(no subject)

Jun 16, 2009 00:16

did not go to the stables. Just a growing sign that I need to really sell my horse not just for the $$$ but so she will have something else to do other than stand in a stall. I've seen the horses like that and they go mad. :\
I think I put my fist through the fucking screen as I hit backspace on accident a lost a pretty good size of my journal. HELLO LJ where's the rest of it?? It has been sitting there for 20 mins jerkfaces. >:(

Bah, time for bed. I only wanted to note that Lisa will be working with Kelly for the next month while I get her ready for sale.

Finished straightening my hair...a chore BUT worth it because the highlights look cool even if my real color is coming through. Like tri-colored hair. New pix for okcupid me thinks.

tired, life, money issues, stables

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