Oct 13, 2007 17:00
Perhaps. Doing my hair is a chore-such is life when one has crappy nappy such as mine. However, heat and choice, light chemicals for the most part will maintain its straightness. What do I have to do? Work at taking care of the hair.
I've already started by change of diet. I contribute that to the unusual strenghten of my hair, possibly the lessened dry scalp. The curly mess has been tamed to show just how long my hair has gotten. It is passed my shoulders in some parts with bit of it so long it seems to be heading towards my bra strap. Granted, bad cuts a few months ago gave me this uneven hair style, just like it did my horse but eventually, it all smoothed itself out. The damp weather of course is making it poof here and there but for the most part, it has stayed pretty straight.
I purchased some tools to keep it healthy and smooth while continuing to eat properly will keep it happy via the hair follicus.
Doing my hair is a chore-but one I can choose to make pleasant by looking beyond just the task itself.
deep thoughts,
rainy cloudy day