May 08, 2010 13:57
AKA Planting notes update! Yesterday was a busy day for digging, cutting and tossing things into the trash. All the boxes from the storage shead where removed then stomped before being dumped. Then I replanted some seeds from those that didn't come up at all. The okra never came up nor I thought at the time did the Jalapenos. This morning on further inspection I saw that indeed the Jalapeno hybrids did come up. Last time I will purchas them though. I am think when I go to Lowes today I will pick up some regular Jalapenos seeds just to be on the safe side.
I found the lima beans I had ordered at the bottom of the box the new seeds had come in. Searching fail for me as I was chewing them out for leaving them out. I soaked another set of Nasturtium seeds for the garden and planted them today. I also laid down some more Poppy flowers but more colorful ones. I don't think they will come pu to flowering this year but I hope to have pretty blooms for next year. After making it through the winter with some seriously freezing days, we have a gang of sweet pea growing in the sunny corner along with California's State flower orange Poppy. The spearmint is coming along fine although the thick clay soil seems to be preventing it from turning into a bother. It also helps that the clover is popping up happily so I hope but doubt I will see flowers this year.
The gardenia plant I purchased a few weeks back as finally put out its first rich scented flower. It is simply amazing and so deliciously bright. The other two plants, Broom and Breath of heaven seem to be hanging in ok in their pots but really I will have to put them either larger pots or in the ground. I am not too keen on doing the ground thing since we have gophers and hard soil but maybe it will be ok since I want more useful plants around instead of just the crap ppl plant every year with only an eye for color not function. I also tossed the last of the nasturtium seeds in that corner so we will have both trap crops as well as a steady supply of flowers. Being an annual I will leave the nasturtium to reseed itself.
I finally planted some strawberries as well as chamomile but you know....that is iffy too. Both packets have been in the freezer for MONTHS so germination is extremely so-so at best but I have my fingers crossed that the necessary warm weather they needed will help them awaken. If not I do have replacements for both seeds but darn it I'd rather they just grow :) I did want to focus not just on food but more herbs too. All have their place in the urban farm but more people need to use a wide assortment (not just the usual but their other varients as well) so in keeping with sustainable method. Plus sometimes you find that if the standbys don't work their cousins do quite well. Someone mentioned in a gardening blog that cinnamon basil is delicious with blueberries. Wow! How neat is that?
I have errants to run today but cleaning up the yard from the last couple of month's pruning activities is also important. I am now going through the left over apricot and plum branches to find my stakes for the beans. I might try the pole method too so I can protect the iceberg while still keeping within eye shot. I think Mom is pleased with the process of everything so far even if it is hard work trying to get this place in some kind of order. Eventually though I really need to look at the shead to save it or tear it down. I have not put in my order for goats but I feel I should either pee or get off that pot. Maybe in the Fall when I am either making a bit more money or Kelly has been sold I can look into that. Again since its is just wethers I am getting they probably can wait until mid 2011. I really would like a milking goat however I need to be closer than where I am working now. I think I will start to send out applications for Rehab offices or other state offices that might need an experienced office person.
Long post was long!!
planting notes,
urban farming,
dwarf goats,
sustatinable living,
do-it-yourself project,
herbal garden,
goat milk,