade on Monday but now I have a potential new problem. The "check engine" light came on the truck this evening as I pulled. I didn't have the a/c but still...what does it mean??? Also there has been a weird smell coming from the a/c vents when I turn on the a/c when the truck hasn't been running for a while. A quick Google search finds the problem to be something rather horrid: mildew! Apparently the condonsation building up inside the evaporator is a breeding ground for mildew. Ew.

So this weekend I guess I will have no wheels tomorrow as I let those folks down at the garage do some work. Vegas trip is going to be a light one. Oh well...there is always movies there and gym followed by pampering in the spa.

medical stuff, truck tune up, work, horses, horses health and well being, kelly

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