2009 Stock:
Pinto Beans
Cilantro, Santo
Bush Zucchini Spacemiser hybrid
Jalapeno Goliath Hyb
Masai(pvp) Filet Bean (french green bush bean)
Tomato, Box Car Willie (heirloom)
Tomato, Burpee's Delicious (giant Heirloom)
Tomato, Pear Goliath hyb (backorder, damnit)
Spinach, Giant noble
Cabbage, Mini Gonzales
Carrot, Prodigy
Cucumber, General Lee hyb (cutting)
Melon, Ambrosia hyb
Sweet Onion (spanish)
Greek Salad Onion
Sweet Pepper, California Wonder
Alpine Strawberry
Bok Choi hyb
Bunching Crimson Onions
Hot Pepper, Serrano
Chamomile, German
Chamomile, Roman
Mexican Marigold (herb)
Ground Control Marigold
Current Stock (2008):
Garden Pea, Wando
California Black Eye pea
Lettuce, Favorite blend
Basil, Genovese
Lettuce mix Mild Mesclun
Potted Cucumber (going into comput as they sucked)
Bush Cukes (compost bound)
Cilantro, Santo (not many seeds)
Porter Tomatoes (might plant)
Spinach, Tyree hyb
Anahiem Chili
Kandy Korn
Iceberg (good potted canidate)
Dill, Fernleaf
Pink Clover
Bermagot, Lemon
Carrots, Kuroda
2007 stock (still doable)
Collards, Vates
Red Clover
Pansy (Violets)
Giant Yellow Hyssop
Sweet marigold
Anise Hyssop
Purple Coneflower
Wild Strawberry
Whew! That's enough isn't it! I guess if something fails I have a lot of back up. I need better storage for the seeds. Any 2007 stock at the end of this year not used will be composted. I still have some bare root plants to order but that can wait until next month so the garage is more clean out for them, new pots and the chickens.